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A client for AWS Batch services

.. seealso::

import warnings
from random import uniform
from time import sleep
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import botocore.client
import botocore.exceptions
import botocore.waiter

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from import AwsBaseHook
from airflow.typing_compat import Protocol, runtime_checkable

[docs]@runtime_checkable class BatchProtocol(Protocol): """ A structured Protocol for ``boto3.client('batch') -> botocore.client.Batch``. This is used for type hints on :py:meth:`.BatchClient.client`; it covers only the subset of client methods required. .. seealso:: - - """
[docs] def describe_jobs(self, jobs: List[str]) -> Dict: """ Get job descriptions from AWS Batch :param jobs: a list of JobId to describe :return: an API response to describe jobs :rtype: Dict """ ...
[docs] def get_waiter(self, waiterName: str) -> botocore.waiter.Waiter: """ Get an AWS Batch service waiter :param waiterName: The name of the waiter. The name should match the name (including the casing) of the key name in the waiter model file (typically this is CamelCasing). :return: a waiter object for the named AWS Batch service :rtype: botocore.waiter.Waiter .. note:: AWS Batch might not have any waiters (until botocore PR-1307 is released). .. code-block:: python import boto3 boto3.client("batch").waiter_names == [] .. seealso:: - - """ ...
[docs] def submit_job( self, jobName: str, jobQueue: str, jobDefinition: str, arrayProperties: Dict, parameters: Dict, containerOverrides: Dict, tags: Dict, ) -> Dict: """ Submit a Batch job :param jobName: the name for the AWS Batch job :param jobQueue: the queue name on AWS Batch :param jobDefinition: the job definition name on AWS Batch :param arrayProperties: the same parameter that boto3 will receive :param parameters: the same parameter that boto3 will receive :param containerOverrides: the same parameter that boto3 will receive :param tags: the same parameter that boto3 will receive :return: an API response :rtype: Dict """ ...
[docs] def terminate_job(self, jobId: str, reason: str) -> Dict: """ Terminate a Batch job :param jobId: a job ID to terminate :param reason: a reason to terminate job ID :return: an API response :rtype: Dict """ ...
# Note that the use of invalid-name parameters should be restricted to the boto3 mappings only; # all the Airflow wrappers of boto3 clients should not adopt invalid-names to match boto3.
[docs]class BatchClientHook(AwsBaseHook): """ A client for AWS Batch services. :param max_retries: exponential back-off retries, 4200 = 48 hours; polling is only used when waiters is None :param status_retries: number of HTTP retries to get job status, 10; polling is only used when waiters is None .. note:: Several methods use a default random delay to check or poll for job status, i.e. ``random.uniform(DEFAULT_DELAY_MIN, DEFAULT_DELAY_MAX)`` Using a random interval helps to avoid AWS API throttle limits when many concurrent tasks request job-descriptions. To modify the global defaults for the range of jitter allowed when a random delay is used to check Batch job status, modify these defaults, e.g.: .. code-block:: BatchClient.DEFAULT_DELAY_MIN = 0 BatchClient.DEFAULT_DELAY_MAX = 5 When explicit delay values are used, a 1 second random jitter is applied to the delay (e.g. a delay of 0 sec will be a ``random.uniform(0, 1)`` delay. It is generally recommended that random jitter is added to API requests. A convenience method is provided for this, e.g. to get a random delay of 10 sec +/- 5 sec: ``delay = BatchClient.add_jitter(10, width=5, minima=0)`` .. seealso:: - - - """
[docs] MAX_RETRIES = 4200
[docs] STATUS_RETRIES = 10
# delays are in seconds
) def __init__( self, *args, max_retries: Optional[int] = None, status_retries: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: # hence type: ignore super().__init__(client_type='batch', *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore self.max_retries = max_retries or self.MAX_RETRIES self.status_retries = status_retries or self.STATUS_RETRIES @property
[docs] def client(self) -> Union[BatchProtocol, botocore.client.BaseClient]: """ An AWS API client for Batch services. :return: a boto3 'batch' client for the ``.region_name`` :rtype: Union[BatchProtocol, botocore.client.BaseClient] """ return self.conn
[docs] def terminate_job(self, job_id: str, reason: str) -> Dict: """ Terminate a Batch job :param job_id: a job ID to terminate :param reason: a reason to terminate job ID :return: an API response :rtype: Dict """ response = self.get_conn().terminate_job(jobId=job_id, reason=reason) return response
[docs] def check_job_success(self, job_id: str) -> bool: """ Check the final status of the Batch job; return True if the job 'SUCCEEDED', else raise an AirflowException :param job_id: a Batch job ID :rtype: bool :raises: AirflowException """ job = self.get_job_description(job_id) job_status = job.get("status") if job_status == self.SUCCESS_STATE:"AWS Batch job (%s) succeeded: %s", job_id, job) return True if job_status == self.FAILURE_STATE: raise AirflowException(f"AWS Batch job ({job_id}) failed: {job}") if job_status in self.INTERMEDIATE_STATES: raise AirflowException(f"AWS Batch job ({job_id}) is not complete: {job}") raise AirflowException(f"AWS Batch job ({job_id}) has unknown status: {job}")
[docs] def wait_for_job(self, job_id: str, delay: Union[int, float, None] = None) -> None: """ Wait for Batch job to complete :param job_id: a Batch job ID :param delay: a delay before polling for job status :raises: AirflowException """ self.delay(delay) self.poll_for_job_running(job_id, delay) self.poll_for_job_complete(job_id, delay)"AWS Batch job (%s) has completed", job_id)
[docs] def poll_for_job_running(self, job_id: str, delay: Union[int, float, None] = None) -> None: """ Poll for job running. The status that indicates a job is running or already complete are: 'RUNNING'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'. So the status options that this will wait for are the transitions from: 'SUBMITTED'>'PENDING'>'RUNNABLE'>'STARTING'>'RUNNING'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED' The completed status options are included for cases where the status changes too quickly for polling to detect a RUNNING status that moves quickly from STARTING to RUNNING to completed (often a failure). :param job_id: a Batch job ID :param delay: a delay before polling for job status :raises: AirflowException """ self.delay(delay) running_status = [self.RUNNING_STATE, self.SUCCESS_STATE, self.FAILURE_STATE] self.poll_job_status(job_id, running_status)
[docs] def poll_for_job_complete(self, job_id: str, delay: Union[int, float, None] = None) -> None: """ Poll for job completion. The status that indicates job completion are: 'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'. So the status options that this will wait for are the transitions from: 'SUBMITTED'>'PENDING'>'RUNNABLE'>'STARTING'>'RUNNING'>'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED' :param job_id: a Batch job ID :param delay: a delay before polling for job status :raises: AirflowException """ self.delay(delay) complete_status = [self.SUCCESS_STATE, self.FAILURE_STATE] self.poll_job_status(job_id, complete_status)
[docs] def poll_job_status(self, job_id: str, match_status: List[str]) -> bool: """ Poll for job status using an exponential back-off strategy (with max_retries). :param job_id: a Batch job ID :param match_status: a list of job status to match; the Batch job status are: 'SUBMITTED'|'PENDING'|'RUNNABLE'|'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED' :rtype: bool :raises: AirflowException """ retries = 0 while True: job = self.get_job_description(job_id) job_status = job.get("status") "AWS Batch job (%s) check status (%s) in %s", job_id, job_status, match_status, ) if job_status in match_status: return True if retries >= self.max_retries: raise AirflowException(f"AWS Batch job ({job_id}) status checks exceed max_retries") retries += 1 pause = self.exponential_delay(retries) "AWS Batch job (%s) status check (%d of %d) in the next %.2f seconds", job_id, retries, self.max_retries, pause, ) self.delay(pause)
[docs] def get_job_description(self, job_id: str) -> Dict: """ Get job description (using status_retries). :param job_id: a Batch job ID :return: an API response for describe jobs :rtype: Dict :raises: AirflowException """ retries = 0 while True: try: response = self.get_conn().describe_jobs(jobs=[job_id]) return self.parse_job_description(job_id, response) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as err: error = err.response.get("Error", {}) if error.get("Code") == "TooManyRequestsException": pass # allow it to retry, if possible else: raise AirflowException(f"AWS Batch job ({job_id}) description error: {err}") retries += 1 if retries >= self.status_retries: raise AirflowException( f"AWS Batch job ({job_id}) description error: exceeded status_retries " f"({self.status_retries})" ) pause = self.exponential_delay(retries) "AWS Batch job (%s) description retry (%d of %d) in the next %.2f seconds", job_id, retries, self.status_retries, pause, ) self.delay(pause)
[docs] def parse_job_description(job_id: str, response: Dict) -> Dict: """ Parse job description to extract description for job_id :param job_id: a Batch job ID :param response: an API response for describe jobs :return: an API response to describe job_id :rtype: Dict :raises: AirflowException """ jobs = response.get("jobs", []) matching_jobs = [job for job in jobs if job.get("jobId") == job_id] if len(matching_jobs) != 1: raise AirflowException(f"AWS Batch job ({job_id}) description error: response: {response}") return matching_jobs[0]
[docs] def add_jitter( delay: Union[int, float], width: Union[int, float] = 1, minima: Union[int, float] = 0 ) -> float: """ Use delay +/- width for random jitter Adding jitter to status polling can help to avoid AWS Batch API limits for monitoring Batch jobs with a high concurrency in Airflow tasks. :param delay: number of seconds to pause; delay is assumed to be a positive number :param width: delay +/- width for random jitter; width is assumed to be a positive number :param minima: minimum delay allowed; minima is assumed to be a non-negative number :return: uniform(delay - width, delay + width) jitter and it is a non-negative number :rtype: float """ delay = abs(delay) width = abs(width) minima = abs(minima) lower = max(minima, delay - width) upper = delay + width return uniform(lower, upper)
[docs] def delay(delay: Union[int, float, None] = None) -> None: """ Pause execution for ``delay`` seconds. :param delay: a delay to pause execution using ``time.sleep(delay)``; a small 1 second jitter is applied to the delay. .. note:: This method uses a default random delay, i.e. ``random.uniform(DEFAULT_DELAY_MIN, DEFAULT_DELAY_MAX)``; using a random interval helps to avoid AWS API throttle limits when many concurrent tasks request job-descriptions. """ if delay is None: delay = uniform(BatchClientHook.DEFAULT_DELAY_MIN, BatchClientHook.DEFAULT_DELAY_MAX) else: delay = BatchClientHook.add_jitter(delay) sleep(delay)
[docs] def exponential_delay(tries: int) -> float: """ An exponential back-off delay, with random jitter. There is a maximum interval of 10 minutes (with random jitter between 3 and 10 minutes). This is used in the :py:meth:`.poll_for_job_status` method. :param tries: Number of tries :rtype: float Examples of behavior: .. code-block:: python def exp(tries): max_interval = 600.0 # 10 minutes in seconds delay = 1 + pow(tries * 0.6, 2) delay = min(max_interval, delay) print(delay / 3, delay) for tries in range(10): exp(tries) # 0.33 1.0 # 0.45 1.35 # 0.81 2.44 # 1.41 4.23 # 2.25 6.76 # 3.33 10.00 # 4.65 13.95 # 6.21 18.64 # 8.01 24.04 # 10.05 30.15 .. seealso:: - - """ max_interval = 600.0 # results in 3 to 10 minute delay delay = 1 + pow(tries * 0.6, 2) delay = min(max_interval, delay) return uniform(delay / 3, delay)
[docs]class AwsBatchProtocol(BatchProtocol, Protocol): """ This class is deprecated. Please use :class:``. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "This class is deprecated. " "Please use :class:``.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class AwsBatchClientHook(BatchClientHook): """ This hook is deprecated. Please use :class:``. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "This hook is deprecated. " "Please use :class:``.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

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