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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Sequence
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from airflow.configuration import conf
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from import AthenaHook
from import AthenaQueryResultsLink
from import AwsBaseOperator
from import AthenaTrigger
from import validate_execute_complete_event
from import aws_template_fields

    from openlineage.client.facet import BaseFacet
    from import Dataset

    from airflow.providers.openlineage.extractors.base import OperatorLineage
    from airflow.utils.context import Context

[docs]class AthenaOperator(AwsBaseOperator[AthenaHook]): """ An operator that submits a Trino/Presto query to Amazon Athena. .. note:: if the task is killed while it runs, it'll cancel the athena query that was launched, EXCEPT if running in deferrable mode. .. seealso:: For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: :ref:`howto/operator:AthenaOperator` :param query: Trino/Presto query to be run on Amazon Athena. (templated) :param database: Database to select. (templated) :param catalog: Catalog to select. (templated) :param output_location: s3 path to write the query results into. (templated) To run the query, you must specify the query results location using one of the ways: either for individual queries using either this setting (client-side), or in the workgroup, using WorkGroupConfiguration. If none of them is set, Athena issues an error that no output location is provided :param client_request_token: Unique token created by user to avoid multiple executions of same query :param workgroup: Athena workgroup in which query will be run. (templated) :param query_execution_context: Context in which query need to be run :param result_configuration: Dict with path to store results in and config related to encryption :param sleep_time: Time (in seconds) to wait between two consecutive calls to check query status on Athena :param max_polling_attempts: Number of times to poll for query state before function exits To limit task execution time, use execution_timeout. :param log_query: Whether to log athena query and other execution params when it's executed. Defaults to *True*. :param aws_conn_id: The Airflow connection used for AWS credentials. If this is ``None`` or empty then the default boto3 behaviour is used. If running Airflow in a distributed manner and aws_conn_id is None or empty, then default boto3 configuration would be used (and must be maintained on each worker node). :param region_name: AWS region_name. If not specified then the default boto3 behaviour is used. :param verify: Whether or not to verify SSL certificates. See: :param botocore_config: Configuration dictionary (key-values) for botocore client. See: """
[docs] aws_hook_class = AthenaHook
[docs] ui_color = "#44b5e2"
[docs] template_fields: Sequence[str] = aws_template_fields( "query", "database", "output_location", "workgroup", "catalog" )
[docs] template_ext: Sequence[str] = (".sql",)
[docs] template_fields_renderers = {"query": "sql"}
def __init__( self, *, query: str, database: str, output_location: str | None = None, client_request_token: str | None = None, workgroup: str = "primary", query_execution_context: dict[str, str] | None = None, result_configuration: dict[str, Any] | None = None, sleep_time: int = 30, max_polling_attempts: int | None = None, log_query: bool = True, deferrable: bool = conf.getboolean("operators", "default_deferrable", fallback=False), catalog: str = "AwsDataCatalog", **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.query = query self.database = database self.output_location = output_location self.client_request_token = client_request_token self.workgroup = workgroup self.query_execution_context = query_execution_context or {} self.result_configuration = result_configuration or {} self.sleep_time = sleep_time self.max_polling_attempts = max_polling_attempts or 999999 self.query_execution_id: str | None = None self.log_query: bool = log_query self.deferrable = deferrable self.catalog: str = catalog @property def _hook_parameters(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return {**super()._hook_parameters, "log_query": self.log_query}
[docs] def execute(self, context: Context) -> str | None: """Run Trino/Presto Query on Amazon Athena.""" self.query_execution_context["Database"] = self.database self.query_execution_context["Catalog"] = self.catalog if self.output_location: self.result_configuration["OutputLocation"] = self.output_location self.query_execution_id = self.hook.run_query( self.query, self.query_execution_context, self.result_configuration, self.client_request_token, self.workgroup, ) AthenaQueryResultsLink.persist( context=context, operator=self, region_name=self.hook.conn_region_name, aws_partition=self.hook.conn_partition, query_execution_id=self.query_execution_id, ) if self.deferrable: self.defer( trigger=AthenaTrigger( query_execution_id=self.query_execution_id, waiter_delay=self.sleep_time, waiter_max_attempts=self.max_polling_attempts, aws_conn_id=self.aws_conn_id, region_name=self.region_name, verify=self.verify, botocore_config=self.botocore_config, ), method_name="execute_complete", ) # implicit else: query_status = self.hook.poll_query_status( self.query_execution_id, max_polling_attempts=self.max_polling_attempts, sleep_time=self.sleep_time, ) if query_status in AthenaHook.FAILURE_STATES: error_message = self.hook.get_state_change_reason(self.query_execution_id) raise Exception( f"Final state of Athena job is {query_status}, query_execution_id is " f"{self.query_execution_id}. Error: {error_message}" ) elif not query_status or query_status in AthenaHook.INTERMEDIATE_STATES: raise Exception( f"Final state of Athena job is {query_status}. Max tries of poll status exceeded, " f"query_execution_id is {self.query_execution_id}." ) # Save output location from API response for later use in OpenLineage. self.output_location = self.hook.get_output_location(self.query_execution_id) return self.query_execution_id
[docs] def execute_complete(self, context: Context, event: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> str: event = validate_execute_complete_event(event) if event["status"] != "success": raise AirflowException(f"Error while waiting for operation on cluster to complete: {event}") return event["value"]
[docs] def on_kill(self) -> None: """Cancel the submitted Amazon Athena query.""" if self.query_execution_id:"Received a kill signal.") response = self.hook.stop_query(self.query_execution_id) http_status_code = None try: http_status_code = response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] except Exception: self.log.exception( "Exception while cancelling query. Query execution id: %s", self.query_execution_id ) finally: if http_status_code is None or http_status_code != 200: self.log.error("Unable to request query cancel on athena. Exiting") else: "Polling Athena for query with id %s to reach final state", self.query_execution_id ) self.hook.poll_query_status(self.query_execution_id, sleep_time=self.sleep_time)
[docs] def get_openlineage_facets_on_start(self) -> OperatorLineage: """Retrieve OpenLineage data by parsing SQL queries and enriching them with Athena API. In addition to CTAS query, query and calculation results are stored in S3 location. For that reason additional output is attached with this location. """ from openlineage.client.facet import ExtractionError, ExtractionErrorRunFacet, SqlJobFacet from import Dataset from airflow.providers.openlineage.extractors.base import OperatorLineage from airflow.providers.openlineage.sqlparser import SQLParser sql_parser = SQLParser(dialect="generic") job_facets: dict[str, BaseFacet] = {"sql": SqlJobFacet(query=sql_parser.normalize_sql(self.query))} parse_result = sql_parser.parse(sql=self.query) if not parse_result: return OperatorLineage(job_facets=job_facets) run_facets: dict[str, BaseFacet] = {} if parse_result.errors: run_facets["extractionError"] = ExtractionErrorRunFacet( totalTasks=len(self.query) if isinstance(self.query, list) else 1, failedTasks=len(parse_result.errors), errors=[ ExtractionError( errorMessage=error.message, stackTrace=None, task=error.origin_statement, taskNumber=error.index, ) for error in parse_result.errors ], ) inputs: list[Dataset] = list( filter( None, [ self.get_openlineage_dataset(table.schema or self.database, for table in parse_result.in_tables ], ) ) outputs: list[Dataset] = list( filter( None, [ self.get_openlineage_dataset(table.schema or self.database, for table in parse_result.out_tables ], ) ) if self.output_location: parsed = urlparse(self.output_location) outputs.append(Dataset(namespace=f"{parsed.scheme}://{parsed.netloc}", name=parsed.path)) return OperatorLineage(job_facets=job_facets, run_facets=run_facets, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
[docs] def get_openlineage_dataset(self, database, table) -> Dataset | None: from openlineage.client.facet import ( SchemaDatasetFacet, SchemaField, SymlinksDatasetFacet, SymlinksDatasetFacetIdentifiers, ) from import Dataset client = self.hook.get_conn() try: table_metadata = client.get_table_metadata( CatalogName=self.catalog, DatabaseName=database, TableName=table ) # Dataset has also its' physical location which we can add in symlink facet. s3_location = table_metadata["TableMetadata"]["Parameters"]["location"] parsed_path = urlparse(s3_location) facets: dict[str, BaseFacet] = { "symlinks": SymlinksDatasetFacet( identifiers=[ SymlinksDatasetFacetIdentifiers( namespace=f"{parsed_path.scheme}://{parsed_path.netloc}", name=str(parsed_path.path), type="TABLE", ) ] ) } fields = [ SchemaField(name=column["Name"], type=column["Type"], description=column["Comment"]) for column in table_metadata["TableMetadata"]["Columns"] ] if fields: facets["schema"] = SchemaDatasetFacet(fields=fields) return Dataset( namespace=f"awsathena://athena.{self.hook.region_name}", name=".".join(filter(None, (self.catalog, database, table))), facets=facets, ) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Cannot retrieve table metadata from Athena.Client. %s", e) return None

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