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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file# distributed with this work for additional information# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,# software distributed under the License is distributed on an# "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the# specific language governing permissions and limitations# under the License."""An Airflow operator for AWS Batch services.. seealso:: - - -"""from__future__importannotationsfromtypingimportTYPE_CHECKING,Any,,BatchJobDetailsLink,BatchJobQueueLink,)
[docs]classBatchOperator(BaseOperator):""" Execute a job on AWS Batch .. seealso:: For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: :ref:`howto/operator:BatchOperator` :param job_name: the name for the job that will run on AWS Batch (templated) :param job_definition: the job definition name on AWS Batch :param job_queue: the queue name on AWS Batch :param overrides: the `containerOverrides` parameter for boto3 (templated) :param array_properties: the `arrayProperties` parameter for boto3 :param parameters: the `parameters` for boto3 (templated) :param job_id: the job ID, usually unknown (None) until the submit_job operation gets the jobId defined by AWS Batch :param waiters: an :py:class:`.BatchWaiters` object (see note below); if None, polling is used with max_retries and status_retries. :param max_retries: exponential back-off retries, 4200 = 48 hours; polling is only used when waiters is None :param status_retries: number of HTTP retries to get job status, 10; polling is only used when waiters is None :param aws_conn_id: connection id of AWS credentials / region name. If None, credential boto3 strategy will be used. :param region_name: region name to use in AWS Hook. Override the region_name in connection (if provided) :param tags: collection of tags to apply to the AWS Batch job submission if None, no tags are submitted .. note:: Any custom waiters must return a waiter for these calls: .. code-block:: python waiter = waiters.get_waiter("JobExists") waiter = waiters.get_waiter("JobRunning") waiter = waiters.get_waiter("JobComplete") """
[docs]defoperator_extra_links(self):op_extra_links=[BatchJobDetailsLink()]ifself.wait_for_completion:op_extra_links.extend([BatchJobDefinitionLink(),BatchJobQueueLink()])ifnotself.array_properties:# There is no CloudWatch Link to the parent Batch Job available.op_extra_links.append(CloudWatchEventsLink())returntuple(op_extra_links)
[docs]defexecute(self,context:Context):""" Submit and monitor an AWS Batch job :raises: AirflowException """self.submit_job(context)ifself.wait_for_completion:self.monitor_job(context)returnself.job_id
[docs]defon_kill(self):response=self.hook.client.terminate_job(jobId=self.job_id,reason="Task killed by the user")"AWS Batch job (%s) terminated: %s",self.job_id,response)
[docs]defmonitor_job(self,context:Context):""" Monitor an AWS Batch job monitor_job can raise an exception or an AirflowTaskTimeout can be raised if execution_timeout is given while creating the task. These exceptions should be handled in instead of here like it was previously done :raises: AirflowException """ifnotself.job_id:raiseAirflowException("AWS Batch job - job_id was not found")try:job_desc=self.hook.get_job_description(self.job_id)job_definition_arn=job_desc["jobDefinition"]job_queue_arn=job_desc["jobQueue"]"AWS Batch job (%s) Job Definition ARN: %r, Job Queue ARN: %r",self.job_id,job_definition_arn,job_queue_arn,)exceptKeyError:self.log.warning("AWS Batch job (%s) can't get Job Definition ARN and Job Queue ARN",self.job_id)else:BatchJobDefinitionLink.persist(context=context,operator=self,region_name=self.hook.conn_region_name,aws_partition=self.hook.conn_partition,job_definition_arn=job_definition_arn,)BatchJobQueueLink.persist(context=context,operator=self,region_name=self.hook.conn_region_name,aws_partition=self.hook.conn_partition,job_queue_arn=job_queue_arn,)ifself.waiters:self.waiters.wait_for_job(self.job_id)else:self.hook.wait_for_job(self.job_id)awslogs=self.hook.get_job_awslogs_info(self.job_id)"AWS Batch job (%s) CloudWatch Events details found: %s",self.job_id,awslogs)CloudWatchEventsLink.persist(context=context,operator=self,region_name=self.hook.conn_region_name,aws_partition=self.hook.conn_partition,**awslogs,)self.hook.check_job_success(self.job_id)"AWS Batch job (%s) succeeded",self.job_id)
[docs]classBatchCreateComputeEnvironmentOperator(BaseOperator):""" Create an AWS Batch compute environment .. seealso:: For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: :ref:`howto/operator:BatchCreateComputeEnvironmentOperator` :param compute_environment_name: the name of the AWS batch compute environment (templated) :param environment_type: the type of the compute-environment :param state: the state of the compute-environment :param compute_resources: details about the resources managed by the compute-environment (templated). See more details here :param unmanaged_v_cpus: the maximum number of vCPU for an unmanaged compute environment. This parameter is only supported when the ``type`` parameter is set to ``UNMANAGED``. :param service_role: the IAM role that allows Batch to make calls to other AWS services on your behalf (templated) :param tags: the tags that you apply to the compute-environment to help you categorize and organize your resources :param max_retries: exponential back-off retries, 4200 = 48 hours; polling is only used when waiters is None :param status_retries: number of HTTP retries to get job status, 10; polling is only used when waiters is None :param aws_conn_id: connection id of AWS credentials / region name. If None, credential boto3 strategy will be used. :param region_name: region name to use in AWS Hook. Override the region_name in connection (if provided) """
[docs]defhook(self):"""Create and return a BatchClientHook"""returnBatchClientHook(max_retries=self.max_retries,status_retries=self.status_retries,aws_conn_id=self.aws_conn_id,region_name=self.region_name,
[docs]defexecute(self,context:Context):"""Create an AWS batch compute environment"""kwargs:dict[str,Any]={"computeEnvironmentName":self.compute_environment_name,"type":self.environment_type,"state":self.state,"unmanagedvCpus":self.unmanaged_v_cpus,"computeResources":self.compute_resources,"serviceRole":self.service_role,"tags":self.tags,}self.hook.client.create_compute_environment(**trim_none_values(kwargs))"AWS Batch compute environment created successfully")