# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
import os
import re
import subprocess
import time
from typing import Any, Iterator
from airflow.configuration import conf as airflow_conf
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.hooks.base import BaseHook
from airflow.security.kerberos import renew_from_kt
from airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin import LoggingMixin
with contextlib.suppress(ImportError, NameError):
from airflow.kubernetes import kube_client
[docs]ALLOWED_SPARK_BINARIES = ["spark-submit", "spark2-submit", "spark3-submit"]
[docs]class SparkSubmitHook(BaseHook, LoggingMixin):
This hook is a wrapper around the spark-submit binary to kick off a spark-submit job.
It requires that the "spark-submit" binary is in the PATH.
:param conf: Arbitrary Spark configuration properties
:param spark_conn_id: The :ref:`spark connection id <howto/connection:spark>` as configured
in Airflow administration. When an invalid connection_id is supplied, it will default
to yarn.
:param files: Upload additional files to the executor running the job, separated by a
comma. Files will be placed in the working directory of each executor.
For example, serialized objects.
:param py_files: Additional python files used by the job, can be .zip, .egg or .py.
:param archives: Archives that spark should unzip (and possibly tag with #ALIAS) into
the application working directory.
:param driver_class_path: Additional, driver-specific, classpath settings.
:param jars: Submit additional jars to upload and place them in executor classpath.
:param java_class: the main class of the Java application
:param packages: Comma-separated list of maven coordinates of jars to include on the
driver and executor classpaths
:param exclude_packages: Comma-separated list of maven coordinates of jars to exclude
while resolving the dependencies provided in 'packages'
:param repositories: Comma-separated list of additional remote repositories to search
for the maven coordinates given with 'packages'
:param total_executor_cores: (Standalone & Mesos only) Total cores for all executors
(Default: all the available cores on the worker)
:param executor_cores: (Standalone, YARN and Kubernetes only) Number of cores per
executor (Default: 2)
:param executor_memory: Memory per executor (e.g. 1000M, 2G) (Default: 1G)
:param driver_memory: Memory allocated to the driver (e.g. 1000M, 2G) (Default: 1G)
:param keytab: Full path to the file that contains the keytab
:param principal: The name of the kerberos principal used for keytab
:param proxy_user: User to impersonate when submitting the application
:param name: Name of the job (default airflow-spark)
:param num_executors: Number of executors to launch
:param status_poll_interval: Seconds to wait between polls of driver status in cluster
mode (Default: 1)
:param application_args: Arguments for the application being submitted
:param env_vars: Environment variables for spark-submit. It
supports yarn and k8s mode too.
:param verbose: Whether to pass the verbose flag to spark-submit process for debugging
:param spark_binary: The command to use for spark submit.
Some distros may use spark2-submit or spark3-submit.
[docs] conn_name_attr = "conn_id"
[docs] default_conn_name = "spark_default"
[docs] def get_ui_field_behaviour() -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns custom field behaviour"""
return {
"hidden_fields": ["schema", "login", "password"],
"relabeling": {},
def __init__(
conf: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
conn_id: str = "spark_default",
files: str | None = None,
py_files: str | None = None,
archives: str | None = None,
driver_class_path: str | None = None,
jars: str | None = None,
java_class: str | None = None,
packages: str | None = None,
exclude_packages: str | None = None,
repositories: str | None = None,
total_executor_cores: int | None = None,
executor_cores: int | None = None,
executor_memory: str | None = None,
driver_memory: str | None = None,
keytab: str | None = None,
principal: str | None = None,
proxy_user: str | None = None,
name: str = "default-name",
num_executors: int | None = None,
status_poll_interval: int = 1,
application_args: list[Any] | None = None,
env_vars: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
verbose: bool = False,
spark_binary: str | None = None,
) -> None:
self._conf = conf or {}
self._conn_id = conn_id
self._files = files
self._py_files = py_files
self._archives = archives
self._driver_class_path = driver_class_path
self._jars = jars
self._java_class = java_class
self._packages = packages
self._exclude_packages = exclude_packages
self._repositories = repositories
self._total_executor_cores = total_executor_cores
self._executor_cores = executor_cores
self._executor_memory = executor_memory
self._driver_memory = driver_memory
self._keytab = keytab
self._principal = principal
self._proxy_user = proxy_user
self._name = name
self._num_executors = num_executors
self._status_poll_interval = status_poll_interval
self._application_args = application_args
self._env_vars = env_vars
self._verbose = verbose
self._submit_sp: Any | None = None
self._yarn_application_id: str | None = None
self._kubernetes_driver_pod: str | None = None
self.spark_binary = spark_binary
self._connection = self._resolve_connection()
self._is_yarn = "yarn" in self._connection["master"]
self._is_kubernetes = "k8s" in self._connection["master"]
if self._is_kubernetes and kube_client is None:
raise RuntimeError(
f"{self._connection['master']} specified by kubernetes dependencies are not installed!"
self._should_track_driver_status = self._resolve_should_track_driver_status()
self._driver_id: str | None = None
self._driver_status: str | None = None
self._spark_exit_code: int | None = None
self._env: dict[str, Any] | None = None
def _resolve_should_track_driver_status(self) -> bool:
Determines whether this hook should poll the spark driver status through
subsequent spark-submit status requests after the initial spark-submit request
:return: if the driver status should be tracked
return "spark://" in self._connection["master"] and self._connection["deploy_mode"] == "cluster"
def _resolve_connection(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
# Build from connection master or default to yarn if not available
conn_data = {
"master": "yarn",
"queue": None,
"deploy_mode": None,
"spark_binary": self.spark_binary or "spark-submit",
"namespace": None,
# Master can be local, yarn, spark://HOST:PORT, mesos://HOST:PORT and
# k8s://https://<HOST>:<PORT>
conn = self.get_connection(self._conn_id)
if conn.port:
conn_data["master"] = f"{conn.host}:{conn.port}"
conn_data["master"] = conn.host
# Determine optional yarn queue from the extra field
extra = conn.extra_dejson
conn_data["queue"] = extra.get("queue")
conn_data["deploy_mode"] = extra.get("deploy-mode")
if not self.spark_binary:
self.spark_binary = extra.get("spark-binary", "spark-submit")
if self.spark_binary is not None and self.spark_binary not in ALLOWED_SPARK_BINARIES:
raise RuntimeError(
f"The spark-binary extra can be on of {ALLOWED_SPARK_BINARIES} and it"
f" was `{self.spark_binary}`. Please make sure your spark binary is one of the"
f" allowed ones and that it is available on the PATH"
conn_spark_home = extra.get("spark-home")
if conn_spark_home:
raise RuntimeError(
"The `spark-home` extra is not allowed any more. Please make sure one of"
f" {ALLOWED_SPARK_BINARIES} is available on the PATH, and set `spark-binary`"
" if needed."
conn_data["spark_binary"] = self.spark_binary
conn_data["namespace"] = extra.get("namespace")
except AirflowException:
"Could not load connection string %s, defaulting to %s", self._conn_id, conn_data["master"]
if "spark.kubernetes.namespace" in self._conf:
conn_data["namespace"] = self._conf["spark.kubernetes.namespace"]
return conn_data
[docs] def get_conn(self) -> Any:
def _get_spark_binary_path(self) -> list[str]:
# Assume that spark-submit is present in the path to the executing user
return [self._connection["spark_binary"]]
def _mask_cmd(self, connection_cmd: str | list[str]) -> str:
# Mask any password related fields in application args with key value pair
# where key contains password (case insensitive), e.g. HivePassword='abc'
connection_cmd_masked = re.sub(
r"\S*?" # Match all non-whitespace characters before...
r"(?:secret|password)" # ...literally a "secret" or "password"
# word (not capturing them).
r"\S*?" # All non-whitespace characters before either...
r"(?:=|\s+)" # ...an equal sign or whitespace characters
# (not capturing them).
r"(['\"]?)" # An optional single or double quote.
r")" # This is the end of the first capturing group.
r"(?:(?!\2\s).)*" # All characters between optional quotes
# (matched above); if the value is quoted,
# it may contain whitespace.
r"(\2)", # Optional matching quote.
" ".join(connection_cmd),
return connection_cmd_masked
def _build_spark_submit_command(self, application: str) -> list[str]:
Construct the spark-submit command to execute.
:param application: command to append to the spark-submit command
:return: full command to be executed
connection_cmd = self._get_spark_binary_path()
# The url of the spark master
connection_cmd += ["--master", self._connection["master"]]
for key in self._conf:
connection_cmd += ["--conf", f"{key}={str(self._conf[key])}"]
if self._env_vars and (self._is_kubernetes or self._is_yarn):
if self._is_yarn:
tmpl = "spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.{}={}"
# Allow dynamic setting of hadoop/yarn configuration environments
self._env = self._env_vars
tmpl = "spark.kubernetes.driverEnv.{}={}"
for key in self._env_vars:
connection_cmd += ["--conf", tmpl.format(key, str(self._env_vars[key]))]
elif self._env_vars and self._connection["deploy_mode"] != "cluster":
self._env = self._env_vars # Do it on Popen of the process
elif self._env_vars and self._connection["deploy_mode"] == "cluster":
raise AirflowException("SparkSubmitHook env_vars is not supported in standalone-cluster mode.")
if self._is_kubernetes and self._connection["namespace"]:
connection_cmd += [
if self._files:
connection_cmd += ["--files", self._files]
if self._py_files:
connection_cmd += ["--py-files", self._py_files]
if self._archives:
connection_cmd += ["--archives", self._archives]
if self._driver_class_path:
connection_cmd += ["--driver-class-path", self._driver_class_path]
if self._jars:
connection_cmd += ["--jars", self._jars]
if self._packages:
connection_cmd += ["--packages", self._packages]
if self._exclude_packages:
connection_cmd += ["--exclude-packages", self._exclude_packages]
if self._repositories:
connection_cmd += ["--repositories", self._repositories]
if self._num_executors:
connection_cmd += ["--num-executors", str(self._num_executors)]
if self._total_executor_cores:
connection_cmd += ["--total-executor-cores", str(self._total_executor_cores)]
if self._executor_cores:
connection_cmd += ["--executor-cores", str(self._executor_cores)]
if self._executor_memory:
connection_cmd += ["--executor-memory", self._executor_memory]
if self._driver_memory:
connection_cmd += ["--driver-memory", self._driver_memory]
if self._keytab:
connection_cmd += ["--keytab", self._keytab]
if self._principal:
connection_cmd += ["--principal", self._principal]
if self._proxy_user:
connection_cmd += ["--proxy-user", self._proxy_user]
if self._name:
connection_cmd += ["--name", self._name]
if self._java_class:
connection_cmd += ["--class", self._java_class]
if self._verbose:
connection_cmd += ["--verbose"]
if self._connection["queue"]:
connection_cmd += ["--queue", self._connection["queue"]]
if self._connection["deploy_mode"]:
connection_cmd += ["--deploy-mode", self._connection["deploy_mode"]]
# The actual script to execute
connection_cmd += [application]
# Append any application arguments
if self._application_args:
connection_cmd += self._application_args
self.log.info("Spark-Submit cmd: %s", self._mask_cmd(connection_cmd))
return connection_cmd
def _build_track_driver_status_command(self) -> list[str]:
Construct the command to poll the driver status.
:return: full command to be executed
curl_max_wait_time = 30
spark_host = self._connection["master"]
if spark_host.endswith(":6066"):
spark_host = spark_host.replace("spark://", "http://")
connection_cmd = [
# The driver id so we can poll for its status
if not self._driver_id:
raise AirflowException(
"Invalid status: attempted to poll driver status but no driver id is known. Giving up."
connection_cmd = self._get_spark_binary_path()
# The url to the spark master
connection_cmd += ["--master", self._connection["master"]]
# The driver id so we can poll for its status
if self._driver_id:
connection_cmd += ["--status", self._driver_id]
raise AirflowException(
"Invalid status: attempted to poll driver status but no driver id is known. Giving up."
self.log.debug("Poll driver status cmd: %s", connection_cmd)
return connection_cmd
[docs] def submit(self, application: str = "", **kwargs: Any) -> None:
Remote Popen to execute the spark-submit job
:param application: Submitted application, jar or py file
:param kwargs: extra arguments to Popen (see subprocess.Popen)
spark_submit_cmd = self._build_spark_submit_command(application)
if self._env:
env = os.environ.copy()
kwargs["env"] = env
self._submit_sp = subprocess.Popen(
self._process_spark_submit_log(iter(self._submit_sp.stdout)) # type: ignore
returncode = self._submit_sp.wait()
# Check spark-submit return code. In Kubernetes mode, also check the value
# of exit code in the log, as it may differ.
if returncode or (self._is_kubernetes and self._spark_exit_code != 0):
if self._is_kubernetes:
raise AirflowException(
f"Cannot execute: {self._mask_cmd(spark_submit_cmd)}. Error code is: {returncode}. "
f"Kubernetes spark exit code is: {self._spark_exit_code}"
raise AirflowException(
f"Cannot execute: {self._mask_cmd(spark_submit_cmd)}. Error code is: {returncode}."
self.log.debug("Should track driver: %s", self._should_track_driver_status)
# We want the Airflow job to wait until the Spark driver is finished
if self._should_track_driver_status:
if self._driver_id is None:
raise AirflowException(
"No driver id is known: something went wrong when executing the spark submit command"
# We start with the SUBMITTED status as initial status
self._driver_status = "SUBMITTED"
# Start tracking the driver status (blocking function)
if self._driver_status != "FINISHED":
raise AirflowException(
f"ERROR : Driver {self._driver_id} badly exited with status {self._driver_status}"
def _process_spark_submit_log(self, itr: Iterator[Any]) -> None:
Processes the log files and extracts useful information out of it.
If the deploy-mode is 'client', log the output of the submit command as those
are the output logs of the Spark worker directly.
Remark: If the driver needs to be tracked for its status, the log-level of the
spark deploy needs to be at least INFO (log4j.logger.org.apache.spark.deploy=INFO)
:param itr: An iterator which iterates over the input of the subprocess
# Consume the iterator
for line in itr:
line = line.strip()
# If we run yarn cluster mode, we want to extract the application id from
# the logs so we can kill the application when we stop it unexpectedly
if self._is_yarn and self._connection["deploy_mode"] == "cluster":
match = re.search("(application[0-9_]+)", line)
if match:
self._yarn_application_id = match.groups()[0]
self.log.info("Identified spark driver id: %s", self._yarn_application_id)
# If we run Kubernetes cluster mode, we want to extract the driver pod id
# from the logs so we can kill the application when we stop it unexpectedly
elif self._is_kubernetes:
match = re.search(r"\s*pod name: ((.+?)-([a-z0-9]+)-driver)", line)
if match:
self._kubernetes_driver_pod = match.groups()[0]
self.log.info("Identified spark driver pod: %s", self._kubernetes_driver_pod)
# Store the Spark Exit code
match_exit_code = re.search(r"\s*[eE]xit code: (\d+)", line)
if match_exit_code:
self._spark_exit_code = int(match_exit_code.groups()[0])
# if we run in standalone cluster mode and we want to track the driver status
# we need to extract the driver id from the logs. This allows us to poll for
# the status using the driver id. Also, we can kill the driver when needed.
elif self._should_track_driver_status and not self._driver_id:
match_driver_id = re.search(r"(driver-[0-9\-]+)", line)
if match_driver_id:
self._driver_id = match_driver_id.groups()[0]
self.log.info("identified spark driver id: %s", self._driver_id)
def _process_spark_status_log(self, itr: Iterator[Any]) -> None:
Parses the logs of the spark driver status query process
:param itr: An iterator which iterates over the input of the subprocess
driver_found = False
valid_response = False
# Consume the iterator
for line in itr:
line = line.strip()
# A valid Spark status response should contain a submissionId
if "submissionId" in line:
valid_response = True
# Check if the log line is about the driver status and extract the status.
if "driverState" in line:
self._driver_status = line.split(" : ")[1].replace(",", "").replace('"', "").strip()
driver_found = True
self.log.debug("spark driver status log: %s", line)
if valid_response and not driver_found:
self._driver_status = "UNKNOWN"
def _start_driver_status_tracking(self) -> None:
Polls the driver based on self._driver_id to get the status.
Finish successfully when the status is FINISHED.
Finish failed when the status is ERROR/UNKNOWN/KILLED/FAILED.
Possible status:
Submitted but not yet scheduled on a worker
Has been allocated to a worker to run
Previously ran and exited cleanly
Exited non-zero or due to worker failure, but has not yet
started running again
The status of the driver is temporarily not known due to
master failure recovery
A user manually killed this driver
The driver exited non-zero and was not supervised
Unable to run or restart due to an unrecoverable error
(e.g. missing jar file)
# When your Spark Standalone cluster is not performing well
# due to misconfiguration or heavy loads.
# it is possible that the polling request will timeout.
# Therefore we use a simple retry mechanism.
missed_job_status_reports = 0
max_missed_job_status_reports = 10
# Keep polling as long as the driver is processing
while self._driver_status not in ["FINISHED", "UNKNOWN", "KILLED", "FAILED", "ERROR"]:
# Sleep for n seconds as we do not want to spam the cluster
self.log.debug("polling status of spark driver with id %s", self._driver_id)
poll_drive_status_cmd = self._build_track_driver_status_command()
status_process: Any = subprocess.Popen(
returncode = status_process.wait()
if returncode:
if missed_job_status_reports < max_missed_job_status_reports:
missed_job_status_reports += 1
raise AirflowException(
f"Failed to poll for the driver status {max_missed_job_status_reports} times: "
f"returncode = {returncode}"
def _build_spark_driver_kill_command(self) -> list[str]:
Construct the spark-submit command to kill a driver.
:return: full command to kill a driver
# Assume that spark-submit is present in the path to the executing user
connection_cmd = [self._connection["spark_binary"]]
# The url to the spark master
connection_cmd += ["--master", self._connection["master"]]
# The actual kill command
if self._driver_id:
connection_cmd += ["--kill", self._driver_id]
self.log.debug("Spark-Kill cmd: %s", connection_cmd)
return connection_cmd
[docs] def on_kill(self) -> None:
"""Kill Spark submit command"""
self.log.debug("Kill Command is being called")
if self._should_track_driver_status and self._driver_id:
self.log.info("Killing driver %s on cluster", self._driver_id)
kill_cmd = self._build_spark_driver_kill_command()
with subprocess.Popen(kill_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) as driver_kill:
"Spark driver %s killed with return code: %s", self._driver_id, driver_kill.wait()
if self._submit_sp and self._submit_sp.poll() is None:
self.log.info("Sending kill signal to %s", self._connection["spark_binary"])
if self._yarn_application_id:
kill_cmd = f"yarn application -kill {self._yarn_application_id}".split()
env = {**os.environ, **(self._env or {})}
if self._keytab is not None and self._principal is not None:
# we are ignoring renewal failures from renew_from_kt
# here as the failure could just be due to a non-renewable ticket,
# we still attempt to kill the yarn application
renew_from_kt(self._principal, self._keytab, exit_on_fail=False)
env = os.environ.copy()
ccacche = airflow_conf.get_mandatory_value("kerberos", "ccache")
env["KRB5CCNAME"] = ccacche
with subprocess.Popen(
kill_cmd, env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE
) as yarn_kill:
self.log.info("YARN app killed with return code: %s", yarn_kill.wait())
if self._kubernetes_driver_pod:
self.log.info("Killing pod %s on Kubernetes", self._kubernetes_driver_pod)
# Currently only instantiate Kubernetes client for killing a spark pod.
import kubernetes
client = kube_client.get_kube_client()
api_response = client.delete_namespaced_pod(
self.log.info("Spark on K8s killed with response: %s", api_response)
except kube_client.ApiException:
self.log.exception("Exception when attempting to kill Spark on K8s")