This module contains a Google Cloud Vision Hook.

Module Contents



Helper class to determine entity name.


Hook for Google Cloud Vision APIs.

Attributes = Multiline-String[source]
Show Value
1The {label} name provided in the object ({explicit_name}) is different
2    than the name created from the input parameters ({constructed_name}). Please either:
3    1) Remove the {label} name,
4    2) Remove the location and {id_label} parameters,
5    3) Unify the {label} name and input parameters. = Multiline-String[source]
Show Value
1Unable to determine the {label} name. Please either set the name directly
2    in the {label} object or provide the `location` and `{id_label}` parameters.
class, id_label, get_path)[source]

Helper class to determine entity name.

get_entity_with_name(self, entity, entity_id, location, project_id)[source]

Check if entity has the name attribute set: * If so, no action is taken.

  • If not, and the name can be constructed from other parameters provided, it is created and filled in

    the entity.

  • If both the entity’s ‘name’ attribute is set and the name can be constructed from other parameters


    • If they are the same - no action is taken

    • if they are different - an exception is thrown.

  • entity (Any) – Entity

  • entity_id (Optional[str]) – Entity id

  • location (Optional[str]) – Location

  • project_id (str) – The id of Google Cloud Vision project.


The same entity or entity with new name

Return type




class'google_cloud_default', delegate_to=None, impersonation_chain=None)[source]


Hook for Google Cloud Vision APIs.

All the methods in the hook where project_id is used must be called with keyword arguments rather than positional.


Retrieves connection to Cloud Vision.


Google Cloud Vision client object.

Return type


Creates ImageAnnotatorClient.


Google Image Annotator client object.

Return type

create_product_set(self, location, product_set, project_id=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID, product_set_id=None, retry=DEFAULT, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

For the documentation see: CloudVisionCreateProductSetOperator

get_product_set(self, location, product_set_id, project_id=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID, retry=DEFAULT, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

For the documentation see: CloudVisionGetProductSetOperator

update_product_set(self, product_set, project_id=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID, location=None, product_set_id=None, update_mask=None, retry=DEFAULT, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

For the documentation see: CloudVisionUpdateProductSetOperator

delete_product_set(self, location, product_set_id, project_id=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID, retry=DEFAULT, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

For the documentation see: CloudVisionDeleteProductSetOperator

create_product(self, location, product, project_id=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID, product_id=None, retry=DEFAULT, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

For the documentation see: CloudVisionCreateProductOperator

get_product(self, location, product_id, project_id=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID, retry=DEFAULT, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

For the documentation see: CloudVisionGetProductOperator

update_product(self, product, project_id=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID, location=None, product_id=None, update_mask=None, retry=DEFAULT, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

For the documentation see: CloudVisionUpdateProductOperator

delete_product(self, location, product_id, project_id=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID, retry=DEFAULT, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

For the documentation see: CloudVisionDeleteProductOperator

create_reference_image(self, location, product_id, reference_image, project_id, reference_image_id=None, retry=DEFAULT, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

For the documentation see: CloudVisionCreateReferenceImageOperator

delete_reference_image(self, location, product_id, reference_image_id, project_id, retry=DEFAULT, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

For the documentation see: CloudVisionDeleteReferenceImageOperator

add_product_to_product_set(self, product_set_id, product_id, project_id, location=None, retry=DEFAULT, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

For the documentation see: CloudVisionAddProductToProductSetOperator

remove_product_from_product_set(self, product_set_id, product_id, project_id, location=None, retry=DEFAULT, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

For the documentation see: CloudVisionRemoveProductFromProductSetOperator

annotate_image(self, request, retry=DEFAULT, timeout=None)[source]

For the documentation see: CloudVisionImageAnnotateOperator

batch_annotate_images(self, requests, retry=DEFAULT, timeout=None)[source]

For the documentation see: CloudVisionImageAnnotateOperator

text_detection(self, image, max_results=None, retry=DEFAULT, timeout=None, additional_properties=None)[source]

For the documentation see: CloudVisionDetectTextOperator

document_text_detection(self, image, max_results=None, retry=DEFAULT, timeout=None, additional_properties=None)[source]

For the documentation see: CloudVisionTextDetectOperator

label_detection(self, image, max_results=None, retry=DEFAULT, timeout=None, additional_properties=None)[source]

For the documentation see: CloudVisionDetectImageLabelsOperator

safe_search_detection(self, image, max_results=None, retry=DEFAULT, timeout=None, additional_properties=None)[source]

For the documentation see: CloudVisionDetectImageSafeSearchOperator

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