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## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file# distributed with this work for additional information# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,# software distributed under the License is distributed on an# "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the# specific language governing permissions and limitations# under the License."""This module contains a Google Cloud Vertex AI Generative Model hook."""from__future__importannotationsfromtypingimportSequenceimportvertexaifromdeprecatedimportdeprecatedfromvertexai.generative_modelsimportGenerativeModel,Partfromvertexai.language_modelsimportTextEmbeddingModel,,GoogleBaseHook
[docs]classGenerativeModelHook(GoogleBaseHook):"""Hook for Google Cloud Vertex AI Generative Model APIs."""def__init__(self,gcp_conn_id:str="google_cloud_default",impersonation_chain:str|Sequence[str]|None=None,**kwargs,):ifkwargs.get("delegate_to")isnotNone:raiseRuntimeError("The `delegate_to` parameter has been deprecated before and finally removed in this version"" of Google Provider. You MUST convert it to `impersonate_chain`")super().__init__(gcp_conn_id=gcp_conn_id,impersonation_chain=impersonation_chain,**kwargs)
[docs]defget_text_generation_model(self,pretrained_model:str):"""Return a Model Garden Model object based on Text Generation."""model=TextGenerationModel.from_pretrained(pretrained_model)returnmodel
[docs]defget_text_embedding_model(self,pretrained_model:str):"""Return a Model Garden Model object based on Text Embedding."""model=TextEmbeddingModel.from_pretrained(pretrained_model)returnmodel
[docs]defget_generative_model(self,pretrained_model:str)->GenerativeModel:"""Return a Generative Model object."""model=GenerativeModel(pretrained_model)returnmodel
@deprecated(reason=("The `get_generative_model_part` method is deprecated and will be removed after 01.01.2025, please include `Part` objects in `contents` parameter of ``"),category=AirflowProviderDeprecationWarning,)
[docs]defget_generative_model_part(self,content_gcs_path:str,content_mime_type:str|None=None)->Part:"""Return a Generative Model Part object."""part=Part.from_uri(content_gcs_path,mime_type=content_mime_type)returnpart
@deprecated(reason=("The `prompt_language_model` method is deprecated and will be removed after 01.01.2025, please use `` method."),category=AirflowProviderDeprecationWarning,)@GoogleBaseHook.fallback_to_default_project_id
[docs]defprompt_language_model(self,prompt:str,pretrained_model:str,temperature:float,max_output_tokens:int,top_p:float,top_k:int,location:str,project_id:str=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID,)->str:""" Use the Vertex AI PaLM API to generate natural language text. :param prompt: Required. Inputs or queries that a user or a program gives to the Vertex AI PaLM API, in order to elicit a specific response. :param pretrained_model: A pre-trained model optimized for performing natural language tasks such as classification, summarization, extraction, content creation, and ideation. :param temperature: Temperature controls the degree of randomness in token selection. :param max_output_tokens: Token limit determines the maximum amount of text output. :param top_p: Tokens are selected from most probable to least until the sum of their probabilities equals the top_p value. Defaults to 0.8. :param top_k: A top_k of 1 means the selected token is the most probable among all tokens. :param location: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud location that the service belongs to. :param project_id: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud project that the service belongs to. """vertexai.init(project=project_id,location=location,credentials=self.get_credentials())parameters={"temperature":temperature,"max_output_tokens":max_output_tokens,"top_p":top_p,"top_k":top_k,}model=self.get_text_generation_model(pretrained_model)response=model.predict(prompt=prompt,**parameters,)returnresponse.text
@deprecated(reason=("The `generate_text_embeddings` method is deprecated and will be removed after 01.01.2025, please use `` method."),category=AirflowProviderDeprecationWarning,)@GoogleBaseHook.fallback_to_default_project_id
[docs]defgenerate_text_embeddings(self,prompt:str,pretrained_model:str,location:str,project_id:str=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID,)->list:""" Use the Vertex AI PaLM API to generate text embeddings. :param prompt: Required. Inputs or queries that a user or a program gives to the Vertex AI PaLM API, in order to elicit a specific response. :param pretrained_model: A pre-trained model optimized for generating text embeddings. :param location: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud location that the service belongs to. :param project_id: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud project that the service belongs to. """vertexai.init(project=project_id,location=location,credentials=self.get_credentials())model=self.get_text_embedding_model(pretrained_model)response=model.get_embeddings([prompt])[0]# single promptreturnresponse.values
@deprecated(reason=("The `prompt_multimodal_model` method is deprecated and will be removed after 01.01.2025, please use `` method."),category=AirflowProviderDeprecationWarning,)@GoogleBaseHook.fallback_to_default_project_id
[docs]defprompt_multimodal_model(self,prompt:str,location:str,generation_config:dict|None=None,safety_settings:dict|None=None,pretrained_model:str="gemini-pro",project_id:str=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID,)->str:""" Use the Vertex AI Gemini Pro foundation model to generate natural language text. :param prompt: Required. Inputs or queries that a user or a program gives to the Multi-modal model, in order to elicit a specific response. :param location: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud location that the service belongs to. :param generation_config: Optional. Generation configuration settings. :param safety_settings: Optional. Per request settings for blocking unsafe content. :param pretrained_model: By default uses the pre-trained model `gemini-pro`, supporting prompts with text-only input, including natural language tasks, multi-turn text and code chat, and code generation. It can output text and code. :param project_id: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud project that the service belongs to. """vertexai.init(project=project_id,location=location,credentials=self.get_credentials())model=self.get_generative_model(pretrained_model)response=model.generate_content(contents=[prompt],generation_config=generation_config,safety_settings=safety_settings)returnresponse.text
@deprecated(reason=("The `prompt_multimodal_model_with_media` method is deprecated and will be removed after 01.01.2025, please use `` method."),category=AirflowProviderDeprecationWarning,)@GoogleBaseHook.fallback_to_default_project_id
[docs]defprompt_multimodal_model_with_media(self,prompt:str,location:str,media_gcs_path:str,mime_type:str,generation_config:dict|None=None,safety_settings:dict|None=None,pretrained_model:str="gemini-pro-vision",project_id:str=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID,)->str:""" Use the Vertex AI Gemini Pro foundation model to generate natural language text. :param prompt: Required. Inputs or queries that a user or a program gives to the Multi-modal model, in order to elicit a specific response. :param generation_config: Optional. Generation configuration settings. :param safety_settings: Optional. Per request settings for blocking unsafe content. :param pretrained_model: By default uses the pre-trained model `gemini-pro-vision`, supporting prompts with text-only input, including natural language tasks, multi-turn text and code chat, and code generation. It can output text and code. :param media_gcs_path: A GCS path to a content file such as an image or a video. Can be passed to the multi-modal model as part of the prompt. Used with vision models. :param mime_type: Validates the media type presented by the file in the media_gcs_path. :param location: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud location that the service belongs to. :param project_id: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud project that the service belongs to. """vertexai.init(project=project_id,location=location,credentials=self.get_credentials())model=self.get_generative_model(pretrained_model)part=self.get_generative_model_part(media_gcs_path,mime_type)response=model.generate_content(contents=[prompt,part],generation_config=generation_config,safety_settings=safety_settings)returnresponse.text
[docs]deftext_generation_model_predict(self,prompt:str,pretrained_model:str,temperature:float,max_output_tokens:int,top_p:float,top_k:int,location:str,project_id:str=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID,)->str:""" Use the Vertex AI PaLM API to generate natural language text. :param prompt: Required. Inputs or queries that a user or a program gives to the Vertex AI PaLM API, in order to elicit a specific response. :param pretrained_model: A pre-trained model optimized for performing natural language tasks such as classification, summarization, extraction, content creation, and ideation. :param temperature: Temperature controls the degree of randomness in token selection. :param max_output_tokens: Token limit determines the maximum amount of text output. :param top_p: Tokens are selected from most probable to least until the sum of their probabilities equals the top_p value. Defaults to 0.8. :param top_k: A top_k of 1 means the selected token is the most probable among all tokens. :param location: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud location that the service belongs to. :param project_id: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud project that the service belongs to. """vertexai.init(project=project_id,location=location,credentials=self.get_credentials())parameters={"temperature":temperature,"max_output_tokens":max_output_tokens,"top_p":top_p,"top_k":top_k,}model=self.get_text_generation_model(pretrained_model)response=model.predict(prompt=prompt,**parameters,)returnresponse.text
[docs]deftext_embedding_model_get_embeddings(self,prompt:str,pretrained_model:str,location:str,project_id:str=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID,)->list:""" Use the Vertex AI PaLM API to generate text embeddings. :param prompt: Required. Inputs or queries that a user or a program gives to the Vertex AI PaLM API, in order to elicit a specific response. :param pretrained_model: A pre-trained model optimized for generating text embeddings. :param location: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud location that the service belongs to. :param project_id: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud project that the service belongs to. """vertexai.init(project=project_id,location=location,credentials=self.get_credentials())model=self.get_text_embedding_model(pretrained_model)response=model.get_embeddings([prompt])[0]# single promptreturnresponse.values
[docs]defgenerative_model_generate_content(self,contents:list,location:str,tools:list|None=None,generation_config:dict|None=None,safety_settings:dict|None=None,pretrained_model:str="gemini-pro",project_id:str=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID,)->str:""" Use the Vertex AI Gemini Pro foundation model to generate natural language text. :param contents: Required. The multi-part content of a message that a user or a program gives to the generative model, in order to elicit a specific response. :param location: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud location that the service belongs to. :param generation_config: Optional. Generation configuration settings. :param safety_settings: Optional. Per request settings for blocking unsafe content. :param pretrained_model: By default uses the pre-trained model `gemini-pro`, supporting prompts with text-only input, including natural language tasks, multi-turn text and code chat, and code generation. It can output text and code. :param project_id: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud project that the service belongs to. """vertexai.init(project=project_id,location=location,credentials=self.get_credentials())model=self.get_generative_model(pretrained_model)response=model.generate_content(contents=contents,tools=tools,generation_config=generation_config,safety_settings=safety_settings,)returnresponse.text