Module Contents¶
(*, config: dict, wait_for_completion: bool = True, check_interval: int = 30, max_ingestion_time: Optional[int] = None, operation: str = 'create', **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Create a SageMaker endpoint.
This operator returns The ARN of the endpoint created in Amazon SageMaker
- Parameters
config (dict) –
The configuration necessary to create an endpoint.
If you need to create a SageMaker endpoint based on an existed SageMaker model and an existed SageMaker endpoint config:
If you need to create all of SageMaker model, SageMaker endpoint-config and SageMaker endpoint:
For details of the configuration parameter of model_configuration see
For details of the configuration parameter of endpoint_config_configuration see
For details of the configuration parameter of endpoint_configuration see
aws_conn_id (str) – The AWS connection ID to use.
wait_for_completion (bool) – Whether the operator should wait until the endpoint creation finishes.
check_interval (int) – If wait is set to True, this is the time interval, in seconds, that this operation waits before polling the status of the endpoint creation.
max_ingestion_time (int) – If wait is set to True, this operation fails if the endpoint creation doesn’t finish within max_ingestion_time seconds. If you set this parameter to None it never times out.
operation (str) – Whether to create an endpoint or update an endpoint. Must be either ‘create or ‘update’.