
Module Contents


normalise_json_content(content[, json_path])

Normalize content or all values of content if it is a dict to a string.


Validate correctness of the event received from DatabricksExecutionTrigger.

airflow.providers.databricks.utils.databricks.normalise_json_content(content, json_path='json')[source]

Normalize content or all values of content if it is a dict to a string.

The function will throw if content contains non-string or non-numeric non-boolean types. The reason why we have this function is because the self.json field must be a dict with only string values. This is because render_template will fail for numerical values.

The only one exception is when we have boolean values, they can not be converted to string type because databricks does not understand 'True' or 'False' values.


Validate correctness of the event received from DatabricksExecutionTrigger.

See: DatabricksExecutionTrigger.

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