# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Literal, Sequence, TypedDict
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError, WaiterError
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from airflow.providers.amazon.aws.hooks.dynamodb import DynamoDBHook
from airflow.utils.context import Context
[docs]class AttributeDefinition(TypedDict):
"""Attribute Definition Type."""
[docs] AttributeType: Literal["S", "N", "B"]
[docs]class KeySchema(TypedDict):
"""Key Schema Type."""
[docs] KeyType: Literal["HASH", "RANGE"]
[docs]class S3ToDynamoDBOperator(BaseOperator):
"""Load Data from S3 into a DynamoDB.
Data stored in S3 can be uploaded to a new or existing DynamoDB. Supported file formats CSV, DynamoDB JSON and
Amazon ION.
:param s3_bucket: The S3 bucket that is imported
:param s3_key: Key prefix that imports single or multiple objects from S3
:param dynamodb_table_name: Name of the table that shall be created
:param dynamodb_key_schema: Primary key and sort key. Each element represents one primary key
attribute. AttributeName is the name of the attribute. KeyType is the role for the attribute. Valid values
:param dynamodb_attributes: Name of the attributes of a table. AttributeName is the name for the attribute
AttributeType is the data type for the attribute. Valid values for AttributeType are
S - attribute is of type String
N - attribute is of type Number
B - attribute is of type Binary
:param dynamodb_tmp_table_prefix: Prefix for the temporary DynamoDB table
:param delete_on_error: If set, the new DynamoDB table will be deleted in case of import errors
:param use_existing_table: Whether to import to an existing non new DynamoDB table. If set to
true data is loaded first into a temporary DynamoDB table (using the AWS ImportTable Service),
then retrieved as chunks into memory and loaded into the target table. If set to false, a new
DynamoDB table will be created and S3 data is bulk loaded by the AWS ImportTable Service.
:param input_format: The format for the imported data. Valid values for InputFormat are CSV, DYNAMODB_JSON
or ION
:param billing_mode: Billing mode for the table. Valid values are PROVISIONED or PAY_PER_REQUEST
:param on_demand_throughput: Extra options for maximum number of read and write units
:param import_table_kwargs: Any additional optional import table parameters to pass, such as ClientToken,
InputCompressionType, or InputFormatOptions. See:
:param import_table_creation_kwargs: Any additional optional import table creation parameters to pass, such as
ProvisionedThroughput, SSESpecification, or GlobalSecondaryIndexes. See:
:param wait_for_completion: Whether to wait for cluster to stop
:param check_interval: Time in seconds to wait between status checks
:param max_attempts: Maximum number of attempts to check for job completion
:param aws_conn_id: The reference to the AWS connection details
[docs] template_fields: Sequence[str] = (
def __init__(
s3_bucket: str,
s3_key: str,
dynamodb_table_name: str,
dynamodb_key_schema: list[KeySchema],
dynamodb_attributes: list[AttributeDefinition] | None = None,
dynamodb_tmp_table_prefix: str = "tmp",
delete_on_error: bool = False,
use_existing_table: bool = False,
input_format: Literal["CSV", "DYNAMODB_JSON", "ION"] = "DYNAMODB_JSON",
billing_mode: Literal["PROVISIONED", "PAY_PER_REQUEST"] = "PAY_PER_REQUEST",
import_table_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
import_table_creation_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
wait_for_completion: bool = True,
check_interval: int = 30,
max_attempts: int = 240,
aws_conn_id: str | None = "aws_default",
) -> None:
self.s3_bucket = s3_bucket
self.s3_key = s3_key
self.dynamodb_table_name = dynamodb_table_name
self.dynamodb_attributes = dynamodb_attributes
self.dynamodb_tmp_table_prefix = dynamodb_tmp_table_prefix
self.delete_on_error = delete_on_error
self.use_existing_table = use_existing_table
self.dynamodb_key_schema = dynamodb_key_schema
self.input_format = input_format
self.billing_mode = billing_mode
self.import_table_kwargs = import_table_kwargs
self.import_table_creation_kwargs = import_table_creation_kwargs
self.wait_for_completion = wait_for_completion
self.check_interval = check_interval
self.max_attempts = max_attempts
self.aws_conn_id = aws_conn_id
[docs] def tmp_table_name(self):
"""Temporary table name."""
return f"{self.dynamodb_tmp_table_prefix}_{self.dynamodb_table_name}"
def _load_into_new_table(self, table_name: str, delete_on_error: bool) -> str:
Import S3 key or keys into a new DynamoDB table.
:param table_name: Name of the table that shall be created
:param delete_on_error: If set, the new DynamoDB table will be deleted in case of import errors
:return: The Amazon resource number (ARN)
dynamodb_hook = DynamoDBHook(aws_conn_id=self.aws_conn_id)
client = dynamodb_hook.client
import_table_config = self.import_table_kwargs or {}
import_table_creation_config = self.import_table_creation_kwargs or {}
response = client.import_table(
"S3Bucket": self.s3_bucket,
"S3KeyPrefix": self.s3_key,
"TableName": table_name,
"AttributeDefinitions": self.dynamodb_attributes,
"KeySchema": self.dynamodb_key_schema,
"BillingMode": self.billing_mode,
except ClientError as e:
self.log.error("Error: failed to load from S3 into DynamoDB table. Error: %s", str(e))
raise AirflowException(f"S3 load into DynamoDB table failed with error: {e}")
if response["ImportTableDescription"]["ImportStatus"] == "FAILED":
raise AirflowException(
"S3 into Dynamodb job creation failed. Code: "
f"{response['ImportTableDescription']['FailureCode']}. "
f"Failure: {response['ImportTableDescription']['FailureMessage']}"
if self.wait_for_completion:
self.log.info("Waiting for S3 into Dynamodb job to complete")
waiter = dynamodb_hook.get_waiter("import_table")
WaiterConfig={"Delay": self.check_interval, "MaxAttempts": self.max_attempts},
except WaiterError:
status, error_code, error_msg = dynamodb_hook.get_import_status(
if delete_on_error:
raise AirflowException(
f"S3 import into Dynamodb job failed: Status: {status}. Error: {error_code}. Error message: {error_msg}"
return response["ImportTableDescription"]["ImportArn"]
def _load_into_existing_table(self) -> str:
Import S3 key or keys in an existing DynamoDB table.
:return:The Amazon resource number (ARN)
if not self.wait_for_completion:
raise ValueError("wait_for_completion must be set to True when loading into an existing table")
table_keys = [key["AttributeName"] for key in self.dynamodb_key_schema]
dynamodb_hook = DynamoDBHook(
aws_conn_id=self.aws_conn_id, table_name=self.dynamodb_table_name, table_keys=table_keys
client = dynamodb_hook.client
self.log.info("Loading from S3 into a tmp DynamoDB table %s", self.tmp_table_name)
self._load_into_new_table(table_name=self.tmp_table_name, delete_on_error=self.delete_on_error)
total_items = 0
paginator = client.get_paginator("scan")
paginate = paginator.paginate(
"Loading data from %s to %s DynamoDB table", self.tmp_table_name, self.dynamodb_table_name
for page in paginate:
total_items += page.get("Count", 0)
self.log.info("Number of items loaded: %s", total_items)
self.log.info("Delete tmp DynamoDB table %s", self.tmp_table_name)
return dynamodb_hook.get_conn().Table(self.dynamodb_table_name).table_arn
[docs] def execute(self, context: Context) -> str:
Execute S3 to DynamoDB Job from Airflow.
:param context: The current context of the task instance
:return: The Amazon resource number (ARN)
if self.use_existing_table:
self.log.info("Loading from S3 into new DynamoDB table %s", self.dynamodb_table_name)
return self._load_into_existing_table()
self.log.info("Loading from S3 into existing DynamoDB table %s", self.dynamodb_table_name)
return self._load_into_new_table(
table_name=self.dynamodb_table_name, delete_on_error=self.delete_on_error