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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file# distributed with this work for additional information# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,# software distributed under the License is distributed on an# "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the# specific language governing permissions and limitations# under the License.from__future__importannotationsimportasyncioimportloggingimporttimefromtypingimportAnyimportjmespathfrombotocore.exceptionsimportWaiterErrorfrombotocore.waiterimportWaiterfromairflow.exceptionsimportAirflowException
[docs]defwait(waiter:Waiter,waiter_delay:int,waiter_max_attempts:int,args:dict[str,Any],failure_message:str,status_message:str,status_args:list[str],)->None:""" Use a boto waiter to poll an AWS service for the specified state. Although this function uses boto waiters to poll the state of the service, it logs the response of the service after every attempt, which is not currently supported by boto waiters. :param waiter: The boto waiter to use. :param waiter_delay: The amount of time in seconds to wait between attempts. :param waiter_max_attempts: The maximum number of attempts to be made. :param args: The arguments to pass to the waiter. :param failure_message: The message to log if a failure state is reached. :param status_message: The message logged when printing the status of the service. :param status_args: A list containing the JMESPath queries to retrieve status information from the waiter response. e.g. response = {"Cluster": {"state": "CREATING"}} status_args = ["Cluster.state"] response = { "Clusters": [{"state": "CREATING", "details": "User initiated."},] } status_args = ["Clusters[0].state", "Clusters[0].details"] """log=logging.getLogger(__name__)attempt=0whileTrue:attempt+=1try:waiter.wait(**args,WaiterConfig={"MaxAttempts":1})breakexceptWaiterErroraserror:if"terminal failure"instr(error):log.error("%s: %s",failure_message,_LazyStatusFormatter(status_args,error.last_response))raiseAirflowException(f"{failure_message}: {error}")"%s: %s",status_message,_LazyStatusFormatter(status_args,error.last_response))ifattempt>=waiter_max_attempts:raiseAirflowException("Waiter error: max attempts reached")time.sleep(waiter_delay)
[docs]asyncdefasync_wait(waiter:Waiter,waiter_delay:int,waiter_max_attempts:int,args:dict[str,Any],failure_message:str,status_message:str,status_args:list[str],):""" Use an async boto waiter to poll an AWS service for the specified state. Although this function uses boto waiters to poll the state of the service, it logs the response of the service after every attempt, which is not currently supported by boto waiters. :param waiter: The boto waiter to use. :param waiter_delay: The amount of time in seconds to wait between attempts. :param waiter_max_attempts: The maximum number of attempts to be made. :param args: The arguments to pass to the waiter. :param failure_message: The message to log if a failure state is reached. :param status_message: The message logged when printing the status of the service. :param status_args: A list containing the JMESPath queries to retrieve status information from the waiter response. e.g. response = {"Cluster": {"state": "CREATING"}} status_args = ["Cluster.state"] response = { "Clusters": [{"state": "CREATING", "details": "User initiated."},] } status_args = ["Clusters[0].state", "Clusters[0].details"] """log=logging.getLogger(__name__)attempt=0whileTrue:attempt+=1try:awaitwaiter.wait(**args,WaiterConfig={"MaxAttempts":1})breakexceptWaiterErroraserror:if"terminal failure"instr(error):log.error("%s: %s",failure_message,_LazyStatusFormatter(status_args,error.last_response))raiseAirflowException(f"{failure_message}: {error}")"%s: %s",status_message,_LazyStatusFormatter(status_args,error.last_response))ifattempt>=waiter_max_attempts:raiseAirflowException("Waiter error: max attempts reached")awaitasyncio.sleep(waiter_delay)
class_LazyStatusFormatter:""" Contains the info necessary to extract the status from a response; only computes the value when necessary. Used to avoid computations if the logs are disabled at the given level. """def__init__(self,jmespath_queries:list[str],response:dict[str,Any]):self.jmespath_queries=jmespath_queriesself.response=responsedef__str__(self):"""Loop through the args list and generate a string containing values from the waiter response."""values=[],self.response)ifvalueisnotNoneandvalue!="":values.append(str(value))return" - ".join(values)