Source code for
## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file# distributed with this work for additional information# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,# software distributed under the License is distributed on an# "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the# specific language governing permissions and limitations# under the License."""This module contains a Google Compute Engine Hook."""from__future__importannotationsimporttimefromtypingimportTYPE_CHECKING,Any,,,InstanceGroupManager,InstanceTemplate# Time to sleep between active checks of the operation results
[docs]classComputeEngineHook(GoogleBaseHook):""" Hook for Google Compute Engine APIs. All the methods in the hook where project_id is used must be called with keyword arguments rather than positional. """def__init__(self,api_version:str="v1",gcp_conn_id:str="google_cloud_default",impersonation_chain:str|Sequence[str]|None=None,**kwargs,)->None:ifkwargs.get("delegate_to")isnotNone:raiseRuntimeError("The `delegate_to` parameter has been deprecated before and finally removed in this version"" of Google Provider. You MUST convert it to `impersonate_chain`")super().__init__(gcp_conn_id=gcp_conn_id,impersonation_chain=impersonation_chain,)self.api_version=api_version_conn:Any|None=None
[docs]defget_conn(self):""" Retrieve connection to Google Compute Engine. :return: Google Compute Engine services object :rtype: dict """ifnotself._conn:http_authorized=self._authorize()self._conn=build("compute",self.api_version,http=http_authorized,cache_discovery=False)returnself._conn
[docs]defget_compute_instance_group_managers_client(self):"""Return Compute Engine Instance Group Managers Client."""returnInstanceGroupManagersClient(credentials=self.get_credentials(),client_info=self.client_info)
[docs]definsert_instance_template(self,body:dict,request_id:str|None=None,project_id:str=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID,retry:Retry|None=None,timeout:float|None=None,metadata:Sequence[tuple[str,str]]=(),)->None:""" Create Instance Template using body specified. Must be called with keyword arguments rather than positional. :param body: Instance Template representation as an object. :param request_id: Unique request_id that you might add to achieve full idempotence (for example when client call times out repeating the request with the same request id will not create a new instance template again) It should be in UUID format as defined in RFC 4122 :param project_id: Google Cloud project ID where the Compute Engine Instance Template exists. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the Google Cloud connection is used. :param retry: A retry object used to retry requests. If `None` is specified, requests will not be retried. :param timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if `retry` is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt. :param metadata: Additional metadata that is provided to the method. """client=self.get_compute_instance_template_client()operation=client.insert(# Calling method insert() on client to create Instance Template.# This method accepts request object as an argument and should be of type# Union[, dict] to construct a request# message.# The request object should be represented using arguments:# instance_template_resource ( The body resource for this request.# request_id (str):# An optional request ID to identify requests.# project (str):# Project ID for this request.request={"instance_template_resource":body,"request_id":request_id,"project":project_id,},retry=retry,timeout=timeout,metadata=metadata,)self._wait_for_operation_to_complete(,project_id=project_id)
[docs]defdelete_instance_template(self,resource_id:str,request_id:str|None=None,project_id:str=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID,retry:Retry|None=None,timeout:float|None=None,metadata:Sequence[tuple[str,str]]=(),)->None:""" Delete Instance Template. Deleting an Instance Template is permanent and cannot be undone. It is not possible to delete templates that are already in use by a managed instance group. Must be called with keyword arguments rather than positional. :param resource_id: Name of the Compute Engine Instance Template resource. :param request_id: Unique request_id that you might add to achieve full idempotence (for example when client call times out repeating the request with the same request id will not create a new instance template again) It should be in UUID format as defined in RFC 4122 :param project_id: Google Cloud project ID where the Compute Engine Instance Template exists. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the Google Cloud connection is used. :param retry: A retry object used to retry requests. If `None` is specified, requests will not be retried. :param timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if `retry` is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt. :param metadata: Additional metadata that is provided to the method. """client=self.get_compute_instance_template_client()operation=client.delete(# Calling method delete() on client to delete Instance Template.# This method accepts request object as an argument and should be of type# Union[, dict] to# construct a request message.# The request object should be represented using arguments:# instance_template (str):# The name of the Instance Template to delete.# project (str):# Project ID for this request.# request_id (str):# An optional request ID to identify requests.request={"instance_template":resource_id,"project":project_id,"request_id":request_id,},retry=retry,timeout=timeout,metadata=metadata,)self._wait_for_operation_to_complete(,project_id=project_id)
[docs]defget_instance_template(self,resource_id:str,project_id:str=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID,retry:Retry|None=None,timeout:float|None=None,metadata:Sequence[tuple[str,str]]=(),)->InstanceTemplate:""" Retrieve Instance Template by project_id and resource_id. Must be called with keyword arguments rather than positional. :param resource_id: Name of the Instance Template. :param project_id: Google Cloud project ID where the Compute Engine Instance Template exists. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the Google Cloud connection is used. :param retry: A retry object used to retry requests. If `None` is specified, requests will not be retried. :param timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if `retry` is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt. :param metadata: Additional metadata that is provided to the method. :return: Instance Template representation as object according to :rtype: object """client=self.get_compute_instance_template_client()instance_template=client.get(# Calling method get() on client to get the specified Instance Template.# This method accepts request object as an argument and should be of type# Union[, dict] to construct a request# message.# The request object should be represented using arguments:# instance_template (str):# The name of the Instance Template.# project (str):# Project ID for this request.request={"instance_template":resource_id,"project":project_id,},retry=retry,timeout=timeout,metadata=metadata,)returninstance_template
[docs]definsert_instance(self,body:dict,zone:str,project_id:str=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID,request_id:str|None=None,source_instance_template:str|None=None,retry:Retry|None=None,timeout:float|None=None,metadata:Sequence[tuple[str,str]]=(),)->None:""" Create Instance using body specified. Must be called with keyword arguments rather than positional. :param body: Instance representation as an object. Should at least include 'name', 'machine_type', 'disks' and 'network_interfaces' fields but doesn't include 'zone' field, as it will be specified in 'zone' parameter. Full or partial URL and can be represented as examples below: 1. "machine_type": "projects/your-project-name/zones/your-zone/machineTypes/your-machine-type" 2. "source_image": "projects/your-project-name/zones/your-zone/diskTypes/your-disk-type" 3. "subnetwork": "projects/your-project-name/regions/your-region/subnetworks/your-subnetwork" :param zone: Google Cloud zone where the Instance exists :param project_id: Google Cloud project ID where the Compute Engine Instance Template exists. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the Google Cloud connection is used. :param source_instance_template: Existing Instance Template that will be used as a base while creating new Instance. When specified, only name of new Instance should be provided as input arguments in 'body' parameter when creating new Instance. All other parameters, will be passed to Instance as they are specified in the Instance Template. Full or partial URL and can be represented as examples below: 1. "" 2. "projects/your-project/global/instanceTemplates/temp" 3. "global/instanceTemplates/temp" :param request_id: Unique request_id that you might add to achieve full idempotence (for example when client call times out repeating the request with the same request id will not create a new instance template again) It should be in UUID format as defined in RFC 4122 :param retry: A retry object used to retry requests. If `None` is specified, requests will not be retried. :param timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if `retry` is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt. :param metadata: Additional metadata that is provided to the method. """client=self.get_compute_instance_client()operation=client.insert(# Calling method insert() on client to create Instance.# This method accepts request object as an argument and should be of type# Union[, dict] to construct a request# message.# The request object should be represented using arguments:# instance_resource ( The body resource for this request.# request_id (str):# Optional, request ID to identify requests.# project (str):# Project ID for this request.# zone (str):# The name of the zone for this request.# source_instance_template (str):# Optional, link to Instance Template, that can be used to create new Instance.request={"instance_resource":body,"request_id":request_id,"project":project_id,"zone":zone,"source_instance_template":source_instance_template,},retry=retry,timeout=timeout,metadata=metadata,)self._wait_for_operation_to_complete(project_id=project_id,,zone=zone)
[docs]defget_instance(self,resource_id:str,zone:str,project_id:str=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID,retry:Retry|None=None,timeout:float|None=None,metadata:Sequence[tuple[str,str]]=(),)->Instance:""" Retrieve Instance by project_id and resource_id. Must be called with keyword arguments rather than positional. :param resource_id: Name of the Instance :param zone: Google Cloud zone where the Instance exists :param project_id: Google Cloud project ID where the Compute Engine Instance exists. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the Google Cloud connection is used. :param retry: A retry object used to retry requests. If `None` is specified, requests will not be retried. :param timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if `retry` is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt. :param metadata: Additional metadata that is provided to the method. :return: Instance representation as object according to :rtype: object """client=self.get_compute_instance_client()instance=client.get(# Calling method get() on client to get the specified Instance.# This method accepts request object as an argument and should be of type# Union[, dict] to construct a request# message.# The request object should be represented using arguments:# instance (str):# The name of the Instance.# project (str):# Project ID for this request.# zone (str):# The name of the zone for this request.request={"instance":resource_id,"project":project_id,"zone":zone,},retry=retry,timeout=timeout,metadata=metadata,)returninstance
[docs]defdelete_instance(self,resource_id:str,zone:str,project_id:str=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID,request_id:str|None=None,retry:Retry|None=None,timeout:float|None=None,metadata:Sequence[tuple[str,str]]=(),)->None:""" Permanently and irrevocably deletes an Instance. It is not possible to delete Instances that are already in use by a managed instance group. Must be called with keyword arguments rather than positional. :param resource_id: Name of the Compute Engine Instance Template resource. :param request_id: Unique request_id that you might add to achieve full idempotence (for example when client call times out repeating the request with the same request id will not create a new instance template again) It should be in UUID format as defined in RFC 4122 :param project_id: Google Cloud project ID where the Compute Engine Instance Template exists. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the Google Cloud connection is used. :param zone: Google Cloud zone where the Instance exists :param retry: A retry object used to retry requests. If `None` is specified, requests will not be retried. :param timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if `retry` is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt. :param metadata: Additional metadata that is provided to the method. """client=self.get_compute_instance_client()operation=client.delete(# Calling method delete() on client to delete Instance.# This method accepts request object as an argument and should be of type# Union[, dict] to construct a request# message.# The request object should be represented using arguments:# instance (str):# Name of the Instance resource to delete.# project (str):# Project ID for this request.# request_id (str):# An optional request ID to identify requests.# zone (str):# The name of the zone for this request.request={"instance":resource_id,"project":project_id,"request_id":request_id,"zone":zone,},retry=retry,timeout=timeout,metadata=metadata,)self._wait_for_operation_to_complete(project_id=project_id,,zone=zone)
[docs]defstart_instance(self,zone:str,resource_id:str,project_id:str)->None:""" Start an existing instance defined by project_id, zone and resource_id. Must be called with keyword arguments rather than positional. :param zone: Google Cloud zone where the instance exists :param resource_id: Name of the Compute Engine instance resource :param project_id: Optional, Google Cloud project ID where the Compute Engine Instance exists. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the Google Cloud connection is used. :return: None """response=(self.get_conn().instances().start(project=project_id,zone=zone,instance=resource_id).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries))try:operation_name=response["name"]exceptKeyError:raiseAirflowException(f"Wrong response '{response}' returned - it should contain 'name' field")self._wait_for_operation_to_complete(project_id=project_id,operation_name=operation_name,zone=zone)
[docs]defstop_instance(self,zone:str,resource_id:str,project_id:str)->None:""" Stop an instance defined by project_id, zone and resource_id. Must be called with keyword arguments rather than positional. :param zone: Google Cloud zone where the instance exists :param resource_id: Name of the Compute Engine instance resource :param project_id: Optional, Google Cloud project ID where the Compute Engine Instance exists. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the Google Cloud connection is used. :return: None """response=(self.get_conn().instances().stop(project=project_id,zone=zone,instance=resource_id).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries))try:operation_name=response["name"]exceptKeyError:raiseAirflowException(f"Wrong response '{response}' returned - it should contain 'name' field")self._wait_for_operation_to_complete(project_id=project_id,operation_name=operation_name,zone=zone)
[docs]defset_machine_type(self,zone:str,resource_id:str,body:dict,project_id:str)->None:""" Set machine type of an instance defined by project_id, zone and resource_id. Must be called with keyword arguments rather than positional. :param zone: Google Cloud zone where the instance exists. :param resource_id: Name of the Compute Engine instance resource :param body: Body required by the Compute Engine setMachineType API, as described in :param project_id: Optional, Google Cloud project ID where the Compute Engine Instance exists. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the Google Cloud connection is used. :return: None """response=self._execute_set_machine_type(zone,resource_id,body,project_id)try:operation_name=response["name"]exceptKeyError:raiseAirflowException(f"Wrong response '{response}' returned - it should contain 'name' field")self._wait_for_operation_to_complete(project_id=project_id,operation_name=operation_name,zone=zone)
[docs]definsert_instance_group_manager(self,body:dict,zone:str,project_id:str=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID,request_id:str|None=None,retry:Retry|None=None,timeout:float|None=None,metadata:Sequence[tuple[str,str]]=(),)->None:""" Create an Instance Group Managers using the body specified. After the group is created, instances in the group are created using the specified Instance Template. Must be called with keyword arguments rather than positional. :param body: Instance Group Manager representation as an object. :param request_id: Unique request_id that you might add to achieve full idempotence (for example when client call times out repeating the request with the same request id will not create a new Instance Group Managers again) It should be in UUID format as defined in RFC 4122 :param project_id: Google Cloud project ID where the Compute Engine Instance Group Managers exists. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the Google Cloud connection is used. :param zone: Google Cloud zone where the Instance exists :param retry: A retry object used to retry requests. If `None` is specified, requests will not be retried. :param timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if `retry` is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt. :param metadata: Additional metadata that is provided to the method. """client=self.get_compute_instance_group_managers_client()operation=client.insert(# Calling method insert() on client to create the specified Instance Group Managers.# This method accepts request object as an argument and should be of type# Union[, dict] to construct# a request message.# The request object should be represented using arguments:# instance_group_manager_resource ( The body resource for this request.# project (str):# Project ID for this request.# zone (str):# The name of the zone where you want to create the managed instance group.# request_id (str):# An optional request ID to identify requests.request={"instance_group_manager_resource":body,"project":project_id,"zone":zone,"request_id":request_id,},retry=retry,timeout=timeout,metadata=metadata,)self._wait_for_operation_to_complete(project_id=project_id,,zone=zone)
[docs]defget_instance_group_manager(self,resource_id:str,zone:str,project_id:str=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID,retry:Retry|None=None,timeout:float|None=None,metadata:Sequence[tuple[str,str]]=(),)->InstanceGroupManager:""" Retrieve Instance Group Manager by project_id, zone and resource_id. Must be called with keyword arguments rather than positional. :param resource_id: The name of the Managed Instance Group :param zone: Google Cloud zone where the Instance Group Managers exists :param project_id: Google Cloud project ID where the Compute Engine Instance Group Managers exists. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the Google Cloud connection is used. :param retry: A retry object used to retry requests. If `None` is specified, requests will not be retried. :param timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if `retry` is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt. :param metadata: Additional metadata that is provided to the method. :return: Instance Group Managers representation as object according to :rtype: object """client=self.get_compute_instance_group_managers_client()instance_group_manager=client.get(# Calling method get() on client to get the specified Instance Group Manager.# This method accepts request object as an argument and should be of type# Union[, dict] to construct a# request message.# The request object should be represented using arguments:# instance_group_manager (str):# The name of the Managed Instance Group.# project (str):# Project ID for this request.# zone (str):# The name of the zone for this request.request={"instance_group_manager":resource_id,"project":project_id,"zone":zone,},retry=retry,timeout=timeout,metadata=metadata,)returninstance_group_manager
[docs]defdelete_instance_group_manager(self,resource_id:str,zone:str,project_id:str=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID,request_id:str|None=None,retry:Retry|None=None,timeout:float|None=None,metadata:Sequence[tuple[str,str]]=(),)->None:""" Permanently and irrevocably deletes Instance Group Managers. Must be called with keyword arguments rather than positional. :param resource_id: Name of the Compute Engine Instance Group Managers resource. :param request_id: Unique request_id that you might add to achieve full idempotence (for example when client call times out repeating the request with the same request id will not create a new instance template again) It should be in UUID format as defined in RFC 4122 :param project_id: Google Cloud project ID where the Compute Engine Instance Group Managers exists. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the Google Cloud connection is used. :param zone: Google Cloud zone where the Instance Group Managers exists :param retry: A retry object used to retry requests. If `None` is specified, requests will not be retried. :param timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if `retry` is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt. :param metadata: Additional metadata that is provided to the method. """client=self.get_compute_instance_group_managers_client()operation=client.delete(# Calling method delete() on client to delete Instance Group Managers.# This method accepts request object as an argument and should be of type# Union[, dict] to construct a# request message.# The request object should be represented using arguments:# instance_group_manager (str):# Name of the Instance resource to delete.# project (str):# Project ID for this request.# request_id (str):# An optional request ID to identify requests.# zone (str):# The name of the zone for this request.request={"instance_group_manager":resource_id,"project":project_id,"request_id":request_id,"zone":zone,},retry=retry,timeout=timeout,metadata=metadata,)self._wait_for_operation_to_complete(project_id=project_id,,zone=zone)
[docs]defpatch_instance_group_manager(self,zone:str,resource_id:str,body:dict,project_id:str,request_id:str|None=None,)->None:""" Patches Instance Group Manager with the specified body. Must be called with keyword arguments rather than positional. :param zone: Google Cloud zone where the Instance Group Manager exists :param resource_id: Name of the Instance Group Manager :param body: Instance Group Manager representation as json-merge-patch object according to :param request_id: Optional, unique request_id that you might add to achieve full idempotence (for example when client call times out repeating the request with the same request id will not create a new instance template again). It should be in UUID format as defined in RFC 4122 :param project_id: Optional, Google Cloud project ID where the Compute Engine Instance exists. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the Google Cloud connection is used. :return: None """response=(self.get_conn().instanceGroupManagers().patch(project=project_id,zone=zone,instanceGroupManager=resource_id,body=body,requestId=request_id,).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries))try:operation_name=response["name"]exceptKeyError:raiseAirflowException(f"Wrong response '{response}' returned - it should contain 'name' field")self._wait_for_operation_to_complete(project_id=project_id,operation_name=operation_name,zone=zone)
def_wait_for_operation_to_complete(self,project_id:str,operation_name:str,zone:str|None=None)->None:""" Wait for the named operation to complete - checks status of the async call. :param operation_name: name of the operation :param zone: optional region of the request (might be None for global operations) :param project_id: Google Cloud project ID where the Compute Engine Instance exists. :return: None """service=self.get_conn()"Waiting for Operation to complete...")ifzoneisNone:operation_response=self._check_global_operation_status(service=service,operation_name=operation_name,project_id=project_id,num_retries=self.num_retries,)else:operation_response=self._check_zone_operation_status(service,operation_name,project_id,zone,self.num_retries)ifoperation_response.get("status")==GceOperationStatus.DONE:error=operation_response.get("error")iferror:code=operation_response.get("httpErrorStatusCode")msg=operation_response.get("httpErrorMessage")# Extracting the errors list as string and trimming square braceserror_msg=str(error.get("errors"))[1:-1]raiseAirflowException(f"{code}{msg}: "+error_msg)breaktime.sleep(TIME_TO_SLEEP_IN_SECONDS)@staticmethoddef_check_zone_operation_status(service:Any,operation_name:str,project_id:str,zone:str,num_retries:int)->dict:return(service.zoneOperations().get(project=project_id,zone=zone,operation=operation_name).execute(num_retries=num_retries))@staticmethoddef_check_global_operation_status(service:Any,operation_name:str,project_id:str,num_retries:int)->dict:return(service.globalOperations().get(project=project_id,operation=operation_name).execute(num_retries=num_retries))@GoogleBaseHook.fallback_to_default_project_id
[docs]defget_instance_info(self,zone:str,resource_id:str,project_id:str)->dict[str,Any]:""" Get instance information. :param zone: Google Cloud zone where the Instance Group Manager exists :param resource_id: Name of the Instance Group Manager :param project_id: Optional, Google Cloud project ID where the Compute Engine Instance exists. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the Google Cloud connection is used. """instance_info=(self.get_conn().instances().get(project=project_id,instance=resource_id,zone=zone).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries))returninstance_info
[docs]defget_instance_address(self,zone:str,resource_id:str,project_id:str=PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID,use_internal_ip:bool=False)->str:""" Return network address associated to instance. :param zone: Google Cloud zone where the Instance Group Manager exists :param resource_id: Name of the Instance Group Manager :param project_id: Optional, Google Cloud project ID where the Compute Engine Instance exists. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the Google Cloud connection is used. :param use_internal_ip: If true, return private IP address. """instance_info=self.get_instance_info(project_id=project_id,resource_id=resource_id,zone=zone)ifuse_internal_ip:returninstance_info["networkInterfaces"][0].get("networkIP")access_config=instance_info["networkInterfaces"][0].get("accessConfigs")ifaccess_config:returnaccess_config[0].get("natIP")raiseAirflowException("The target instance does not have external IP")
[docs]defset_instance_metadata(self,zone:str,resource_id:str,metadata:dict[str,str],project_id:str)->None:""" Set instance metadata. :param zone: Google Cloud zone where the Instance Group Manager exists :param resource_id: Name of the Instance Group Manager :param metadata: The new instance metadata. :param project_id: Optional, Google Cloud project ID where the Compute Engine Instance exists. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the Google Cloud connection is used. """response=(self.get_conn().instances().setMetadata(project=project_id,zone=zone,instance=resource_id,body=metadata).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries))operation_name=response["name"]self._wait_for_operation_to_complete(project_id=project_id,operation_name=operation_name,zone=zone)