
Use the AsanaCreateTaskOperator to create an Asana task.

Using the Operator

The AsanaCreateTaskOperator minimally requires the new task’s name and the Asana connection to use to connect to your account (conn_id). There are many other task attributes you can specify through the task_parameters. You must specify at least one of workspace, parent, or projects in the task_parameters or in the connection.


Use the AsanaDeleteTaskOperator to delete an existing Asana task.

Using the Operator

The AsanaDeleteTaskOperator requires the task id to delete. Use the conn_id parameter to specify the Asana connection to use to connect to your account.


Use the AsanaFindTaskOperator to search for Asana tasks that fit some criteria.

Using the Operator

The AsanaFindTaskOperator requires a dict of search parameters following the description here. Use the conn_id parameter to specify the Asana connection to use to connect to your account. Any parameters provided through the connection will be used in the search if not overridden in the search_parameters.


Use the AsanaUpdateTaskOperator to update an existing Asana task.

Using the Operator

The AsanaUpdateTaskOperator minimally requires the task id to update and the Asana connection to use to connect to your account (conn_id). There are many other task attributes you can overwrite through the task_parameters.


# Create a task. `task_parameters` is used to specify attributes the new task should have.
# You must specify at least one of 'workspace', 'projects', or 'parent' in `task_parameters`
# unless these are specified in the connection. Any attributes you specify in
# `task_parameters` will override values from the connection.
create = AsanaCreateTaskOperator(
    task_parameters={"notes": "Some notes about the task."},
    name="New Task Name",
# Find tasks matching search criteria. `search_parameters` is used to specify these criteria.
# You must specify `project`, `section`, `tag`, `user_task_list`, or both
# `assignee` and `workspace` in `search_parameters` or in the connection.
# This example shows how you can override a project specified in the connection by
# passing a different value for project into `search_parameters`
one_week_ago = ( - timedelta(days=7)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
find = AsanaFindTaskOperator(
    search_parameters={"project": ASANA_PROJECT_ID_OVERRIDE, "modified_since": one_week_ago},
# Update a task. `task_parameters` is used to specify the new values of
# task attributes you want to update.
update = AsanaUpdateTaskOperator(
    task_parameters={"notes": "This task was updated!", "completed": True},
# Delete a task. This task will complete successfully even if `asana_task_gid` does not exist.
delete = AsanaDeleteTaskOperator(

create >> find >> update >> delete

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