Source code for
## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file# distributed with this work for additional information# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,# software distributed under the License is distributed on an# "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the# specific language governing permissions and limitations# under the License.#importosimportreimportsysfromdatetimeimportdatetimefromtypingimportTYPE_CHECKING,Callable,List,Optional,Sequence,Set,Unionfromurllib.parseimporturlparseifTYPE_CHECKING:fromairflow.utils.contextimportContextifsys.version_info>=(3,8),poke_mode_only
[docs]classS3KeySensor(BaseSensorOperator):""" Waits for a key (a file-like instance on S3) to be present in a S3 bucket. S3 being a key/value it does not support folders. The path is just a key a resource. :param bucket_key: The key being waited on. Supports full s3:// style url or relative path from root level. When it's specified as a full s3:// url, please leave bucket_name as `None`. :param bucket_name: Name of the S3 bucket. Only needed when ``bucket_key`` is not provided as a full s3:// url. :param wildcard_match: whether the bucket_key should be interpreted as a Unix wildcard pattern :param aws_conn_id: a reference to the s3 connection :param verify: Whether or not to verify SSL certificates for S3 connection. By default SSL certificates are verified. You can provide the following values: - ``False``: do not validate SSL certificates. SSL will still be used (unless use_ssl is False), but SSL certificates will not be verified. - ``path/to/cert/bundle.pem``: A filename of the CA cert bundle to uses. You can specify this argument if you want to use a different CA cert bundle than the one used by botocore. """
def__init__(self,*,bucket_key:str,bucket_name:Optional[str]=None,wildcard_match:bool=False,aws_conn_id:str='aws_default',verify:Optional[Union[str,bool]]=None,**kwargs,):super().__init__(**kwargs)self.bucket_name=bucket_nameself.bucket_key=bucket_keyself.wildcard_match=wildcard_matchself.aws_conn_id=aws_conn_idself.verify=verifyself.hook:Optional[S3Hook]=Nonedef_resolve_bucket_and_key(self):"""If key is URI, parse bucket"""ifself.bucket_nameisNone:self.bucket_name,self.bucket_key=S3Hook.parse_s3_url(self.bucket_key)else:parsed_url=urlparse(self.bucket_key)ifparsed_url.scheme!=''orparsed_url.netloc!='':raiseAirflowException('If bucket_name provided, bucket_key must be relative path, not URI.')
[docs]defpoke(self,context:'Context'):self._resolve_bucket_and_key()'Poking for key : s3://%s/%s',self.bucket_name,self.bucket_key)ifself.wildcard_match:returnself.get_hook().check_for_wildcard_key(self.bucket_key,self.bucket_name)returnself.get_hook().check_for_key(self.bucket_key,self.bucket_name)
[docs]defget_hook(self)->S3Hook:"""Create and return an S3Hook"""ifself.hook:returnself.hookself.hook=S3Hook(aws_conn_id=self.aws_conn_id,verify=self.verify)returnself.hook
[docs]classS3KeySizeSensor(S3KeySensor):""" Waits for a key (a file-like instance on S3) to be present and be more than some size in a S3 bucket. S3 being a key/value it does not support folders. The path is just a key a resource. :param bucket_key: The key being waited on. Supports full s3:// style url or relative path from root level. When it's specified as a full s3:// url, please leave bucket_name as `None`. :param bucket_name: Name of the S3 bucket. Only needed when ``bucket_key`` is not provided as a full s3:// url. :param wildcard_match: whether the bucket_key should be interpreted as a Unix wildcard pattern :param aws_conn_id: a reference to the s3 connection :param verify: Whether or not to verify SSL certificates for S3 connection. By default SSL certificates are verified. You can provide the following values: - ``False``: do not validate SSL certificates. SSL will still be used (unless use_ssl is False), but SSL certificates will not be verified. - ``path/to/cert/bundle.pem``: A filename of the CA cert bundle to uses. You can specify this argument if you want to use a different CA cert bundle than the one used by botocore. :param check_fn: Function that receives the list of the S3 objects, and returns the boolean: - ``True``: a certain criteria is met - ``False``: the criteria isn't met **Example**: Wait for any S3 object size more than 1 megabyte :: def check_fn(self, data: List) -> bool: return any(f.get('Size', 0) > 1048576 for f in data if isinstance(f, dict)) """def__init__(self,*,check_fn:Optional[Callable[...,bool]]=None,**kwargs,):super().__init__(**kwargs)self.check_fn_user=check_fn
[docs]defget_files(self,s3_hook:S3Hook,delimiter:Optional[str]='/')->List:"""Gets a list of files in the bucket"""prefix=self.bucket_keyconfig={'PageSize':None,'MaxItems':None,}ifself.wildcard_match:prefix=re.split(r'[\[\*\?]',self.bucket_key,1)[0]paginator=s3_hook.get_conn().get_paginator('list_objects_v2')response=paginator.paginate(Bucket=self.bucket_name,Prefix=prefix,Delimiter=delimiter,PaginationConfig=config)keys:List=[]forpageinresponse:if'Contents'inpage:_temp=[kforkinpage['Contents']ifisinstance(k.get('Size',None),(int,float))]keys=keys+_tempreturnkeys
[docs]defcheck_fn(self,data:List,object_min_size:Optional[Union[int,float]]=0)->bool:"""Default function for checking that S3 Objects have size more than 0 :param data: List of the objects in S3 bucket. :param object_min_size: Checks if the objects sizes are greater then this value. """returnall(f.get('Size',0)>object_min_sizeforfindataifisinstance(f,dict))
[docs]classS3KeysUnchangedSensor(BaseSensorOperator):""" Checks for changes in the number of objects at prefix in AWS S3 bucket and returns True if the inactivity period has passed with no increase in the number of objects. Note, this sensor will not behave correctly in reschedule mode, as the state of the listed objects in the S3 bucket will be lost between rescheduled invocations. :param bucket_name: Name of the S3 bucket :param prefix: The prefix being waited on. Relative path from bucket root level. :param aws_conn_id: a reference to the s3 connection :param verify: Whether or not to verify SSL certificates for S3 connection. By default SSL certificates are verified. You can provide the following values: - ``False``: do not validate SSL certificates. SSL will still be used (unless use_ssl is False), but SSL certificates will not be verified. - ``path/to/cert/bundle.pem``: A filename of the CA cert bundle to uses. You can specify this argument if you want to use a different CA cert bundle than the one used by botocore. :param inactivity_period: The total seconds of inactivity to designate keys unchanged. Note, this mechanism is not real time and this operator may not return until a poke_interval after this period has passed with no additional objects sensed. :param min_objects: The minimum number of objects needed for keys unchanged sensor to be considered valid. :param previous_objects: The set of object ids found during the last poke. :param allow_delete: Should this sensor consider objects being deleted between pokes valid behavior. If true a warning message will be logged when this happens. If false an error will be raised. """
def__init__(self,*,bucket_name:str,prefix:str,aws_conn_id:str='aws_default',verify:Optional[Union[bool,str]]=None,inactivity_period:float=60*60,min_objects:int=1,previous_objects:Optional[Set[str]]=None,allow_delete:bool=True,**kwargs,)->None:super().__init__(**kwargs)self.bucket_name=bucket_nameself.prefix=prefixifinactivity_period<0:raiseValueError("inactivity_period must be non-negative")self.inactivity_period=inactivity_periodself.min_objects=min_objectsself.previous_objects=previous_objectsorset()self.inactivity_seconds=0self.allow_delete=allow_deleteself.aws_conn_id=aws_conn_idself.verify=verifyself.last_activity_time:Optional[datetime]=None@cached_property
[docs]defis_keys_unchanged(self,current_objects:Set[str])->bool:""" Checks whether new objects have been uploaded and the inactivity_period has passed and updates the state of the sensor accordingly. :param current_objects: set of object ids in bucket during last poke. """current_num_objects=len(current_objects)ifcurrent_objects>self.previous_objects:# When new objects arrived, reset the inactivity_seconds# and update previous_objects for the next"New objects found at %s, resetting last_activity_time.",os.path.join(self.bucket_name,self.prefix),)self.log.debug("New objects: %s",current_objects-self.previous_objects) During the last poke interval objects were"Objects were deleted during the last poke interval. Updating the ""file counter and resetting last_activity_time:\n%s",deleted_objects,)returnFalseraiseAirflowException(f"Illegal behavior: objects were deleted in"f" {os.path.join(self.bucket_name,self.prefix)} between pokes.")ifself.last_activity_time:self.inactivity_seconds=int(( Handles the first poke where last inactivity time is>=self.inactivity_period:path=os.path.join(self.bucket_name,self.prefix)ifcurrent_num_objects>"SUCCESS: \nSensor found %s objects at %s.\n""Waited at least %s seconds, with no new objects uploaded.",current_num_objects,path,self.inactivity_period,)returnTrueself.log.error("FAILURE: Inactivity Period passed, not enough objects found in %s",path)returnFalsereturnFalse
[docs]classS3PrefixSensor(BaseSensorOperator):""" Waits for a prefix or all prefixes to exist. A prefix is the first part of a key, thus enabling checking of constructs similar to glob ``airfl*`` or SQL LIKE ``'airfl%'``. There is the possibility to precise a delimiter to indicate the hierarchy or keys, meaning that the match will stop at that delimiter. Current code accepts sane delimiters, i.e. characters that are NOT special characters in the Python regex engine. :param bucket_name: Name of the S3 bucket :param prefix: The prefix being waited on. Relative path from bucket root level. :param delimiter: The delimiter intended to show hierarchy. Defaults to '/'. :param aws_conn_id: a reference to the s3 connection :param verify: Whether or not to verify SSL certificates for S3 connection. By default SSL certificates are verified. You can provide the following values: - ``False``: do not validate SSL certificates. SSL will still be used (unless use_ssl is False), but SSL certificates will not be verified. - ``path/to/cert/bundle.pem``: A filename of the CA cert bundle to uses. You can specify this argument if you want to use a different CA cert bundle than the one used by botocore. """
[docs]defpoke(self,context:'Context')'Poking for prefix : %s in bucket s3://%s',self.prefix,self.bucket_name)returnall(self._check_for_prefix(prefix)forprefixinself.prefix)
[docs]defget_hook(self)->S3Hook:"""Create and return an S3Hook"""ifself.hook:returnself.hookself.hook=S3Hook(aws_conn_id=self.aws_conn_id,verify=self.verify)returnself.hook