Hook for Google Cloud Build service.

Module Contents



Hook for the Google Cloud Build Service.

Attributes = 5[source]
class'google_cloud_default', delegate_to=None, impersonation_chain=None)[source]


Hook for the Google Cloud Build Service.

  • gcp_conn_id (str) -- The connection ID to use when fetching connection info.

  • delegate_to (Optional[str]) -- The account to impersonate using domain-wide delegation of authority, if any. For this to work, the service account making the request must have domain-wide delegation enabled.

  • impersonation_chain (Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]]) -- Optional service account to impersonate using short-term credentials, or chained list of accounts required to get the access_token of the last account in the list, which will be impersonated in the request. If set as a string, the account must grant the originating account the Service Account Token Creator IAM role. If set as a sequence, the identities from the list must grant Service Account Token Creator IAM role to the directly preceding identity, with first account from the list granting this role to the originating account.


Retrieves the connection to Google Cloud Build.


Google Cloud Build client object.

Return type

cancel_build(self, id_, project_id=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

Cancels a build in progress.

  • id -- The ID of the build.

  • project_id (str) -- Optional, Google Cloud Project project_id where the function belongs. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used.

  • retry (Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]) -- Optional, a retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

  • timeout (Optional[float]) -- Optional, the amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

  • metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]) -- Optional, additional metadata that is provided to the method.

Return type

create_build(self, build, project_id=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID, wait=True, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

Starts a build with the specified configuration.

  • build (Union[Dict,]) -- The build resource to create. If a dict is provided, it must be of the same form as the protobuf message

  • project_id (str) -- Optional, Google Cloud Project project_id where the function belongs. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used.

  • wait (bool) -- Optional, wait for operation to finish.

  • retry (Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]) -- Optional, a retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

  • timeout (Optional[float]) -- Optional, the amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

  • metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]) -- Optional, additional metadata that is provided to the method.

Return type

create_build_trigger(self, trigger, project_id=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

Creates a new BuildTrigger.

  • trigger (Union[dict,]) -- The BuildTrigger to create. If a dict is provided, it must be of the same form as the protobuf message

  • project_id (str) -- Optional, Google Cloud Project project_id where the function belongs. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used.

  • retry (Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]) -- Optional, a retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

  • timeout (Optional[float]) -- Optional, the amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

  • metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]) -- Optional, additional metadata that is provided to the method.

Return type

delete_build_trigger(self, trigger_id, project_id=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

Deletes a BuildTrigger by its project ID and trigger ID.

  • trigger_id (str) -- The ID of the BuildTrigger to delete.

  • project_id (str) -- Optional, Google Cloud Project project_id where the function belongs. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used.

  • retry (Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]) -- Optional, a retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

  • timeout (Optional[float]) -- Optional, the amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

  • metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]) -- Optional, additional metadata that is provided to the method.

get_build(self, id_, project_id=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

Returns information about a previously requested build.

  • id -- The ID of the build.

  • project_id (str) -- Optional, Google Cloud Project project_id where the function belongs. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used.

  • retry (Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]) -- Optional, a retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

  • timeout (Optional[float]) -- Optional, the amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

  • metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]) -- Optional, additional metadata that is provided to the method.

Return type

get_build_trigger(self, trigger_id, project_id=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

Returns information about a BuildTrigger.

  • trigger_id (str) -- The ID of the BuildTrigger to get.

  • project_id (str) -- Optional, Google Cloud Project project_id where the function belongs. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used.

  • retry (Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]) -- Optional, a retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

  • timeout (Optional[float]) -- Optional, the amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

  • metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]) -- Optional, additional metadata that is provided to the method.

Return type

list_build_triggers(self, location, project_id=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID, page_size=None, page_token=None, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

Lists existing BuildTriggers.

  • project_id (str) -- Google Cloud Project project_id where the function belongs. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used.

  • location (str) -- The location of the project.

  • page_size (Optional[int]) -- Optional, number of results to return in the list.

  • page_token (Optional[str]) -- Optional, token to provide to skip to a particular spot in the list.

  • retry (Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]) -- Optional, a retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

  • timeout (Optional[float]) -- Optional, the amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

  • metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]) -- Optional, additional metadata that is provided to the method.

Return type

list_builds(self, location, project_id=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID, page_size=None, page_token=None, filter_=None, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

Lists previously requested builds.

  • project_id (str) -- Google Cloud Project project_id where the function belongs. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the Google Cloud connection is used.

  • location (str) -- The location of the project.

  • page_size (Optional[int]) -- Optional, number of results to return in the list.

  • page_token (Optional[int]) -- Optional, token to provide to skip to a particular spot in the list.

  • filter -- Optional, the raw filter text to constrain the results.

  • retry (Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]) -- Optional, a retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

  • timeout (Optional[float]) -- Optional, the amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

  • metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]) -- Optional, additional metadata that is provided to the method.

Return type


retry_build(self, id_, project_id=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID, wait=True, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

Creates a new build based on the specified build. This method creates a new build using the original build request, which may or may not result in an identical build.

  • id -- Build ID of the original build.

  • project_id (str) -- Optional, Google Cloud Project project_id where the function belongs. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used.

  • wait (bool) -- Optional, wait for operation to finish.

  • retry (Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]) -- Optional, a retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

  • timeout (Optional[float]) -- Optional, the amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

  • metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]) -- Optional, additional metadata that is provided to the method.

Return type

run_build_trigger(self, trigger_id, source, project_id=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID, wait=True, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

Runs a BuildTrigger at a particular source revision.

  • trigger_id (str) -- The ID of the trigger.

  • source (Union[dict,]) -- Source to build against this trigger. If a dict is provided, it must be of the same form as the protobuf message

  • project_id (str) -- Optional, Google Cloud Project project_id where the function belongs. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used.

  • wait (bool) -- Optional, wait for operation to finish.

  • retry (Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]) -- Optional, a retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

  • timeout (Optional[float]) -- Optional, the amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

  • metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]) -- Optional, additional metadata that is provided to the method.

Return type

update_build_trigger(self, trigger_id, trigger, project_id, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=())[source]

Updates a BuildTrigger by its project ID and trigger ID.

  • trigger_id (str) -- The ID of the trigger.

  • trigger (Union[dict,]) -- The BuildTrigger to create. If a dict is provided, it must be of the same form as the protobuf message

  • project_id (str) -- Optional, Google Cloud Project project_id where the function belongs. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used.

  • retry (Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]) -- Optional, a retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will not be retried.

  • timeout (Optional[float]) -- Optional, the amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

  • metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]) -- Optional, additional metadata that is provided to the method.

Return type

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