# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable
import aiohttp
import requests
import tenacity
from aiohttp import ClientResponseError
from asgiref.sync import sync_to_async
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from requests.models import DEFAULT_REDIRECT_LIMIT
from requests_toolbelt.adapters.socket_options import TCPKeepAliveAdapter
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.hooks.base import BaseHook
from aiohttp.client_reqrep import ClientResponse
from airflow.models import Connection
def _url_from_endpoint(base_url: str | None, endpoint: str | None) -> str:
"""Combine base url with endpoint."""
if base_url and not base_url.endswith("/") and endpoint and not endpoint.startswith("/"):
return f"{base_url}/{endpoint}"
return (base_url or "") + (endpoint or "")
[docs]class HttpHook(BaseHook):
Interact with HTTP servers.
:param method: the API method to be called
:param http_conn_id: :ref:`http connection<howto/connection:http>` that has the base
API url i.e https://www.google.com/ and optional authentication credentials. Default
headers can also be specified in the Extra field in json format.
:param auth_type: The auth type for the service
:param tcp_keep_alive: Enable TCP Keep Alive for the connection.
:param tcp_keep_alive_idle: The TCP Keep Alive Idle parameter (corresponds to ``socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE``).
:param tcp_keep_alive_count: The TCP Keep Alive count parameter (corresponds to ``socket.TCP_KEEPCNT``)
:param tcp_keep_alive_interval: The TCP Keep Alive interval parameter (corresponds to
:param auth_args: extra arguments used to initialize the auth_type if different than default HTTPBasicAuth
[docs] conn_name_attr = "http_conn_id"
[docs] default_conn_name = "http_default"
def __init__(
method: str = "POST",
http_conn_id: str = default_conn_name,
auth_type: Any = None,
tcp_keep_alive: bool = True,
tcp_keep_alive_idle: int = 120,
tcp_keep_alive_count: int = 20,
tcp_keep_alive_interval: int = 30,
) -> None:
self.http_conn_id = http_conn_id
self.method = method.upper()
self.base_url: str = ""
self._retry_obj: Callable[..., Any]
self._auth_type: Any = auth_type
self.tcp_keep_alive = tcp_keep_alive
self.keep_alive_idle = tcp_keep_alive_idle
self.keep_alive_count = tcp_keep_alive_count
self.keep_alive_interval = tcp_keep_alive_interval
[docs] def auth_type(self):
return self._auth_type or HTTPBasicAuth
def auth_type(self, v):
self._auth_type = v
# headers may be passed through directly or in the "extra" field in the connection
# definition
[docs] def get_conn(self, headers: dict[Any, Any] | None = None) -> requests.Session:
Create a Requests HTTP session.
:param headers: additional headers to be passed through as a dictionary
session = requests.Session()
if self.http_conn_id:
conn = self.get_connection(self.http_conn_id)
if conn.host and "://" in conn.host:
self.base_url = conn.host
# schema defaults to HTTP
schema = conn.schema if conn.schema else "http"
host = conn.host if conn.host else ""
self.base_url = f"{schema}://{host}"
if conn.port:
self.base_url += f":{conn.port}"
if conn.login:
session.auth = self.auth_type(conn.login, conn.password)
elif self._auth_type:
session.auth = self.auth_type()
if conn.extra:
extra = conn.extra_dejson
"timeout", None
) # ignore this as timeout is only accepted in request method of Session
extra.pop("allow_redirects", None) # ignore this as only max_redirects is accepted in Session
session.proxies = extra.pop("proxies", extra.pop("proxy", {}))
session.stream = extra.pop("stream", False)
session.verify = extra.pop("verify", extra.pop("verify_ssl", True))
session.cert = extra.pop("cert", None)
session.max_redirects = extra.pop("max_redirects", DEFAULT_REDIRECT_LIMIT)
session.trust_env = extra.pop("trust_env", True)
except TypeError:
self.log.warning("Connection to %s has invalid extra field.", conn.host)
if headers:
return session
[docs] def run(
endpoint: str | None = None,
data: dict[str, Any] | str | None = None,
headers: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
extra_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
**request_kwargs: Any,
) -> Any:
Perform the request.
:param endpoint: the endpoint to be called i.e. resource/v1/query?
:param data: payload to be uploaded or request parameters
:param headers: additional headers to be passed through as a dictionary
:param extra_options: additional options to be used when executing the request
i.e. {'check_response': False} to avoid checking raising exceptions on non
2XX or 3XX status codes
:param request_kwargs: Additional kwargs to pass when creating a request.
For example, ``run(json=obj)`` is passed as ``requests.Request(json=obj)``
extra_options = extra_options or {}
session = self.get_conn(headers)
url = _url_from_endpoint(self.base_url, endpoint)
if self.tcp_keep_alive:
keep_alive_adapter = TCPKeepAliveAdapter(
idle=self.keep_alive_idle, count=self.keep_alive_count, interval=self.keep_alive_interval
session.mount(url, keep_alive_adapter)
if self.method == "GET":
# GET uses params
req = requests.Request(self.method, url, params=data, headers=headers, **request_kwargs)
elif self.method == "HEAD":
# HEAD doesn't use params
req = requests.Request(self.method, url, headers=headers, **request_kwargs)
# Others use data
req = requests.Request(self.method, url, data=data, headers=headers, **request_kwargs)
prepped_request = session.prepare_request(req)
self.log.debug("Sending '%s' to url: %s", self.method, url)
return self.run_and_check(session, prepped_request, extra_options)
[docs] def check_response(self, response: requests.Response) -> None:
Check the status code and raise on failure.
:param response: A requests response object.
:raise AirflowException: If the response contains a status code not
in the 2xx and 3xx range.
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
self.log.error("HTTP error: %s", response.reason)
raise AirflowException(str(response.status_code) + ":" + response.reason)
[docs] def run_and_check(
session: requests.Session,
prepped_request: requests.PreparedRequest,
extra_options: dict[Any, Any],
) -> Any:
Grab extra options, actually run the request, and check the result.
:param session: the session to be used to execute the request
:param prepped_request: the prepared request generated in run()
:param extra_options: additional options to be used when executing the request
i.e. ``{'check_response': False}`` to avoid checking raising exceptions on non 2XX
or 3XX status codes
extra_options = extra_options or {}
settings = session.merge_environment_settings(
proxies=extra_options.get("proxies", {}),
stream=extra_options.get("stream", False),
# Send the request.
send_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {
"timeout": extra_options.get("timeout"),
"allow_redirects": extra_options.get("allow_redirects", True),
response = session.send(prepped_request, **send_kwargs)
if extra_options.get("check_response", True):
return response
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ex:
self.log.warning("%s Tenacity will retry to execute the operation", ex)
raise ex
[docs] def run_with_advanced_retry(self, _retry_args: dict[Any, Any], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
Run the hook with retry.
This is useful for connectors which might be disturbed by intermittent
issues and should not instantly fail.
:param _retry_args: Arguments which define the retry behaviour.
See Tenacity documentation at https://github.com/jd/tenacity
.. code-block:: python
hook = HttpHook(http_conn_id="my_conn", method="GET")
retry_args = dict(
hook.run_with_advanced_retry(endpoint="v1/test", _retry_args=retry_args)
self._retry_obj = tenacity.Retrying(**_retry_args)
# TODO: remove ignore type when https://github.com/jd/tenacity/issues/428 is resolved
return self._retry_obj(self.run, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs] def url_from_endpoint(self, endpoint: str | None) -> str:
"""Combine base url with endpoint."""
return _url_from_endpoint(base_url=self.base_url, endpoint=endpoint)
[docs] def test_connection(self):
"""Test HTTP Connection."""
return True, "Connection successfully tested"
except Exception as e:
return False, str(e)
[docs]class HttpAsyncHook(BaseHook):
Interact with HTTP servers asynchronously.
:param method: the API method to be called
:param http_conn_id: http connection id that has the base
API url i.e https://www.google.com/ and optional authentication credentials. Default
headers can also be specified in the Extra field in json format.
:param auth_type: The auth type for the service
[docs] conn_name_attr = "http_conn_id"
[docs] default_conn_name = "http_default"
def __init__(
method: str = "POST",
http_conn_id: str = default_conn_name,
auth_type: Any = aiohttp.BasicAuth,
retry_limit: int = 3,
retry_delay: float = 1.0,
) -> None:
self.http_conn_id = http_conn_id
self.method = method.upper()
self.base_url: str = ""
self._retry_obj: Callable[..., Any]
self.auth_type: Any = auth_type
if retry_limit < 1:
raise ValueError("Retry limit must be greater than equal to 1")
self.retry_limit = retry_limit
self.retry_delay = retry_delay
[docs] async def run(
endpoint: str | None = None,
data: dict[str, Any] | str | None = None,
json: dict[str, Any] | str | None = None,
headers: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
extra_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> ClientResponse:
Perform an asynchronous HTTP request call.
:param endpoint: Endpoint to be called, i.e. ``resource/v1/query?``.
:param data: Payload to be uploaded or request parameters.
:param json: Payload to be uploaded as JSON.
:param headers: Additional headers to be passed through as a dict.
:param extra_options: Additional kwargs to pass when creating a request.
For example, ``run(json=obj)`` is passed as
extra_options = extra_options or {}
# headers may be passed through directly or in the "extra" field in the connection
# definition
_headers = {}
auth = None
if self.http_conn_id:
conn = await sync_to_async(self.get_connection)(self.http_conn_id)
if conn.host and "://" in conn.host:
self.base_url = conn.host
# schema defaults to HTTP
schema = conn.schema if conn.schema else "http"
host = conn.host if conn.host else ""
self.base_url = schema + "://" + host
if conn.port:
self.base_url += f":{conn.port}"
if conn.login:
auth = self.auth_type(conn.login, conn.password)
if conn.extra:
extra = self._process_extra_options_from_connection(conn=conn, extra_options=extra_options)
except TypeError:
self.log.warning("Connection to %s has invalid extra field.", conn.host)
if headers:
url = _url_from_endpoint(self.base_url, endpoint)
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
if self.method == "GET":
request_func = session.get
elif self.method == "POST":
request_func = session.post
elif self.method == "PATCH":
request_func = session.patch
elif self.method == "HEAD":
request_func = session.head
elif self.method == "PUT":
request_func = session.put
elif self.method == "DELETE":
request_func = session.delete
elif self.method == "OPTIONS":
request_func = session.options
raise AirflowException(f"Unexpected HTTP Method: {self.method}")
for attempt in range(1, 1 + self.retry_limit):
response = await request_func(
params=data if self.method == "GET" else None,
data=data if self.method in ("POST", "PUT", "PATCH") else None,
except ClientResponseError as e:
"[Try %d of %d] Request to %s failed.",
if not self._retryable_error_async(e) or attempt == self.retry_limit:
self.log.exception("HTTP error with status: %s", e.status)
# In this case, the user probably made a mistake.
# Don't retry.
raise AirflowException(f"{e.status}:{e.message}")
await asyncio.sleep(self.retry_delay)
return response
raise NotImplementedError # should not reach this, but makes mypy happy
def _process_extra_options_from_connection(cls, conn: Connection, extra_options: dict) -> dict:
extra = conn.extra_dejson
extra.pop("stream", None)
extra.pop("cert", None)
proxies = extra.pop("proxies", extra.pop("proxy", None))
timeout = extra.pop("timeout", None)
verify_ssl = extra.pop("verify", extra.pop("verify_ssl", None))
allow_redirects = extra.pop("allow_redirects", None)
max_redirects = extra.pop("max_redirects", None)
trust_env = extra.pop("trust_env", None)
if proxies is not None and "proxy" not in extra_options:
extra_options["proxy"] = proxies
if timeout is not None and "timeout" not in extra_options:
extra_options["timeout"] = timeout
if verify_ssl is not None and "verify_ssl" not in extra_options:
extra_options["verify_ssl"] = verify_ssl
if allow_redirects is not None and "allow_redirects" not in extra_options:
extra_options["allow_redirects"] = allow_redirects
if max_redirects is not None and "max_redirects" not in extra_options:
extra_options["max_redirects"] = max_redirects
if trust_env is not None and "trust_env" not in extra_options:
extra_options["trust_env"] = trust_env
return extra
def _retryable_error_async(self, exception: ClientResponseError) -> bool:
Determine whether an exception may successful on a subsequent attempt.
It considers the following to be retryable:
- requests_exceptions.ConnectionError
- requests_exceptions.Timeout
- anything with a status code >= 500
Most retryable errors are covered by status code >= 500.
if exception.status == 429:
# don't retry for too Many Requests
return False
if exception.status == 413:
# don't retry for payload Too Large
return False
return exception.status >= 500