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Example Airflow DAG that shows interactions with Google Cloud Firestore.


This example uses two Google Cloud projects:

* ``GCP_PROJECT_ID`` - It contains a bucket and a firestore database.
* ``G_FIRESTORE_PROJECT_ID`` - it contains the Data Warehouse based on the BigQuery service.

Saving in a bucket should be possible from the ``G_FIRESTORE_PROJECT_ID`` project.
Reading from a bucket should be possible from the ``GCP_PROJECT_ID`` project.

The bucket and dataset should be located in the same region.

If you want to run this example, you must do the following:

1. Create Google Cloud project and enable the BigQuery API
2. Create the Firebase project
3. Create a bucket in the same location as the Firebase project
4. Grant Firebase admin account permissions to manage BigQuery. This is required to create a dataset.
5. Create a bucket in Firebase project and
6. Give read/write access for Firebase admin to bucket to step no. 5.
7. Create collection in the Firestore database.
from __future__ import annotations

import os
from datetime import datetime

from airflow import models
from import (
from import GCSCreateBucketOperator, GCSDeleteBucketOperator
from import CloudFirestoreExportDatabaseOperator
from airflow.utils.trigger_rule import TriggerRule

[docs]ENV_ID = os.environ.get("SYSTEM_TESTS_ENV_ID")
[docs]DAG_ID = "example_gcp_firestore"
[docs]GCP_PROJECT_ID = os.environ.get("GCP_PROJECT_ID", "example-gcp-project")
[docs]FIRESTORE_PROJECT_ID = os.environ.get("G_FIRESTORE_PROJECT_ID", "example-firebase-project")
[docs]BUCKET_NAME = f"bucket_{DAG_ID}_{ENV_ID}"
[docs]DATASET_NAME = f"dataset_{DAG_ID}_{ENV_ID}"
[docs]EXPORT_DESTINATION_URL = os.environ.get("GCP_FIRESTORE_ARCHIVE_URL", f"gs://{BUCKET_NAME}/namespace/")
[docs]EXPORT_COLLECTION_ID = os.environ.get("GCP_FIRESTORE_COLLECTION_ID", "firestore_collection_id")
f"/all_namespaces_kind_{EXPORT_COLLECTION_ID}.export_metadata" )
if BUCKET_NAME is None: raise ValueError("Bucket name is required. Please set GCP_FIRESTORE_ARCHIVE_URL env variable.") with models.DAG( DAG_ID, start_date=datetime(2021, 1, 1), schedule="@once", catchup=False, tags=["example", "firestore"], ) as dag:
[docs] create_bucket = GCSCreateBucketOperator( task_id="create_bucket", bucket_name=BUCKET_NAME, location=DATASET_LOCATION
) create_dataset = BigQueryCreateEmptyDatasetOperator( task_id="create_dataset", dataset_id=DATASET_NAME, location=DATASET_LOCATION, project_id=GCP_PROJECT_ID, ) # [START howto_operator_export_database_to_gcs] export_database_to_gcs = CloudFirestoreExportDatabaseOperator( task_id="export_database_to_gcs", project_id=FIRESTORE_PROJECT_ID, body={"outputUriPrefix": EXPORT_DESTINATION_URL, "collectionIds": [EXPORT_COLLECTION_ID]}, ) # [END howto_operator_export_database_to_gcs] # [START howto_operator_create_external_table_multiple_types] create_external_table_multiple_types = BigQueryCreateExternalTableOperator( task_id="create_external_table", bucket=BUCKET_NAME, table_resource={ "tableReference": { "projectId": GCP_PROJECT_ID, "datasetId": DATASET_NAME, "tableId": "firestore_data", }, "externalDataConfiguration": { "sourceFormat": "DATASTORE_BACKUP", "compression": "NONE", "sourceUris": [EXTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_URI], }, }, ) # [END howto_operator_create_external_table_multiple_types] read_data_from_gcs_multiple_types = BigQueryInsertJobOperator( task_id="execute_query", configuration={ "query": { "query": f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{GCP_PROJECT_ID}.{DATASET_NAME}.firestore_data`", "useLegacySql": False, } }, ) delete_dataset = BigQueryDeleteDatasetOperator( task_id="delete_dataset", dataset_id=DATASET_NAME, project_id=GCP_PROJECT_ID, delete_contents=True, trigger_rule=TriggerRule.ALL_DONE, ) delete_bucket = GCSDeleteBucketOperator( task_id="delete_bucket", bucket_name=BUCKET_NAME, trigger_rule=TriggerRule.ALL_DONE ) ( # TEST SETUP [create_bucket, create_dataset] # TEST BODY >> export_database_to_gcs >> create_external_table_multiple_types >> read_data_from_gcs_multiple_types # TEST TEARDOWN >> [delete_dataset, delete_bucket] ) from tests.system.utils.watcher import watcher # This test needs watcher in order to properly mark success/failure # when "tearDown" task with trigger rule is part of the DAG list(dag.tasks) >> watcher() from tests.system.utils import get_test_run # noqa: E402 # Needed to run the example DAG with pytest (see: tests/system/
[docs]test_run = get_test_run(dag)

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