Source code for airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.fab_auth_manager

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

import argparse
import warnings
from functools import cached_property
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Container

import packaging.version
from connexion import FlaskApi
from flask import Blueprint, g, url_for
from packaging.version import Version
from sqlalchemy import select
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, joinedload

from airflow import __version__ as airflow_version
from airflow.auth.managers.base_auth_manager import BaseAuthManager, ResourceMethod
from airflow.auth.managers.models.resource_details import (
from airflow.auth.managers.utils.fab import get_fab_action_from_method_map, get_method_from_fab_action_map
from airflow.cli.cli_config import (
from airflow.configuration import conf
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowConfigException, AirflowException, AirflowProviderDeprecationWarning
from airflow.models import DagModel
from airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.definition import (
from airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.models import Permission, Role, User
from import permissions
from import (
from airflow.utils.session import NEW_SESSION, provide_session
from airflow.utils.yaml import safe_load
from airflow.version import version
from airflow.www.constants import SWAGGER_BUNDLE, SWAGGER_ENABLED
from airflow.www.extensions.init_views import _CustomErrorRequestBodyValidator, _LazyResolver

    from airflow.auth.managers.models.base_user import BaseUser
    from airflow.cli.cli_config import (
    from airflow.providers.common.compat.assets import AssetDetails
    from airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.security_manager.override import FabAirflowSecurityManagerOverride
    from import RESOURCE_ASSET
    from import RESOURCE_ASSET

_MAP_DAG_ACCESS_ENTITY_TO_FAB_RESOURCE_TYPE: dict[DagAccessEntity, tuple[str, ...]] = {
    DagAccessEntity.CODE: (RESOURCE_DAG_CODE,),
    DagAccessEntity.RUN: (RESOURCE_DAG_RUN,),
    DagAccessEntity.SLA_MISS: (RESOURCE_SLA_MISS,),
    # RESOURCE_TASK_INSTANCE has been originally misused. RESOURCE_TASK_INSTANCE referred to task definition
    # AND task instances without making the difference
    # To be backward compatible, we translate DagAccessEntity.TASK_INSTANCE to RESOURCE_TASK_INSTANCE AND
    # See
    DagAccessEntity.TASK_LOGS: (RESOURCE_TASK_LOG,),
    DagAccessEntity.XCOM: (RESOURCE_XCOM,),

    AccessView.JOBS: RESOURCE_JOB,

[docs]class FabAuthManager(BaseAuthManager): """ Flask-AppBuilder auth manager. This auth manager is responsible for providing a backward compatible user management experience to users. """ @staticmethod
[docs] def get_cli_commands() -> list[CLICommand]: """Vends CLI commands to be included in Airflow CLI.""" commands: list[CLICommand] = [ GroupCommand( name="users", help="Manage users", subcommands=USERS_COMMANDS, ), GroupCommand( name="roles", help="Manage roles", subcommands=ROLES_COMMANDS, ), SYNC_PERM_COMMAND, # not in a command group ] # If Airflow version is 3.0.0 or higher, add the fab-db command group if packaging.version.parse( packaging.version.parse(airflow_version).base_version ) >= packaging.version.parse("3.0.0"): commands.append(GroupCommand(name="fab-db", help="Manage FAB", subcommands=DB_COMMANDS)) return commands
[docs] def get_api_endpoints(self) -> None | Blueprint: folder = Path(__file__).parents[0].resolve() # this is airflow/auth/managers/fab/ with folder.joinpath("openapi", "v1.yaml").open() as f: specification = safe_load(f) return FlaskApi( specification=specification, resolver=_LazyResolver(), base_path="/auth/fab/v1", options={"swagger_ui": SWAGGER_ENABLED, "swagger_path": SWAGGER_BUNDLE.__fspath__()}, strict_validation=True, validate_responses=True, validator_map={"body": _CustomErrorRequestBodyValidator}, ).blueprint
[docs] def get_user_display_name(self) -> str: """Return the user's display name associated to the user in session.""" user = self.get_user() first_name = user.first_name.strip() if isinstance(user.first_name, str) else "" last_name = user.last_name.strip() if isinstance(user.last_name, str) else "" return f"{first_name} {last_name}".strip()
[docs] def get_user(self) -> User: """ Return the user associated to the user in session. Attempt to find the current user in g.user, as defined by the kerberos authentication backend. If no such user is found, return the `current_user` local proxy object, linked to the user session. """ from flask_login import current_user # If a user has gone through the Kerberos dance, the kerberos authentication manager # has linked it with a User model, stored in g.user, and not the session. if current_user.is_anonymous and getattr(g, "user", None) is not None and not g.user.is_anonymous: return g.user return current_user
[docs] def init(self) -> None: """Run operations when Airflow is initializing.""" self._sync_appbuilder_roles()
[docs] def is_logged_in(self) -> bool: """Return whether the user is logged in.""" user = self.get_user() if Version(Version(version).base_version) < Version("3.0.0"): return not user.is_anonymous and user.is_active else: return self.appbuilder.get_app.config.get("AUTH_ROLE_PUBLIC", None) or ( not user.is_anonymous and user.is_active )
[docs] def is_authorized_configuration( self, *, method: ResourceMethod, details: ConfigurationDetails | None = None, user: BaseUser | None = None, ) -> bool: return self._is_authorized(method=method, resource_type=RESOURCE_CONFIG, user=user)
[docs] def is_authorized_connection( self, *, method: ResourceMethod, details: ConnectionDetails | None = None, user: BaseUser | None = None, ) -> bool: return self._is_authorized(method=method, resource_type=RESOURCE_CONNECTION, user=user)
[docs] def is_authorized_dag( self, *, method: ResourceMethod, access_entity: DagAccessEntity | None = None, details: DagDetails | None = None, user: BaseUser | None = None, ) -> bool: """ Return whether the user is authorized to access the dag. There are multiple scenarios: 1. ``dag_access`` is not provided which means the user wants to access the DAG itself and not a sub entity (e.g. DAG runs). 2. ``dag_access`` is provided which means the user wants to access a sub entity of the DAG (e.g. DAG runs). a. If ``method`` is GET, then check the user has READ permissions on the DAG and the sub entity. b. Else, check the user has EDIT permissions on the DAG and ``method`` on the sub entity. However, if no specific DAG is targeted, just check the sub entity. :param method: The method to authorize. :param access_entity: The dag access entity. :param details: The dag details. :param user: The user. """ if not access_entity: # Scenario 1 return self._is_authorized_dag(method=method, details=details, user=user) else: # Scenario 2 resource_types = self._get_fab_resource_types(access_entity) dag_method: ResourceMethod = "GET" if method == "GET" else "PUT" if (details and and not self._is_authorized_dag( method=dag_method, details=details, user=user ): return False return all( self._is_authorized(method=method, resource_type=resource_type, user=user) if resource_type != RESOURCE_DAG_RUN or not hasattr(permissions, "resource_name") else self._is_authorized_dag_run(method=method, details=details, user=user) for resource_type in resource_types )
[docs] def is_authorized_asset( self, *, method: ResourceMethod, details: AssetDetails | None = None, user: BaseUser | None = None ) -> bool: return self._is_authorized(method=method, resource_type=RESOURCE_ASSET, user=user)
[docs] def is_authorized_dataset( self, *, method: ResourceMethod, details: AssetDetails | None = None, user: BaseUser | None = None ) -> bool: warnings.warn( "is_authorized_dataset will be renamed as is_authorized_asset in Airflow 3 and will be removed when the minimum Airflow version is set to 3.0 for the fab provider", AirflowProviderDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.is_authorized_asset(method=method, user=user)
[docs] def is_authorized_pool( self, *, method: ResourceMethod, details: PoolDetails | None = None, user: BaseUser | None = None ) -> bool: return self._is_authorized(method=method, resource_type=RESOURCE_POOL, user=user)
[docs] def is_authorized_variable( self, *, method: ResourceMethod, details: VariableDetails | None = None, user: BaseUser | None = None ) -> bool: return self._is_authorized(method=method, resource_type=RESOURCE_VARIABLE, user=user)
[docs] def is_authorized_view(self, *, access_view: AccessView, user: BaseUser | None = None) -> bool: # "Docs" are only links in the menu, there is no page associated method: ResourceMethod = "MENU" if access_view == AccessView.DOCS else "GET" return self._is_authorized( method=method, resource_type=_MAP_ACCESS_VIEW_TO_FAB_RESOURCE_TYPE[access_view], user=user )
[docs] def is_authorized_custom_view( self, *, method: ResourceMethod | str, resource_name: str, user: BaseUser | None = None ): if not user: user = self.get_user() fab_action_name = get_fab_action_from_method_map().get(method, method) return (fab_action_name, resource_name) in self._get_user_permissions(user)
[docs] def get_permitted_dag_ids( self, *, methods: Container[ResourceMethod] | None = None, user=None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> set[str]: if not methods: methods = ["PUT", "GET"] if not user: user = self.get_user() if not self.is_logged_in(): roles = user.roles else: if ("GET" in methods and self.is_authorized_dag(method="GET", user=user)) or ( "PUT" in methods and self.is_authorized_dag(method="PUT", user=user) ): # If user is authorized to read/edit all DAGs, return all DAGs return {dag.dag_id for dag in session.execute(select(DagModel.dag_id))} user_query = session.scalar( select(User) .options( joinedload(User.roles) .subqueryload(Role.permissions) .options(joinedload(Permission.action), joinedload(Permission.resource)) ) .where( == ) roles = user_query.roles map_fab_action_name_to_method_name = get_method_from_fab_action_map() resources = set() for role in roles: for permission in role.permissions: action = if ( action in map_fab_action_name_to_method_name and map_fab_action_name_to_method_name[action] in methods ): resource = if resource == permissions.RESOURCE_DAG: return {dag.dag_id for dag in session.execute(select(DagModel.dag_id))} if resource.startswith(permissions.RESOURCE_DAG_PREFIX): resources.add(resource[len(permissions.RESOURCE_DAG_PREFIX) :]) else: resources.add(resource) return set(session.scalars(select(DagModel.dag_id).where(DagModel.dag_id.in_(resources))))
[docs] def security_manager(self) -> FabAirflowSecurityManagerOverride: """Return the security manager specific to FAB.""" from airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.security_manager.override import ( FabAirflowSecurityManagerOverride, ) sm_from_config = self.appbuilder.get_app.config.get("SECURITY_MANAGER_CLASS") if sm_from_config: if not issubclass(sm_from_config, FabAirflowSecurityManagerOverride): raise AirflowConfigException( """Your CUSTOM_SECURITY_MANAGER must extend FabAirflowSecurityManagerOverride.""" ) return sm_from_config(self.appbuilder) return FabAirflowSecurityManagerOverride(self.appbuilder)
[docs] def get_url_login(self, **kwargs) -> str: """Return the login page url.""" if not self.security_manager.auth_view: raise AirflowException("`auth_view` not defined in the security manager.") if next_url := kwargs.get("next_url"): return url_for(f"{self.security_manager.auth_view.endpoint}.login", next=next_url) else: return url_for(f"{self.security_manager.auth_view.endpoint}.login")
[docs] def get_url_logout(self): """Return the logout page url.""" if not self.security_manager.auth_view: raise AirflowException("`auth_view` not defined in the security manager.") return url_for(f"{self.security_manager.auth_view.endpoint}.logout")
[docs] def get_url_user_profile(self) -> str | None: """Return the url to a page displaying info about the current user.""" if not self.security_manager.user_view or self.appbuilder.get_app.config.get( "AUTH_ROLE_PUBLIC", None ): return None return url_for(f"{self.security_manager.user_view.endpoint}.userinfo")
[docs] def register_views(self) -> None: self.security_manager.register_views()
def _is_authorized( self, *, method: ResourceMethod, resource_type: str, user: BaseUser | None = None, ) -> bool: """ Return whether the user is authorized to perform a given action. :param method: the method to perform :param resource_type: the type of resource the user attempts to perform the action on :param user: the user to perform the action on. If not provided (or None), it uses the current user :meta private: """ if not user: user = self.get_user() fab_action = self._get_fab_action(method) user_permissions = self._get_user_permissions(user) return (fab_action, resource_type) in user_permissions def _is_authorized_dag( self, method: ResourceMethod, details: DagDetails | None = None, user: BaseUser | None = None, ) -> bool: """ Return whether the user is authorized to perform a given action on a DAG. :param method: the method to perform :param details: optional details about the DAG :param user: the user to perform the action on. If not provided (or None), it uses the current user :meta private: """ is_global_authorized = self._is_authorized(method=method, resource_type=RESOURCE_DAG, user=user) if is_global_authorized: return True if details and # Check whether the user has permissions to access a specific DAG resource_dag_name = self._resource_name(, RESOURCE_DAG) return self._is_authorized(method=method, resource_type=resource_dag_name, user=user) return False def _is_authorized_dag_run( self, method: ResourceMethod, details: DagDetails | None = None, user: BaseUser | None = None, ) -> bool: """ Return whether the user is authorized to perform a given action on a DAG Run. :param method: the method to perform :param details: optional, details about the DAG :param user: optional, the user to perform the action on. If not provided, it uses the current user :meta private: """ is_global_authorized = self._is_authorized(method=method, resource_type=RESOURCE_DAG_RUN, user=user) if is_global_authorized: return True if details and # Check whether the user has permissions to access a specific DAG Run permission on a DAG Level resource_dag_name = self._resource_name(, RESOURCE_DAG_RUN) return self._is_authorized(method=method, resource_type=resource_dag_name, user=user) return False @staticmethod def _get_fab_action(method: ResourceMethod) -> str: """ Convert the method to a FAB action. :param method: the method to convert :meta private: """ fab_action_from_method_map = get_fab_action_from_method_map() if method not in fab_action_from_method_map: raise AirflowException(f"Unknown method: {method}") return fab_action_from_method_map[method] @staticmethod def _get_fab_resource_types(dag_access_entity: DagAccessEntity) -> tuple[str, ...]: """ Convert a DAG access entity to a tuple of FAB resource type. :param dag_access_entity: the DAG access entity :meta private: """ if dag_access_entity not in _MAP_DAG_ACCESS_ENTITY_TO_FAB_RESOURCE_TYPE: raise AirflowException(f"Unknown DAG access entity: {dag_access_entity}") return _MAP_DAG_ACCESS_ENTITY_TO_FAB_RESOURCE_TYPE[dag_access_entity] def _resource_name(self, dag_id: str, resource_type: str) -> str: """ Return the FAB resource name for a DAG id. :param dag_id: the DAG id :meta private: """ root_dag_id = self._get_root_dag_id(dag_id) if hasattr(permissions, "resource_name"): return getattr(permissions, "resource_name")(root_dag_id, resource_type) return getattr(permissions, "resource_name_for_dag")(root_dag_id) @staticmethod def _get_user_permissions(user: BaseUser): """ Return the user permissions. :param user: the user to get permissions for :meta private: """ return getattr(user, "perms") or [] def _get_root_dag_id(self, dag_id: str) -> str: """ Return the root DAG id in case of sub DAG, return the DAG id otherwise. :param dag_id: the DAG id :meta private: """ if "." in dag_id and hasattr(DagModel, "root_dag_id"): return self.appbuilder.get_session.scalar( select(DagModel.dag_id, DagModel.root_dag_id).where(DagModel.dag_id == dag_id).limit(1) ) return dag_id def _sync_appbuilder_roles(self): """ Sync appbuilder roles to DB. :meta private: """ # Garbage collect old permissions/views after they have been modified. # Otherwise, when the name of a view or menu is changed, the framework # will add the new Views and Menus names to the backend, but will not # delete the old ones. if Version(Version(version).base_version) >= Version("3.0.0"): fallback = None else: fallback = conf.getboolean("webserver", "UPDATE_FAB_PERMS") if conf.getboolean("fab", "UPDATE_FAB_PERMS", fallback=fallback): self.security_manager.sync_roles()
[docs]def get_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """Generate documentation; used by Sphinx argparse.""" from airflow.cli.cli_parser import AirflowHelpFormatter, _add_command parser = DefaultHelpParser(prog="airflow", formatter_class=AirflowHelpFormatter) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="subcommand", metavar="GROUP_OR_COMMAND") for group_command in FabAuthManager.get_cli_commands(): _add_command(subparsers, group_command) return parser

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