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from __future__ import annotations

import os
import pathlib

from airflow.compat.functools import cached_property
from airflow.configuration import conf
from import S3Hook
from airflow.utils.log.file_task_handler import FileTaskHandler
from airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin import LoggingMixin

[docs]class S3TaskHandler(FileTaskHandler, LoggingMixin): """ S3TaskHandler is a python log handler that handles and reads task instance logs. It extends airflow FileTaskHandler and uploads to and reads from S3 remote storage. """
[docs] trigger_should_wrap = True
def __init__(self, base_log_folder: str, s3_log_folder: str, filename_template: str | None = None): super().__init__(base_log_folder, filename_template) self.remote_base = s3_log_folder self.log_relative_path = "" self._hook = None self.closed = False self.upload_on_close = True @cached_property
[docs] def hook(self): """Returns S3Hook.""" return S3Hook( aws_conn_id=conf.get("logging", "REMOTE_LOG_CONN_ID"), transfer_config_args={"use_threads": False}
[docs] def set_context(self, ti): super().set_context(ti) # Local location and remote location is needed to open and # upload local log file to S3 remote storage. full_path = self.handler.baseFilename self.log_relative_path = pathlib.Path(full_path).relative_to(self.local_base).as_posix() is_trigger_log_context = getattr(ti, "is_trigger_log_context", False) self.upload_on_close = is_trigger_log_context or not ti.raw # Clear the file first so that duplicate data is not uploaded # when re-using the same path (e.g. with rescheduled sensors) if self.upload_on_close: with open(self.handler.baseFilename, "w"): pass
[docs] def close(self): """Close and upload local log file to remote storage S3.""" # When application exit, system shuts down all handlers by # calling close method. Here we check if logger is already # closed to prevent uploading the log to remote storage multiple # times when `logging.shutdown` is called. if self.closed: return super().close() if not self.upload_on_close: return local_loc = os.path.join(self.local_base, self.log_relative_path) remote_loc = os.path.join(self.remote_base, self.log_relative_path) if os.path.exists(local_loc): # read log and remove old logs to get just the latest additions log = pathlib.Path(local_loc).read_text() self.s3_write(log, remote_loc) # Mark closed so we don't double write if close is called twice self.closed = True
def _read_remote_logs(self, ti, try_number, metadata=None): # Explicitly getting log relative path is necessary as the given # task instance might be different than task instance passed in # in set_context method. worker_log_rel_path = self._render_filename(ti, try_number) logs = [] messages = [] bucket, prefix = self.hook.parse_s3_url(s3url=os.path.join(self.remote_base, worker_log_rel_path)) keys = self.hook.list_keys(bucket_name=bucket, prefix=prefix) if keys: keys = [f"s3://{bucket}/{key}" for key in keys] messages.extend(["Found logs in s3:", *[f" * {x}" for x in sorted(keys)]]) for key in sorted(keys): logs.append(self.s3_read(key, return_error=True)) else: messages.append(f"No logs found on s3 for ti={ti}") return messages, logs def _read(self, ti, try_number, metadata=None): """ Read logs of given task instance and try_number from S3 remote storage. If failed, read the log from task instance host machine. todo: when min airflow version >= 2.6 then remove this method (``_read``) :param ti: task instance object :param try_number: task instance try_number to read logs from :param metadata: log metadata, can be used for steaming log reading and auto-tailing. """ # from airflow 2.6 we no longer implement the _read method if hasattr(super(), "_read_remote_logs"): return super()._read(ti, try_number, metadata) # if we get here, we're on airflow < 2.6 and we use this backcompat logic messages, logs = self._read_remote_logs(ti, try_number, metadata) if logs: return "".join(f"*** {x}\n" for x in messages) + "\n".join(logs), {"end_of_log": True} else: local_log, metadata = super()._read(ti, try_number, metadata) return "*** Falling back to local log\n" + local_log, metadata
[docs] def s3_log_exists(self, remote_log_location: str) -> bool: """ Check if remote_log_location exists in remote storage :param remote_log_location: log's location in remote storage :return: True if location exists else False """ return self.hook.check_for_key(remote_log_location)
[docs] def s3_read(self, remote_log_location: str, return_error: bool = False) -> str: """ Returns the log found at the remote_log_location. Returns '' if no logs are found or there is an error. :param remote_log_location: the log's location in remote storage :param return_error: if True, returns a string error message if an error occurs. Otherwise returns '' when an error occurs. :return: the log found at the remote_log_location """ try: return self.hook.read_key(remote_log_location) except Exception as error: msg = f"Could not read logs from {remote_log_location} with error: {error}" self.log.exception(msg) # return error if needed if return_error: return msg return ""
[docs] def s3_write(self, log: str, remote_log_location: str, append: bool = True, max_retry: int = 1): """ Writes the log to the remote_log_location. Fails silently if no hook was created. :param log: the log to write to the remote_log_location :param remote_log_location: the log's location in remote storage :param append: if False, any existing log file is overwritten. If True, the new log is appended to any existing logs. :param max_retry: Maximum number of times to retry on upload failure """ try: if append and self.s3_log_exists(remote_log_location): old_log = self.s3_read(remote_log_location) log = "\n".join([old_log, log]) if old_log else log except Exception: self.log.exception("Could not verify previous log to append") # Default to a single retry attempt because s3 upload failures are # rare but occasionally occur. Multiple retry attempts are unlikely # to help as they usually indicate non-ephemeral errors. for try_num in range(1 + max_retry): try: self.hook.load_string( log, key=remote_log_location, replace=True, encrypt=conf.getboolean("logging", "ENCRYPT_S3_LOGS"), ) break except Exception: if try_num < max_retry: self.log.warning("Failed attempt to write logs to %s, will retry", remote_log_location) else: self.log.exception("Could not write logs to %s", remote_log_location)

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