FTP Connection

The FTP connection type enables the FTP Integrations.

Authenticating to FTP

Authenticate to FTP using ftplib. i.e. indicate user, password, host

Default Connection IDs

Hooks, operators, and sensors related to FTP use ftp_default by default.

Configuring the Connection


Specify the ftp user value.


Specify the ftp passwd value.

Host (optional)

Specify the Hostname or IP of the remote machine.

Extra (optional)

Specify the extra parameters (as json dictionary) that can be used in ftp connection. The following parameters are all optional:

  • passive: Enable “passive” mode if val is true, otherwise disable passive mode. Passive mode is on by default.

When specifying the connection in environment variable you should specify it using URI syntax.

Note that all components of the URI should be URL-encoded.

Example connection string:

export AIRFLOW_CONN_FTP_DEFAULT='ftp://user:pass@localhost?passive=false'

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