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## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file# distributed with this work for additional information# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,# software distributed under the License is distributed on an# "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the# specific language governing permissions and limitations# under the License.from__future__importannotationsimportjsonimportwarningsfromtypingimportTYPE_CHECKING,
[docs]classLambdaCreateFunctionOperator(BaseOperator):""" Creates an AWS Lambda function. More information regarding parameters of this operator can be found here .. seealso:: For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: :ref:`howto/operator:LambdaCreateFunctionOperator` :param function_name: The name of the AWS Lambda function, version, or alias. :param runtime: The identifier of the function's runtime. Runtime is required if the deployment package is a .zip file archive. :param role: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the function's execution role. :param handler: The name of the method within your code that Lambda calls to run your function. Handler is required if the deployment package is a .zip file archive. :param code: The code for the function. :param description: A description of the function. :param timeout: The amount of time (in seconds) that Lambda allows a function to run before stopping it. :param config: Optional dictionary for arbitrary parameters to the boto API create_lambda call. :param wait_for_completion: If True, the operator will wait until the function is active. :param aws_conn_id: The AWS connection ID to use """
[docs]defexecute(self,context:Context)"Creating AWS Lambda function: %s",self.function_name)response=self.hook.create_lambda(function_name=self.function_name,runtime=self.runtime,role=self.role,handler=self.handler,code=self.code,description=self.description,timeout=self.timeout,**self.config,)"Lambda response: %r",response)"Wait for Lambda function to be active")waiter=self.hook.conn.get_waiter("function_active_v2")waiter.wait(FunctionName=self.function_name,)returnresponse.get("FunctionArn")
[docs]classLambdaInvokeFunctionOperator(BaseOperator):""" Invokes an AWS Lambda function. You can invoke a function synchronously (and wait for the response), or asynchronously. To invoke a function asynchronously, set `invocation_type` to `Event`. For more details, review the boto3 Lambda invoke docs. .. seealso:: For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: :ref:`howto/operator:LambdaInvokeFunctionOperator` :param function_name: The name of the AWS Lambda function, version, or alias. :param log_type: Set to Tail to include the execution log in the response. Otherwise, set to "None". :param qualifier: Specify a version or alias to invoke a published version of the function. :param invocation_type: AWS Lambda invocation type (RequestResponse, Event, DryRun) :param client_context: Data about the invoking client to pass to the function in the context object :param payload: JSON provided as input to the Lambda function :param aws_conn_id: The AWS connection ID to use """
[docs]defexecute(self,context:Context):""" Invokes the target AWS Lambda function from Airflow. :return: The response payload from the function, or an error object. """success_status_codes=[200,202,204]"Invoking AWS Lambda function: %s with payload: %s",self.function_name,self.payload)response=self.hook.invoke_lambda(function_name=self.function_name,invocation_type=self.invocation_type,log_type=self.log_type,client_context=self.client_context,payload=self.payload,qualifier=self.qualifier,)"Lambda response metadata: %r",response.get("ResponseMetadata"))ifresponse.get("StatusCode")notinsuccess_status_codes:raiseValueError("Lambda function did not execute",json.dumps(response.get("ResponseMetadata")))payload_stream=response.get("Payload")"FunctionError"inresponse:raiseValueError("Lambda function execution resulted in error",{"ResponseMetadata":response.get("ResponseMetadata"),"Payload":payload},)"Lambda function invocation succeeded: %r",response.get("ResponseMetadata"))returnpayload
[docs]classAwsLambdaInvokeFunctionOperator(LambdaInvokeFunctionOperator):""" This class is deprecated. Please use :class:``. """def__init__(self,*args,**kwargs):warnings.warn("This class is deprecated.""Please use""``.",DeprecationWarning,stacklevel=2,)super().__init__(*args,**kwargs)