Source code for airflow.providers.docker.operators.docker_swarm

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"""Run ephemeral Docker Swarm services"""
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Union

from docker import types

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.providers.docker.operators.docker import DockerOperator
from airflow.utils.strings import get_random_string

    from airflow.utils.context import Context

[docs]class DockerSwarmOperator(DockerOperator): """ Execute a command as an ephemeral docker swarm service. Example use-case - Using Docker Swarm orchestration to make one-time scripts highly available. A temporary directory is created on the host and mounted into a container to allow storing files that together exceed the default disk size of 10GB in a container. The path to the mounted directory can be accessed via the environment variable ``AIRFLOW_TMP_DIR``. If a login to a private registry is required prior to pulling the image, a Docker connection needs to be configured in Airflow and the connection ID be provided with the parameter ``docker_conn_id``. :param image: Docker image from which to create the container. If image tag is omitted, "latest" will be used. :param api_version: Remote API version. Set to ``auto`` to automatically detect the server's version. :param auto_remove: Auto-removal of the container on daemon side when the container's process exits. The default is False. :param command: Command to be run in the container. (templated) :param docker_url: URL of the host running the docker daemon. Default is unix://var/run/docker.sock :param environment: Environment variables to set in the container. (templated) :param force_pull: Pull the docker image on every run. Default is False. :param mem_limit: Maximum amount of memory the container can use. Either a float value, which represents the limit in bytes, or a string like ``128m`` or ``1g``. :param tls_ca_cert: Path to a PEM-encoded certificate authority to secure the docker connection. :param tls_client_cert: Path to the PEM-encoded certificate used to authenticate docker client. :param tls_client_key: Path to the PEM-encoded key used to authenticate docker client. :param tls_hostname: Hostname to match against the docker server certificate or False to disable the check. :param tls_ssl_version: Version of SSL to use when communicating with docker daemon. :param tmp_dir: Mount point inside the container to a temporary directory created on the host by the operator. The path is also made available via the environment variable ``AIRFLOW_TMP_DIR`` inside the container. :param user: Default user inside the docker container. :param docker_conn_id: The :ref:`Docker connection id <howto/connection:docker>` :param tty: Allocate pseudo-TTY to the container of this service This needs to be set see logs of the Docker container / service. :param enable_logging: Show the application's logs in operator's logs. Supported only if the Docker engine is using json-file or journald logging drivers. The `tty` parameter should be set to use this with Python applications. :param configs: List of docker configs to be exposed to the containers of the swarm service. The configs are ConfigReference objects as per the docker api []_ :param secrets: List of docker secrets to be exposed to the containers of the swarm service. The secrets are SecretReference objects as per the docker create_service api. []_ :param mode: Indicate whether a service should be deployed as a replicated or global service, and associated parameters :param networks: List of network names or IDs or NetworkAttachmentConfig to attach the service to. :param placement: Placement instructions for the scheduler. If a list is passed instead, it is assumed to be a list of constraints as part of a Placement object. """ def __init__( self, *, image: str, enable_logging: bool = True, configs: Optional[List[types.ConfigReference]] = None, secrets: Optional[List[types.SecretReference]] = None, mode: Optional[types.ServiceMode] = None, networks: Optional[List[Union[str, types.NetworkAttachmentConfig]]] = None, placement: Optional[Union[types.Placement, List[types.Placement]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(image=image, **kwargs) self.enable_logging = enable_logging self.service = None self.configs = configs self.secrets = secrets self.mode = mode self.networks = networks self.placement = placement
[docs] def execute(self, context: 'Context') -> None: self.cli = self._get_cli() self.environment['AIRFLOW_TMP_DIR'] = self.tmp_dir return self._run_service()
def _run_service(self) -> None:'Starting docker service from image %s', self.image) if not self.cli: raise Exception("The 'cli' should be initialized before!") self.service = self.cli.create_service( types.TaskTemplate( container_spec=types.ContainerSpec( image=self.image, command=self.format_command(self.command), mounts=self.mounts, env=self.environment, user=self.user, tty=self.tty, configs=self.configs, secrets=self.secrets, ), restart_policy=types.RestartPolicy(condition='none'), resources=types.Resources(mem_limit=self.mem_limit), networks=self.networks, placement=self.placement, ), name=f'airflow-{get_random_string()}', labels={'name': f'airflow__{self.dag_id}__{self.task_id}'}, mode=self.mode, ) if self.service is None: raise Exception("Service should be set here")'Service started: %s', str(self.service)) # wait for the service to start the task while not self.cli.tasks(filters={'service': self.service['ID']}): continue if self.enable_logging: self._stream_logs_to_output() while True: if self._has_service_terminated():'Service status before exiting: %s', self._service_status()) break if self.service and self._service_status() != 'complete': if self.auto_remove: self.cli.remove_service(self.service['ID']) raise AirflowException('Service did not complete: ' + repr(self.service)) elif self.auto_remove: if not self.service: raise Exception("The 'service' should be initialized before!") self.cli.remove_service(self.service['ID']) def _service_status(self) -> Optional[str]: if not self.cli: raise Exception("The 'cli' should be initialized before!") if not self.service: raise Exception("The 'service' should be initialized before!") return self.cli.tasks(filters={'service': self.service['ID']})[0]['Status']['State'] def _has_service_terminated(self) -> bool: status = self._service_status() return status in ['complete', 'failed', 'shutdown', 'rejected', 'orphaned', 'remove'] def _stream_logs_to_output(self) -> None: if not self.cli: raise Exception("The 'cli' should be initialized before!") if not self.service: raise Exception("The 'service' should be initialized before!") logs = self.cli.service_logs( self.service['ID'], follow=True, stdout=True, stderr=True, is_tty=self.tty ) line = '' while True: try: log = next(logs) except StopIteration: # If the service log stream terminated, stop fetching logs further. break else: try: log = log.decode() except UnicodeDecodeError: continue if log == '\n': line = '' else: line += log # flush any remaining log stream if line:
[docs] def on_kill(self) -> None: if self.cli is not None and self.service is not None:'Removing docker service: %s', self.service['ID']) self.cli.remove_service(self.service['ID'])

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