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## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file# distributed with this work for additional information# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,# software distributed under the License is distributed on an# "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the# specific language governing permissions and limitations# under the License."""Objects relating to sourcing secrets from AWS Secrets Manager"""importastimportjsonimportreimportwarningsfromtypingimportAny,Dict,List,Optionalfromurllib.parseimportunquote,'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*',,val)returntuple(int(x)forxinval.split('.'))
[docs]classSecretsManagerBackend(BaseSecretsBackend,LoggingMixin):""" Retrieves Connection or Variables from AWS Secrets Manager Configurable via ``airflow.cfg`` like so: .. code-block:: ini [secrets] backend = backend_kwargs = {"connections_prefix": "airflow/connections"} For example, if secrets prefix is ``airflow/connections/smtp_default``, this would be accessible if you provide ``{"connections_prefix": "airflow/connections"}`` and request conn_id ``smtp_default``. If variables prefix is ``airflow/variables/hello``, this would be accessible if you provide ``{"variables_prefix": "airflow/variables"}`` and request variable key ``hello``. And if config_prefix is ``airflow/config/sql_alchemy_conn``, this would be accessible if you provide ``{"config_prefix": "airflow/config"}`` and request config key ``sql_alchemy_conn``. You can also pass additional keyword arguments like ``aws_secret_access_key``, ``aws_access_key_id`` or ``region_name`` to this class and they would be passed on to Boto3 client. There are two ways of storing secrets in Secret Manager for using them with this operator: storing them as a conn URI in one field, or taking advantage of native approach of Secrets Manager and storing them in multiple fields. There are certain words that will be searched in the name of fields for trying to retrieve a connection part. Those words are: .. code-block:: python possible_words_for_conn_fields = { "login": ["user", "username", "login", "user_name"], "password": ["password", "pass", "key"], "host": ["host", "remote_host", "server"], "port": ["port"], "schema": ["database", "schema"], "conn_type": ["conn_type", "conn_id", "connection_type", "engine"], } However, these lists can be extended using the configuration parameter ``extra_conn_words``. Also, you can have a field named extra for extra parameters for the conn. Please note that this extra field must be a valid JSON. :param connections_prefix: Specifies the prefix of the secret to read to get Connections. If set to None (null value in the configuration), requests for connections will not be sent to AWS Secrets Manager. If you don't want a connections_prefix, set it as an empty string :param variables_prefix: Specifies the prefix of the secret to read to get Variables. If set to None (null value in the configuration), requests for variables will not be sent to AWS Secrets Manager. If you don't want a variables_prefix, set it as an empty string :param config_prefix: Specifies the prefix of the secret to read to get Configurations. If set to None (null value in the configuration), requests for configurations will not be sent to AWS Secrets Manager. If you don't want a config_prefix, set it as an empty string :param profile_name: The name of a profile to use. If not given, then the default profile is used. :param sep: separator used to concatenate secret_prefix and secret_id. Default: "/" :param full_url_mode: if True, the secrets must be stored as one conn URI in just one field per secret. If False (set it as false in backend_kwargs), you can store the secret using different fields (password, user...). :param are_secret_values_urlencoded: If True, and full_url_mode is False, then the values are assumed to be URL-encoded and will be decoded before being passed into a Connection object. This option is ignored when full_url_mode is True. :param extra_conn_words: for using just when you set full_url_mode as false and store the secrets in different fields of secrets manager. You can add more words for each connection part beyond the default ones. The extra words to be searched should be passed as a dict of lists, each list corresponding to a connection part. The optional keys of the dict must be: user, password, host, schema, conn_type. """def__init__(self,connections_prefix:str='airflow/connections',variables_prefix:str='airflow/variables',config_prefix:str='airflow/config',profile_name:Optional[str]=None,sep:str="/",full_url_mode:bool=True,are_secret_values_urlencoded:Optional[bool]=None,extra_conn_words:Optional[Dict[str,List[str]]]=None,**kwargs,):super().__init__()ifconnections_prefix:self.connections_prefix=connections_prefix.rstrip(sep)else:self.connections_prefix=connections_prefixifvariables_prefix:self.variables_prefix=variables_prefix.rstrip(sep)else:self.variables_prefix=variables_prefixifconfig_prefix:self.config_prefix=config_prefix.rstrip(sep)else:self.config_prefix=config_prefixself.profile_name=profile_nameself.sep=sepself.full_url_mode=full_url_modeifare_secret_values_urlencodedisNone:self.are_secret_values_urlencoded=Trueelse:warnings.warn("The `secret_values_are_urlencoded` kwarg only exists to assist in migrating away from"" URL-encoding secret values when `full_url_mode` is False. It will be considered deprecated"" when values are not required to be URL-encoded by default.",PendingDeprecationWarning,stacklevel=2,)iffull_url_modeandnotare_secret_values_urlencoded:warnings.warn("The `secret_values_are_urlencoded` kwarg for the SecretsManagerBackend is only used"" when `full_url_mode` is False. When `full_url_mode` is True, the secret needs to be"" URL-encoded.",UserWarning,stacklevel=2,)self.are_secret_values_urlencoded=are_secret_values_urlencodedself.extra_conn_words=extra_conn_wordsor{}self.kwargs=kwargs@cached_property
[docs]defclient(self):"""Create a Secrets Manager client"""session=boto3.session.Session(profile_name=self.profile_name)returnsession.client(service_name="secretsmanager",**self.kwargs)
@staticmethoddef_format_uri_with_extra(secret,conn_string:str)->str:try:extra_dict=secret['extra']exceptKeyError:returnconn_stringextra=json.loads(extra_dict)# this is needed because extra_dict is a string and we need a dictconn_string=f"{conn_string}?{urlencode(extra)}"returnconn_string
def_standardize_secret_keys(self,secret:Dict[str,Any])->Dict[str,Any]:"""Standardize the names of the keys in the dict. These keys align with"""possible_words_for_conn_fields={'user':['user','username','login','user_name'],'password':['password','pass','key'],'host':['host','remote_host','server'],'port':['port'],'schema':['database','schema'],'conn_type':['conn_type','conn_id','connection_type','engine'],'extra':['extra'],}forconn_field,extra_wordsinself.extra_conn_words.items():possible_words_for_conn_fields[conn_field].extend(extra_words)conn_d:Dict[str,Any]={}forconn_field,possible_wordsinpossible_words_for_conn_fields.items():try:conn_d[conn_field]=[vfork,vinsecret.items()ifkinpossible_words][0]exceptIndexError:conn_d[conn_field]=Nonereturnconn_d
def_deserialize_json_string(self,value:Optional[str])->Optional[Dict[Any,Any]]:ifnotvalue:returnNonetry:# Use ast.literal_eval for backwards compatibility.# Previous version of this code had a comment saying that using json.loads caused errors.# This likely means people were using dict reprs instead of valid JSONs.res:Dict[str,Any]=json.loads(value)exceptjson.JSONDecodeError:try:res=ast.literal_eval(value)ifvalueelseNonewarnings.warn(f'In future versions, `{type(self).__name__}` will only support valid JSONs, not dict'' reprs. Please make sure your secret is a valid JSON.')exceptValueError:# 'malformed node or string: ' error, for empty connsreturnNonereturnresdef_remove_escaping_in_secret_dict(self,secret:Dict[str,Any],conn_id:str)->Dict[str,Any]:# When ``unquote(v) == v``, then removing unquote won't affect the user, regardless of# whether or not ``v`` is URL-encoded. For example, "foo bar" is not URL-encoded. But# because decoding it doesn't affect the value, then it will migrate safely when# ``unquote`` gets removed.## When parameters are URL-encoded, but decoding is idempotent, we need to warn the user# to un-escape their secrets. For example, if "foo%20bar" is a URL-encoded string, then# decoding is idempotent because ``unquote(unquote("foo%20bar")) == unquote("foo%20bar")``.## In the rare situation that value is URL-encoded but the decoding is _not_ idempotent,# this causes a major issue. For example, if "foo%2520bar" is URL-encoded, then decoding is# _not_ idempotent because ``unquote(unquote("foo%2520bar")) != unquote("foo%2520bar")``## This causes a problem for migration because if the user decodes their value, we cannot# infer that is the case by looking at the decoded value (from our vantage point, it will# look to be URL-encoded.)## So when this uncommon situation occurs, the user _must_ adjust the configuration and set# ``parameters_are_urlencoded`` to False to migrate safely. In all other cases, we do not# need the user to adjust this object to migrate; they can transition their secrets with# the default configuration.warn_user=Falseidempotent=Truefork,vinsecret.copy().items():ifk=="extra"andisinstance(v,dict):# The old behavior was that extras were _not_ urlencoded inside the secret.# If they were urlencoded (e.g. "foo%20bar"), then they would be re-urlencoded# (e.g. "foo%20bar" becomes "foo%2520bar") and then unquoted once when parsed.# So we should just allow the extra dict to remain as-is.continueelifvisnotNone:v_unquoted=unquote(v)ifv!=v_unquoted:secret[k]=unquote(v)warn_user=True# Check to see if decoding is idempotent.ifv_unquoted==unquote(v_unquoted):idempotent=Falseifwarn_user:msg=("When ``full_url_mode=True``, URL-encoding secret values is deprecated. In future versions, "f" this value will not be un-escaped. For the conn_id {conn_id!r}, please remove the"" URL-encoding.""\n\nThis warning was raised because the SecretsManagerBackend detected that this connection"" was URL-encoded.")ifidempotent:msg=f" Once the values for conn_id {conn_id!r} are decoded, this warning will go away."ifnotidempotent:msg+=(" In addition to decoding the values for your connection, you must also set"" ``secret_values_are_urlencoded=False`` for your config variable"" ``secrets.backend_kwargs`` because this connection's URL encoding is not idempotent."" For more information, see:""""/aws-secrets-manager.html#url-encoding-of-secrets-when-full-url-mode-is-false")warnings.warn(msg,DeprecationWarning,stacklevel=2)returnsecret
[docs]defget_conn_value(self,conn_id:str)->Optional[str]:""" Get serialized representation of Connection :param conn_id: connection id """ifself.connections_prefixisNone:returnNoneifself.full_url_mode:returnself._get_secret(self.connections_prefix,conn_id)else:warnings.warn(f'In future versions, `{type(self).__name__}.get_conn_value` will return a JSON string when'' full_url_mode is False, not a URI.',DeprecationWarning,)# It is very rare for user code to get to this point, since:## - When full_url_mode is True, the previous statement returns.# - When full_url_mode is False, get_connection() does not call# `get_conn_value`. Additionally, full_url_mode defaults to True.## So the code would have to be calling `get_conn_value` directly, and# the user would be using a non-default setting.## As of Airflow 2.3.0, get_conn_value() is allowed to return a JSON# string in the base implementation. This is a way to deprecate this# behavior gracefully.secret_string=self._get_secret(self.connections_prefix,conn_id)secret=self._deserialize_json_string(secret_string)connection=None# These lines will check if we have with some denomination stored an username, password and hostifsecret:connection=self.get_uri_from_secret(secret)returnconnection
[docs]defget_conn_uri(self,conn_id:str)->Optional[str]:""" Return URI representation of Connection conn_id. As of Airflow version 2.3.0 this method is deprecated. :param conn_id: the connection id :return: deserialized Connection """ifget_airflow_version()>=(2,3):warnings.warn(f"Method `{self.__class__.__name__}.get_conn_uri` is deprecated and will be removed ""in a future release. Please use method `get_conn_value` instead.",DeprecationWarning,stacklevel=2,)returnself.get_conn_value(conn_id)
[docs]defget_variable(self,key:str)->Optional[str]:""" Get Airflow Variable from Environment Variable :param key: Variable Key :return: Variable Value """ifself.variables_prefixisNone:returnNonereturnself._get_secret(self.variables_prefix,key)
[docs]defget_config(self,key:str)->Optional[str]:""" Get Airflow Configuration :param key: Configuration Option Key :return: Configuration Option Value """ifself.config_prefixisNone:returnNonereturnself._get_secret(self.config_prefix,key)
def_get_secret(self,path_prefix,secret_id:str)->Optional[str]:""" Get secret value from Secrets Manager :param path_prefix: Prefix for the Path to get Secret :param secret_id: Secret Key """error_msg="An error occurred when calling the get_secret_value operation"ifpath_prefix:secrets_path=self.build_path(path_prefix,secret_id,self.sep)else:secrets_path=secret_idtry:response=self.client.get_secret_value(SecretId=secrets_path,)returnresponse.get('SecretString')exceptself.client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException:self.log.debug("ResourceNotFoundException: %s. Secret %s not found.",error_msg,secret_id,)returnNoneexceptself.client.exceptions.InvalidParameterException:self.log.debug("InvalidParameterException: %s",error_msg,exc_info=True,)returnNoneexceptself.client.exceptions.InvalidRequestException:self.log.debug("InvalidRequestException: %s",error_msg,exc_info=True,)returnNoneexceptself.client.exceptions.DecryptionFailure:self.log.debug("DecryptionFailure: %s",error_msg,exc_info=True,)returnNoneexceptself.client.exceptions.InternalServiceError:self.log.debug("InternalServiceError: %s",error_msg,exc_info=True,)returnNone