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"""This module contains Databricks sensors."""
from __future__ import annotations
from datetime import datetime
from functools import cached_property
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Sequence
from databricks.sql.utils import ParamEscaper
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException, AirflowSkipException
from airflow.providers.common.sql.hooks.sql import fetch_all_handler
from airflow.providers.databricks.hooks.databricks_sql import DatabricksSqlHook
from airflow.sensors.base import BaseSensorOperator
from airflow.utils.context import Context
[docs]class DatabricksPartitionSensor(BaseSensorOperator):
Sensor to detect the presence of table partitions in Databricks.
:param databricks_conn_id: Reference to :ref:`Databricks
connection id<howto/connection:databricks>` (templated), defaults to
:param sql_warehouse_name: Optional name of Databricks SQL warehouse. If not specified, ``http_path``
must be provided as described below, defaults to None
:param http_path: Optional string specifying HTTP path of Databricks SQL warehouse or All Purpose cluster.
If not specified, it should be either specified in the Databricks connection's
extra parameters, or ``sql_warehouse_name`` must be specified.
:param session_configuration: An optional dictionary of Spark session parameters. If not specified,
it could be specified in the Databricks connection's extra parameters, defaults to None
:param http_headers: An optional list of (k, v) pairs
that will be set as HTTP headers on every request. (templated).
:param catalog: An optional initial catalog to use.
Requires Databricks Runtime version 9.0+ (templated), defaults to ""
:param schema: An optional initial schema to use.
Requires Databricks Runtime version 9.0+ (templated), defaults to "default"
:param table_name: Name of the table to check partitions.
:param partitions: Name of the partitions to check.
Example: {"date": "2023-01-03", "name": ["abc", "def"]}
:param partition_operator: Optional comparison operator for partitions, such as >=.
:param handler: Handler for DbApiHook.run() to return results, defaults to fetch_all_handler
:param client_parameters: Additional parameters internal to Databricks SQL connector parameters.
[docs] template_fields: Sequence[str] = (
[docs] template_ext: Sequence[str] = (".sql",)
[docs] template_fields_renderers = {"sql": "sql"}
def __init__(
databricks_conn_id: str = DatabricksSqlHook.default_conn_name,
http_path: str | None = None,
sql_warehouse_name: str | None = None,
http_headers: list[tuple[str, str]] | None = None,
catalog: str = "",
schema: str = "default",
table_name: str,
partitions: dict,
partition_operator: str = "=",
handler: Callable[[Any], Any] = fetch_all_handler,
client_parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> None:
self.databricks_conn_id = databricks_conn_id
self._http_path = http_path
self._sql_warehouse_name = sql_warehouse_name
self.session_config = session_configuration
self.http_headers = http_headers
self.catalog = catalog
self.schema = schema
self.caller = "DatabricksPartitionSensor"
self.partitions = partitions
self.partition_operator = partition_operator
self.table_name = table_name
self.client_parameters = client_parameters or {}
self.hook_params = kwargs.pop("hook_params", {})
self.handler = handler
self.escaper = ParamEscaper()
def _sql_sensor(self, sql):
"""Execute the supplied SQL statement using the hook object."""
hook = self._get_hook
sql_result = hook.run(
handler=self.handler if self.do_xcom_push else None,
self.log.debug("SQL result: %s", sql_result)
return sql_result
def _get_hook(self) -> DatabricksSqlHook:
"""Create and return a DatabricksSqlHook object."""
return DatabricksSqlHook(
def _check_table_partitions(self) -> list:
"""Generate the fully qualified table name, generate partition, and call the _sql_sensor method."""
if self.table_name.split(".")[0] == "delta":
_fully_qualified_table_name = self.table_name
_fully_qualified_table_name = f"{self.catalog}.{self.schema}.{self.table_name}"
self.log.debug("Table name generated from arguments: %s", _fully_qualified_table_name)
_joiner_val = " AND "
_prefix = f"SELECT 1 FROM {_fully_qualified_table_name} WHERE"
_suffix = " LIMIT 1"
partition_sql = self._generate_partition_query(
return self._sql_sensor(partition_sql)
def _generate_partition_query(
prefix: str,
suffix: str,
joiner_val: str,
table_name: str,
opts: dict[str, str] | None = None,
escape_key: bool = False,
) -> str:
Query the table for available partitions.
Generates the SQL query based on the partition data types.
* For a list, it prepares the SQL in the format:
column_name in (value1, value2,...)
* For a numeric type, it prepares the format:
column_name =(or other provided operator such as >=) value
* For a date type, it prepares the format:
column_name =(or other provided operator such as >=) value
Once the filter predicates have been generated like above, the query
is prepared to be executed using the prefix and suffix supplied, which are:
"SELECT 1 FROM {_fully_qualified_table_name} WHERE" and "LIMIT 1".
partition_columns = self._sql_sensor(f"DESCRIBE DETAIL {table_name}")[0][7]
self.log.debug("Partition columns: %s", partition_columns)
if len(partition_columns) < 1:
# TODO: remove this if block when min_airflow_version is set to higher than 2.7.1
message = f"Table {table_name} does not have partitions"
if self.soft_fail:
raise AirflowSkipException(message)
raise AirflowException(message)
formatted_opts = ""
if opts:
output_list = []
for partition_col, partition_value in opts.items():
if escape_key:
partition_col = self.escaper.escape_item(partition_col)
if partition_col in partition_columns:
if isinstance(partition_value, list):
output_list.append(f"""{partition_col} in {tuple(partition_value)}""")
self.log.debug("List formatting for partitions: %s", output_list)
if isinstance(partition_value, (int, float, complex)):
if isinstance(partition_value, (str, datetime)):
# TODO: remove this if block when min_airflow_version is set to higher than 2.7.1
message = f"Column {partition_col} not part of table partitions: {partition_columns}"
if self.soft_fail:
raise AirflowSkipException(message)
raise AirflowException(message)
# Raises exception if the table does not have any partitions.
# TODO: remove this if block when min_airflow_version is set to higher than 2.7.1
message = "No partitions specified to check with the sensor."
if self.soft_fail:
raise AirflowSkipException(message)
raise AirflowException(message)
formatted_opts = f"{prefix} {joiner_val.join(output_list)} {suffix}"
self.log.debug("Formatted options: %s", formatted_opts)
return formatted_opts.strip()
[docs] def poke(self, context: Context) -> bool:
"""Check the table partitions and return the results."""
partition_result = self._check_table_partitions()
self.log.debug("Partition sensor result: %s", partition_result)
if partition_result:
return True
# TODO: remove this if block when min_airflow_version is set to higher than 2.7.1
message = f"Specified partition(s): {self.partitions} were not found."
if self.soft_fail:
raise AirflowSkipException(message)
raise AirflowException(message)