Launches PODs
Module Contents¶
Possible pod phases |
PodLogsConsumer is responsible for pulling pod logs from a stream with checking a container status before |
Used for returning the status of the pod and last log time when exiting from fetch_container_logs |
Helper class for creating, monitoring, and otherwise interacting with Kubernetes pods |
Check if an Exception indicates a transient error and warrants retrying |
Retrieves container status |
Examines V1Pod |
Examines V1Pod |
- exception airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.utils.pod_manager.PodLaunchFailedException[source]¶
When pod launching fails in KubernetesPodOperator.
- airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.utils.pod_manager.should_retry_start_pod(exception)[source]¶
Check if an Exception indicates a transient error and warrants retrying
- class airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.utils.pod_manager.PodPhase[source]¶
Possible pod phases See
- airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.utils.pod_manager.get_container_status(pod, container_name)[source]¶
Retrieves container status
- airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.utils.pod_manager.container_is_running(pod, container_name)[source]¶
Examines V1Pod
to determine whethercontainer_name
is running. If that container is present and running, returns True. Returns False otherwise.
- airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.utils.pod_manager.container_is_terminated(pod, container_name)[source]¶
Examines V1Pod
to determine whethercontainer_name
is terminated. If that container is present and terminated, returns True. Returns False otherwise.
- airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.utils.pod_manager.get_container_termination_message(pod, container_name)[source]¶
- class airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.utils.pod_manager.PodLogsConsumer(response, pod, pod_manager, container_name, post_termination_timeout=120, read_pod_cache_timeout=120)[source]¶
PodLogsConsumer is responsible for pulling pod logs from a stream with checking a container status before reading data. This class is a workaround for the issue
- Parameters
response (urllib3.response.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response with logs
pod (kubernetes.client.models.v1_pod.V1Pod) – Pod instance from Kubernetes client
pod_manager (PodManager) – Pod manager instance
container_name (str) – Name of the container that we’re reading logs from
post_termination_timeout (int) – (Optional) The period of time in seconds representing for how long time logs are available after the container termination.
read_pod_cache_timeout (int) – (Optional) The container’s status cache lifetime. The container status is cached to reduce API calls.
- class airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.utils.pod_manager.PodLoggingStatus[source]¶
Used for returning the status of the pod and last log time when exiting from fetch_container_logs
- class airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.utils.pod_manager.PodManager(kube_client)[source]¶
Helper class for creating, monitoring, and otherwise interacting with Kubernetes pods for use with the KubernetesPodOperator
- await_pod_start(pod, startup_timeout=120)[source]¶
Waits for the pod to reach phase other than
- Parameters
pod (kubernetes.client.models.v1_pod.V1Pod) –
startup_timeout (int) – Timeout (in seconds) for startup of the pod (if pod is pending for too long, fails task)
- Returns
- Return type
- fetch_container_logs(pod, container_name, *, follow=False, since_time=None, post_termination_timeout=120)[source]¶
Follows the logs of container and streams to airflow logging. Returns when container exits.
- await_container_completion(pod, container_name)[source]¶
Waits for the given container in the given pod to be completed
- Parameters
pod (kubernetes.client.models.v1_pod.V1Pod) – pod spec that will be monitored
container_name (str) – name of the container within the pod to monitor
- await_pod_completion(pod)[source]¶
Monitors a pod and returns the final state
- Parameters
pod (kubernetes.client.models.v1_pod.V1Pod) – pod spec that will be monitored
- Returns
tuple[State, str | None]
- Return type
- container_is_terminated(pod, container_name)[source]¶
Reads pod and checks if container is terminated