AWS Step Functions

AWS Step Functions makes it easy to coordinate the components of distributed applications as a series of steps in a visual workflow. You can quickly build and run state machines to execute the steps of your application in a reliable and scalable fashion.

Prerequisite Tasks

To use these operators, you must do a few things:


Start an AWS Step Functions state machine execution

To start a new AWS Step Functions state machine execution you can use StepFunctionStartExecutionOperator.


start_execution = StepFunctionStartExecutionOperator(
    task_id='start_execution', state_machine_arn=STEP_FUNCTIONS_STATE_MACHINE_ARN

Get an AWS Step Functions execution output

To fetch the output from an AWS Step Function state machine execution you can use StepFunctionGetExecutionOutputOperator.


get_execution_output = StepFunctionGetExecutionOutputOperator(
    task_id='get_execution_output', execution_arn=start_execution.output


Wait on an AWS Step Functions state machine execution state

To wait on the state of an AWS Step Function state machine execution until it reaches a terminal state you can use StepFunctionExecutionSensor.


wait_for_execution = StepFunctionExecutionSensor(
    task_id='wait_for_execution', execution_arn=start_execution.output

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