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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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from typing import Optional

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from import AwsBaseHook
from import SageMakerBaseOperator
from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults

[docs]class SageMakerTrainingOperator(SageMakerBaseOperator): """ Initiate a SageMaker training job. This operator returns The ARN of the training job created in Amazon SageMaker. :param config: The configuration necessary to start a training job (templated). For details of the configuration parameter see :py:meth:`SageMaker.Client.create_training_job` :type config: dict :param aws_conn_id: The AWS connection ID to use. :type aws_conn_id: str :param wait_for_completion: If wait is set to True, the time interval, in seconds, that the operation waits to check the status of the training job. :type wait_for_completion: bool :param print_log: if the operator should print the cloudwatch log during training :type print_log: bool :param check_interval: if wait is set to be true, this is the time interval in seconds which the operator will check the status of the training job :type check_interval: int :param max_ingestion_time: If wait is set to True, the operation fails if the training job doesn't finish within max_ingestion_time seconds. If you set this parameter to None, the operation does not timeout. :type max_ingestion_time: int :param action_if_job_exists: Behaviour if the job name already exists. Possible options are "increment" (default) and "fail". :type action_if_job_exists: str """
[docs] integer_fields = [ ['ResourceConfig', 'InstanceCount'], ['ResourceConfig', 'VolumeSizeInGB'], ['StoppingCondition', 'MaxRuntimeInSeconds'],
] @apply_defaults def __init__( self, *, config: dict, wait_for_completion: bool = True, print_log: bool = True, check_interval: int = 30, max_ingestion_time: Optional[int] = None, action_if_job_exists: str = "increment", # TODO use typing.Literal for this in Python 3.8 **kwargs, ): super().__init__(config=config, **kwargs) self.wait_for_completion = wait_for_completion self.print_log = print_log self.check_interval = check_interval self.max_ingestion_time = max_ingestion_time if action_if_job_exists in ("increment", "fail"): self.action_if_job_exists = action_if_job_exists else: raise AirflowException( "Argument action_if_job_exists accepts only 'increment' and 'fail'. " f"Provided value: '{action_if_job_exists}'." )
[docs] def expand_role(self) -> None: if 'RoleArn' in self.config: hook = AwsBaseHook(self.aws_conn_id, client_type='iam') self.config['RoleArn'] = hook.expand_role(self.config['RoleArn'])
[docs] def execute(self, context) -> dict: self.preprocess_config() training_job_name = self.config["TrainingJobName"] training_jobs = self.hook.list_training_jobs(name_contains=training_job_name) # Check if given TrainingJobName already exists if training_job_name in [tj["TrainingJobName"] for tj in training_jobs]: if self.action_if_job_exists == "increment":"Found existing training job with name '%s'.", training_job_name) new_training_job_name = f"{training_job_name}-{len(training_jobs) + 1}" self.config["TrainingJobName"] = new_training_job_name"Incremented training job name to '%s'.", new_training_job_name) elif self.action_if_job_exists == "fail": raise AirflowException( f"A SageMaker training job with name {training_job_name} already exists." )"Creating SageMaker training job %s.", self.config["TrainingJobName"]) response = self.hook.create_training_job( self.config, wait_for_completion=self.wait_for_completion, print_log=self.print_log, check_interval=self.check_interval, max_ingestion_time=self.max_ingestion_time, ) if response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] != 200: raise AirflowException(f'Sagemaker Training Job creation failed: {response}') else: return {'Training': self.hook.describe_training_job(self.config['TrainingJobName'])}
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