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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import datetime

import boto3

from airflow.decorators import task
from airflow.models.baseoperator import chain
from airflow.models.dag import DAG
from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator
from import ClusterStates, NodegroupStates
from import (
from import EksClusterStateSensor, EksNodegroupStateSensor
from airflow.utils.trigger_rule import TriggerRule
from import ENV_ID_KEY, SystemTestContextBuilder

[docs]DAG_ID = "example_eks_with_nodegroup_in_one_step"
# Externally fetched variables:
[docs]sys_test_context_task = ( SystemTestContextBuilder().add_variable(ROLE_ARN_KEY).add_variable(SUBNETS_KEY, split_string=True).build()
) @task
[docs]def create_launch_template(template_name: str): # This launch template enables IMDSv2. boto3.client("ec2").create_launch_template( LaunchTemplateName=template_name, LaunchTemplateData={ "MetadataOptions": {"HttpEndpoint": "enabled", "HttpTokens": "required"},
}, ) @task(trigger_rule=TriggerRule.ALL_DONE)
[docs]def delete_launch_template(template_name: str): boto3.client("ec2").delete_launch_template(LaunchTemplateName=template_name)
with DAG( dag_id=DAG_ID, schedule="@once", start_date=datetime(2021, 1, 1), tags=["example"], catchup=False, ) as dag:
[docs] test_context = sys_test_context_task()
env_id = test_context[ENV_ID_KEY] cluster_name = f"{env_id}-cluster" nodegroup_name = f"{env_id}-nodegroup" launch_template_name = f"{env_id}-launch-template" # [START howto_operator_eks_create_cluster_with_nodegroup] # Create an Amazon EKS cluster control plane and an EKS nodegroup compute platform in one step. create_cluster_and_nodegroup = EksCreateClusterOperator( task_id="create_cluster_and_nodegroup", cluster_name=cluster_name, nodegroup_name=nodegroup_name, cluster_role_arn=test_context[ROLE_ARN_KEY], # Opting to use the same ARN for the cluster and the nodegroup here, # but a different ARN could be configured and passed if desired. nodegroup_role_arn=test_context[ROLE_ARN_KEY], resources_vpc_config={"subnetIds": test_context[SUBNETS_KEY]}, # ``compute='nodegroup'`` is the default, explicitly set here for demo purposes. compute="nodegroup", # The launch template enforces IMDSv2 and is required for internal # compliance when running these system tests on AWS infrastructure. create_nodegroup_kwargs={"launchTemplate": {"name": launch_template_name}}, ) # [END howto_operator_eks_create_cluster_with_nodegroup] await_create_nodegroup = EksNodegroupStateSensor( task_id="await_create_nodegroup", cluster_name=cluster_name, nodegroup_name=nodegroup_name, target_state=NodegroupStates.ACTIVE, poke_interval=10, ) start_pod = EksPodOperator( task_id="start_pod", pod_name="test_pod", cluster_name=cluster_name, image="amazon/aws-cli:latest", cmds=["sh", "-c", "echo Test Airflow; date"], labels={"demo": "hello_world"}, get_logs=True, # Keep the pod alive, so we can describe it in case of trouble. It's deleted with the cluster anyway. is_delete_operator_pod=False, ) describe_pod = BashOperator( task_id="describe_pod", bash_command="" # using reinstall option so that it doesn't fail if already present " --reinstall " "&& --reinstall " # configure kubectl to hit the cluster created f"&& aws eks update-kubeconfig --name {cluster_name} " # once all this setup is done, actually describe the pod "&& kubectl describe pod {{ ti.xcom_pull(key='pod_name', task_ids='run_pod') }}", # only describe the pod if the task above failed, to help diagnose trigger_rule=TriggerRule.ONE_FAILED, ) # [START howto_operator_eks_force_delete_cluster] # An Amazon EKS cluster can not be deleted with attached resources such as nodegroups or Fargate profiles. # Setting the `force` to `True` will delete any attached resources before deleting the cluster. delete_nodegroup_and_cluster = EksDeleteClusterOperator( task_id="delete_nodegroup_and_cluster", cluster_name=cluster_name, force_delete_compute=True, ) # [END howto_operator_eks_force_delete_cluster] delete_nodegroup_and_cluster.trigger_rule = TriggerRule.ALL_DONE await_delete_cluster = EksClusterStateSensor( task_id="await_delete_cluster", trigger_rule=TriggerRule.ALL_DONE, cluster_name=cluster_name, target_state=ClusterStates.NONEXISTENT, poke_interval=10, ) chain( # TEST SETUP test_context, create_launch_template(launch_template_name), # TEST BODY create_cluster_and_nodegroup, await_create_nodegroup, start_pod, # TEST TEARDOWN describe_pod, delete_nodegroup_and_cluster, await_delete_cluster, delete_launch_template(launch_template_name), ) from tests.system.utils.watcher import watcher # This test needs watcher in order to properly mark success/failure # when "tearDown" task with trigger rule is part of the DAG list(dag.tasks) >> watcher() from tests.system.utils import get_test_run # noqa: E402 # Needed to run the example DAG with pytest (see: tests/system/
[docs]test_run = get_test_run(dag)

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