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# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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Databricks hook.
This hook enable the submitting and running of jobs to the Databricks platform. Internally the
operators talk to the ``api/2.0/jobs/runs/submit``
`endpoint <https://docs.databricks.com/api/latest/jobs.html#runs-submit>`_.
from __future__ import annotations
import copy
import platform
import time
from functools import cached_property
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
import aiohttp
import requests
from requests import PreparedRequest, exceptions as requests_exceptions
from requests.auth import AuthBase, HTTPBasicAuth
from requests.exceptions import JSONDecodeError
from tenacity import (
from airflow import __version__
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException, AirflowOptionalProviderFeatureException
from airflow.hooks.base import BaseHook
from airflow.providers_manager import ProvidersManager
from airflow.models import Connection
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/managed-identities-azure-resources/how-to-use-vm-token
[docs]AZURE_MANAGEMENT_ENDPOINT = "https://management.core.windows.net/"
[docs]DEFAULT_DATABRICKS_SCOPE = "2ff814a6-3304-4ab8-85cb-cd0e6f879c1d"
[docs]OIDC_TOKEN_SERVICE_URL = "{}/oidc/v1/token"
[docs]class BaseDatabricksHook(BaseHook):
Base for interaction with Databricks.
:param databricks_conn_id: Reference to the :ref:`Databricks connection <howto/connection:databricks>`.
:param timeout_seconds: The amount of time in seconds the requests library
will wait before timing-out.
:param retry_limit: The number of times to retry the connection in case of
service outages.
:param retry_delay: The number of seconds to wait between retries (it
might be a floating point number).
:param retry_args: An optional dictionary with arguments passed to ``tenacity.Retrying`` class.
:param caller: The name of the operator that is calling the hook.
[docs] conn_name_attr: str = "databricks_conn_id"
[docs] default_conn_name = "databricks_default"
[docs] conn_type = "databricks"
def __init__(
databricks_conn_id: str = default_conn_name,
timeout_seconds: int = 180,
retry_limit: int = 3,
retry_delay: float = 1.0,
retry_args: dict[Any, Any] | None = None,
caller: str = "Unknown",
) -> None:
self.databricks_conn_id = databricks_conn_id
self.timeout_seconds = timeout_seconds
if retry_limit < 1:
raise ValueError("Retry limit must be greater than or equal to 1")
self.retry_limit = retry_limit
self.retry_delay = retry_delay
self.oauth_tokens: dict[str, dict] = {}
self.token_timeout_seconds = 10
self.caller = caller
def my_after_func(retry_state):
self._log_request_error(retry_state.attempt_number, retry_state.outcome)
if retry_args:
self.retry_args = copy.copy(retry_args)
self.retry_args["retry"] = retry_if_exception(self._retryable_error)
self.retry_args["after"] = my_after_func
self.retry_args = {
"stop": stop_after_attempt(self.retry_limit),
"wait": wait_exponential(min=self.retry_delay, max=(2**retry_limit)),
"retry": retry_if_exception(self._retryable_error),
"after": my_after_func,
[docs] def databricks_conn(self) -> Connection:
return self.get_connection(self.databricks_conn_id)
[docs] def get_conn(self) -> Connection:
return self.databricks_conn
[docs] def user_agent_value(self) -> str:
manager = ProvidersManager()
package_name = manager.hooks[BaseDatabricksHook.conn_type].package_name # type: ignore[union-attr]
provider = manager.providers[package_name]
version = provider.version
python_version = platform.python_version()
system = platform.system().lower()
ua_string = (
f"databricks-airflow/{version} _/0.0.0 python/{python_version} os/{system} "
f"airflow/{__version__} operator/{self.caller}"
return ua_string
[docs] def host(self) -> str:
if "host" in self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson:
host = self._parse_host(self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson["host"])
host = self._parse_host(self.databricks_conn.host)
return host
[docs] async def __aenter__(self):
self._session = aiohttp.ClientSession()
return self
[docs] async def __aexit__(self, *err):
await self._session.close()
self._session = None
def _parse_host(host: str) -> str:
Parse host field data; this function is resistant to incorrect connection settings provided by users.
For example -- when users supply ``https://xx.cloud.databricks.com`` as the
host, we must strip out the protocol to get the host.::
h = DatabricksHook()
assert h._parse_host('https://xx.cloud.databricks.com') == \
In the case where users supply the correct ``xx.cloud.databricks.com`` as the
host, this function is a no-op.::
assert h._parse_host('xx.cloud.databricks.com') == 'xx.cloud.databricks.com'
urlparse_host = urlsplit(host).hostname
if urlparse_host:
# In this case, host = https://xx.cloud.databricks.com
return urlparse_host
# In this case, host = xx.cloud.databricks.com
return host
def _get_retry_object(self) -> Retrying:
Instantiate a retry object.
:return: instance of Retrying class
return Retrying(**self.retry_args)
def _a_get_retry_object(self) -> AsyncRetrying:
Instantiate an async retry object.
:return: instance of AsyncRetrying class
return AsyncRetrying(**self.retry_args)
def _get_sp_token(self, resource: str) -> str:
"""Get Service Principal token."""
sp_token = self.oauth_tokens.get(resource)
if sp_token and self._is_oauth_token_valid(sp_token):
return sp_token["access_token"]
self.log.info("Existing Service Principal token is expired, or going to expire soon. Refreshing...")
for attempt in self._get_retry_object():
with attempt:
resp = requests.post(
auth=HTTPBasicAuth(self.databricks_conn.login, self.databricks_conn.password),
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
jsn = resp.json()
jsn["expires_on"] = int(time.time() + jsn["expires_in"])
self.oauth_tokens[resource] = jsn
except RetryError:
raise AirflowException(f"API requests to Databricks failed {self.retry_limit} times. Giving up.")
except requests_exceptions.HTTPError as e:
msg = f"Response: {e.response.content.decode()}, Status Code: {e.response.status_code}"
raise AirflowException(msg)
return jsn["access_token"]
async def _a_get_sp_token(self, resource: str) -> str:
"""Async version of `_get_sp_token()`."""
sp_token = self.oauth_tokens.get(resource)
if sp_token and self._is_oauth_token_valid(sp_token):
return sp_token["access_token"]
self.log.info("Existing Service Principal token is expired, or going to expire soon. Refreshing...")
async for attempt in self._a_get_retry_object():
with attempt:
async with self._session.post(
auth=aiohttp.BasicAuth(self.databricks_conn.login, self.databricks_conn.password),
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
) as resp:
jsn = await resp.json()
jsn["expires_on"] = int(time.time() + jsn["expires_in"])
self.oauth_tokens[resource] = jsn
except RetryError:
raise AirflowException(f"API requests to Databricks failed {self.retry_limit} times. Giving up.")
except requests_exceptions.HTTPError as e:
msg = f"Response: {e.response.content.decode()}, Status Code: {e.response.status_code}"
raise AirflowException(msg)
return jsn["access_token"]
def _get_aad_token(self, resource: str) -> str:
Get AAD token for given resource.
Supports managed identity or service principal auth.
:param resource: resource to issue token to
:return: AAD token, or raise an exception
aad_token = self.oauth_tokens.get(resource)
if aad_token and self._is_oauth_token_valid(aad_token):
return aad_token["access_token"]
self.log.info("Existing AAD token is expired, or going to expire soon. Refreshing...")
from azure.identity import ClientSecretCredential, ManagedIdentityCredential
for attempt in self._get_retry_object():
with attempt:
if self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson.get("use_azure_managed_identity", False):
token = ManagedIdentityCredential().get_token(f"{resource}/.default")
credential = ClientSecretCredential(
token = credential.get_token(f"{resource}/.default")
jsn = {
"access_token": token.token,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_on": token.expires_on,
self.oauth_tokens[resource] = jsn
except ImportError as e:
raise AirflowOptionalProviderFeatureException(e)
except RetryError:
raise AirflowException(f"API requests to Azure failed {self.retry_limit} times. Giving up.")
except requests_exceptions.HTTPError as e:
msg = f"Response: {e.response.content.decode()}, Status Code: {e.response.status_code}"
raise AirflowException(msg)
return jsn["access_token"]
async def _a_get_aad_token(self, resource: str) -> str:
Async version of `_get_aad_token()`.
:param resource: resource to issue token to
:return: AAD token, or raise an exception
aad_token = self.oauth_tokens.get(resource)
if aad_token and self._is_oauth_token_valid(aad_token):
return aad_token["access_token"]
self.log.info("Existing AAD token is expired, or going to expire soon. Refreshing...")
from azure.identity.aio import (
ClientSecretCredential as AsyncClientSecretCredential,
ManagedIdentityCredential as AsyncManagedIdentityCredential,
async for attempt in self._a_get_retry_object():
with attempt:
if self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson.get("use_azure_managed_identity", False):
token = await AsyncManagedIdentityCredential().get_token(f"{resource}/.default")
credential = AsyncClientSecretCredential(
token = await credential.get_token(f"{resource}/.default")
jsn = {
"access_token": token.token,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_on": token.expires_on,
self.oauth_tokens[resource] = jsn
except ImportError as e:
raise AirflowOptionalProviderFeatureException(e)
except RetryError:
raise AirflowException(f"API requests to Azure failed {self.retry_limit} times. Giving up.")
except aiohttp.ClientResponseError as err:
raise AirflowException(f"Response: {err.message}, Status Code: {err.status}")
return jsn["access_token"]
def _get_aad_headers(self) -> dict:
Fill AAD headers if necessary (SPN is outside of the workspace).
:return: dictionary with filled AAD headers
headers = {}
if "azure_resource_id" in self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson:
mgmt_token = self._get_aad_token(AZURE_MANAGEMENT_ENDPOINT)
headers["X-Databricks-Azure-Workspace-Resource-Id"] = self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson[
headers["X-Databricks-Azure-SP-Management-Token"] = mgmt_token
return headers
async def _a_get_aad_headers(self) -> dict:
Async version of `_get_aad_headers()`.
:return: dictionary with filled AAD headers
headers = {}
if "azure_resource_id" in self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson:
mgmt_token = await self._a_get_aad_token(AZURE_MANAGEMENT_ENDPOINT)
headers["X-Databricks-Azure-Workspace-Resource-Id"] = self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson[
headers["X-Databricks-Azure-SP-Management-Token"] = mgmt_token
return headers
def _is_oauth_token_valid(token: dict, time_key="expires_on") -> bool:
Check if an OAuth token is valid and hasn't expired yet.
:param sp_token: dict with properties of OAuth token
:param time_key: name of the key that holds the time of expiration
:return: true if token is valid, false otherwise
if "access_token" not in token or token.get("token_type", "") != "Bearer" or time_key not in token:
raise AirflowException(f"Can't get necessary data from OAuth token: {token}")
return int(token[time_key]) > (int(time.time()) + TOKEN_REFRESH_LEAD_TIME)
def _check_azure_metadata_service() -> None:
Check for Azure Metadata Service.
jsn = requests.get(
params={"api-version": "2021-02-01"},
headers={"Metadata": "true"},
if "compute" not in jsn or "azEnvironment" not in jsn["compute"]:
raise AirflowException(
f"Was able to fetch some metadata, but it doesn't look like Azure Metadata: {jsn}"
except (requests_exceptions.RequestException, ValueError) as e:
raise AirflowException(f"Can't reach Azure Metadata Service: {e}")
async def _a_check_azure_metadata_service(self):
"""Async version of `_check_azure_metadata_service()`."""
async with self._session.get(
params={"api-version": "2021-02-01"},
headers={"Metadata": "true"},
) as resp:
jsn = await resp.json()
if "compute" not in jsn or "azEnvironment" not in jsn["compute"]:
raise AirflowException(
f"Was able to fetch some metadata, but it doesn't look like Azure Metadata: {jsn}"
except (requests_exceptions.RequestException, ValueError) as e:
raise AirflowException(f"Can't reach Azure Metadata Service: {e}")
def _get_token(self, raise_error: bool = False) -> str | None:
if "token" in self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson:
"Using token auth. For security reasons, please set token in Password field instead of extra"
return self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson["token"]
elif not self.databricks_conn.login and self.databricks_conn.password:
self.log.debug("Using token auth.")
return self.databricks_conn.password
elif "azure_tenant_id" in self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson:
if self.databricks_conn.login == "" or self.databricks_conn.password == "":
raise AirflowException("Azure SPN credentials aren't provided")
self.log.debug("Using AAD Token for SPN.")
return self._get_aad_token(DEFAULT_DATABRICKS_SCOPE)
elif self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson.get("use_azure_managed_identity", False):
self.log.debug("Using AAD Token for managed identity.")
return self._get_aad_token(DEFAULT_DATABRICKS_SCOPE)
elif self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson.get("service_principal_oauth", False):
if self.databricks_conn.login == "" or self.databricks_conn.password == "":
raise AirflowException("Service Principal credentials aren't provided")
self.log.debug("Using Service Principal Token.")
return self._get_sp_token(OIDC_TOKEN_SERVICE_URL.format(self.databricks_conn.host))
elif raise_error:
raise AirflowException("Token authentication isn't configured")
return None
async def _a_get_token(self, raise_error: bool = False) -> str | None:
if "token" in self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson:
"Using token auth. For security reasons, please set token in Password field instead of extra"
return self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson["token"]
elif not self.databricks_conn.login and self.databricks_conn.password:
self.log.debug("Using token auth.")
return self.databricks_conn.password
elif "azure_tenant_id" in self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson:
if self.databricks_conn.login == "" or self.databricks_conn.password == "":
raise AirflowException("Azure SPN credentials aren't provided")
self.log.debug("Using AAD Token for SPN.")
return await self._a_get_aad_token(DEFAULT_DATABRICKS_SCOPE)
elif self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson.get("use_azure_managed_identity", False):
self.log.debug("Using AAD Token for managed identity.")
await self._a_check_azure_metadata_service()
return await self._a_get_aad_token(DEFAULT_DATABRICKS_SCOPE)
elif self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson.get("service_principal_oauth", False):
if self.databricks_conn.login == "" or self.databricks_conn.password == "":
raise AirflowException("Service Principal credentials aren't provided")
self.log.debug("Using Service Principal Token.")
return await self._a_get_sp_token(OIDC_TOKEN_SERVICE_URL.format(self.databricks_conn.host))
elif raise_error:
raise AirflowException("Token authentication isn't configured")
return None
def _log_request_error(self, attempt_num: int, error: str) -> None:
self.log.error("Attempt %s API Request to Databricks failed with reason: %s", attempt_num, error)
def _do_api_call(
endpoint_info: tuple[str, str],
json: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
wrap_http_errors: bool = True,
Perform an API call with retries.
:param endpoint_info: Tuple of method and endpoint
:param json: Parameters for this API call.
:return: If the api call returns a OK status code,
this function returns the response in JSON. Otherwise,
we throw an AirflowException.
method, endpoint = endpoint_info
# TODO: get rid of explicit 'api/' in the endpoint specification
url = f"https://{self.host}/{endpoint}"
aad_headers = self._get_aad_headers()
headers = {**self.user_agent_header, **aad_headers}
auth: AuthBase
token = self._get_token()
if token:
auth = _TokenAuth(token)
self.log.info("Using basic auth.")
auth = HTTPBasicAuth(self.databricks_conn.login, self.databricks_conn.password)
request_func: Any
if method == "GET":
request_func = requests.get
elif method == "POST":
request_func = requests.post
elif method == "PATCH":
request_func = requests.patch
elif method == "DELETE":
request_func = requests.delete
raise AirflowException("Unexpected HTTP Method: " + method)
for attempt in self._get_retry_object():
with attempt:
response = request_func(
json=json if method in ("POST", "PATCH") else None,
params=json if method == "GET" else None,
return response.json()
except RetryError:
raise AirflowException(f"API requests to Databricks failed {self.retry_limit} times. Giving up.")
except requests_exceptions.HTTPError as e:
if wrap_http_errors:
msg = f"Response: {e.response.content.decode()}, Status Code: {e.response.status_code}"
raise AirflowException(msg)
async def _a_do_api_call(self, endpoint_info: tuple[str, str], json: dict[str, Any] | None = None):
Async version of `_do_api_call()`.
:param endpoint_info: Tuple of method and endpoint
:param json: Parameters for this API call.
:return: If the api call returns a OK status code,
this function returns the response in JSON. Otherwise, throw an AirflowException.
method, endpoint = endpoint_info
url = f"https://{self.host}/{endpoint}"
aad_headers = await self._a_get_aad_headers()
headers = {**self.user_agent_header, **aad_headers}
auth: aiohttp.BasicAuth
token = await self._a_get_token()
if token:
auth = BearerAuth(token)
self.log.info("Using basic auth.")
auth = aiohttp.BasicAuth(self.databricks_conn.login, self.databricks_conn.password)
request_func: Any
if method == "GET":
request_func = self._session.get
elif method == "POST":
request_func = self._session.post
elif method == "PATCH":
request_func = self._session.patch
raise AirflowException("Unexpected HTTP Method: " + method)
async for attempt in self._a_get_retry_object():
with attempt:
async with request_func(
headers={**headers, **self.user_agent_header},
) as response:
return await response.json()
except RetryError:
raise AirflowException(f"API requests to Databricks failed {self.retry_limit} times. Giving up.")
except aiohttp.ClientResponseError as err:
raise AirflowException(f"Response: {err.message}, Status Code: {err.status}")
def _get_error_code(exception: BaseException) -> str:
if isinstance(exception, requests_exceptions.HTTPError):
jsn = exception.response.json()
return jsn.get("error_code", "")
except JSONDecodeError:
return ""
def _retryable_error(exception: BaseException) -> bool:
if isinstance(exception, requests_exceptions.RequestException):
if isinstance(exception, (requests_exceptions.ConnectionError, requests_exceptions.Timeout)) or (
exception.response is not None
and (
exception.response.status_code >= 500
or exception.response.status_code == 429
or (
exception.response.status_code == 400
and BaseDatabricksHook._get_error_code(exception) == "COULD_NOT_ACQUIRE_LOCK"
return True
if isinstance(exception, aiohttp.ClientResponseError):
if exception.status >= 500 or exception.status == 429:
return True
return False
class _TokenAuth(AuthBase):
Helper class for requests Auth field.
AuthBase requires you to implement the ``__call__``
magic function.
def __init__(self, token: str) -> None:
self.token = token
def __call__(self, r: PreparedRequest) -> PreparedRequest:
r.headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + self.token
return r
[docs]class BearerAuth(aiohttp.BasicAuth):
"""aiohttp only ships BasicAuth, for Bearer auth we need a subclass of BasicAuth."""
def __new__(cls, token: str) -> BearerAuth:
return super().__new__(cls, token) # type: ignore
def __init__(self, token: str) -> None:
self.token = token
[docs] def encode(self) -> str:
return f"Bearer {self.token}"