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AWS batch service waiters

.. seealso::


import json
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import botocore.client
import botocore.exceptions
import botocore.waiter

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from import AwsBatchClientHook

[docs]class AwsBatchWaitersHook(AwsBatchClientHook): """ A utility to manage waiters for AWS batch services Examples: .. code-block:: python import random from import AwsBatchWaiters # to inspect default waiters waiters = AwsBatchWaiters() config = waiters.default_config # type: Dict waiter_names = waiters.list_waiters() # -> ["JobComplete", "JobExists", "JobRunning"] # The default_config is a useful stepping stone to creating custom waiters, e.g. custom_config = waiters.default_config # this is a deepcopy # modify custom_config['waiters'] as necessary and get a new instance: waiters = AwsBatchWaiters(waiter_config=custom_config) waiters.waiter_config # check the custom configuration (this is a deepcopy) waiters.list_waiters() # names of custom waiters # During the init for AwsBatchWaiters, the waiter_config is used to build a waiter_model; # and note that this only occurs during the class init, to avoid any accidental mutations # of waiter_config leaking into the waiter_model. waiters.waiter_model # -> botocore.waiter.WaiterModel object # The waiter_model is combined with the waiters.client to get a specific waiter # and the details of the config on that waiter can be further modified without any # accidental impact on the generation of new waiters from the defined waiter_model, e.g. waiters.get_waiter("JobExists").config.delay # -> 5 waiter = waiters.get_waiter("JobExists") # -> botocore.waiter.Batch.Waiter.JobExists object waiter.config.delay = 10 waiters.get_waiter("JobExists").config.delay # -> 5 as defined by waiter_model # To use a specific waiter, update the config and call the `wait()` method for jobId, e.g. waiter = waiters.get_waiter("JobExists") # -> botocore.waiter.Batch.Waiter.JobExists object waiter.config.delay = random.uniform(1, 10) # seconds waiter.config.max_attempts = 10 waiter.wait(jobs=[jobId]) .. seealso:: - - - - - :param waiter_config: a custom waiter configuration for AWS batch services :type waiter_config: Optional[Dict] :param aws_conn_id: connection id of AWS credentials / region name. If None, credential boto3 strategy will be used ( :type aws_conn_id: Optional[str] :param region_name: region name to use in AWS client. Override the AWS region in connection (if provided) :type region_name: Optional[str] """ def __init__(self, *args, waiter_config: Optional[Dict] = None, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._default_config = None # type: Optional[Dict] self._waiter_config = waiter_config or self.default_config self._waiter_model = botocore.waiter.WaiterModel(self._waiter_config) @property
[docs] def default_config(self) -> Dict: """ An immutable default waiter configuration :return: a waiter configuration for AWS batch services :rtype: Dict """ if self._default_config is None: config_path = Path(__file__).with_name("batch_waiters.json").absolute() with open(config_path) as config_file: self._default_config = json.load(config_file) return deepcopy(self._default_config) # avoid accidental mutation
[docs] def waiter_config(self) -> Dict: """ An immutable waiter configuration for this instance; a ``deepcopy`` is returned by this property. During the init for AwsBatchWaiters, the waiter_config is used to build a waiter_model and this only occurs during the class init, to avoid any accidental mutations of waiter_config leaking into the waiter_model. :return: a waiter configuration for AWS batch services :rtype: Dict """ return deepcopy(self._waiter_config) # avoid accidental mutation
[docs] def waiter_model(self) -> botocore.waiter.WaiterModel: """ A configured waiter model used to generate waiters on AWS batch services. :return: a waiter model for AWS batch services :rtype: botocore.waiter.WaiterModel """ return self._waiter_model
[docs] def get_waiter(self, waiter_name: str) -> botocore.waiter.Waiter: """ Get an AWS Batch service waiter, using the configured ``.waiter_model``. The ``.waiter_model`` is combined with the ``.client`` to get a specific waiter and the properties of that waiter can be modified without any accidental impact on the generation of new waiters from the ``.waiter_model``, e.g. .. code-block:: waiters.get_waiter("JobExists").config.delay # -> 5 waiter = waiters.get_waiter("JobExists") # a new waiter object waiter.config.delay = 10 waiters.get_waiter("JobExists").config.delay # -> 5 as defined by waiter_model To use a specific waiter, update the config and call the `wait()` method for jobId, e.g. .. code-block:: import random waiter = waiters.get_waiter("JobExists") # a new waiter object waiter.config.delay = random.uniform(1, 10) # seconds waiter.config.max_attempts = 10 waiter.wait(jobs=[jobId]) :param waiter_name: The name of the waiter. The name should match the name (including the casing) of the key name in the waiter model file (typically this is CamelCasing); see ``.list_waiters``. :type waiter_name: str :return: a waiter object for the named AWS batch service :rtype: botocore.waiter.Waiter """ return botocore.waiter.create_waiter_with_client(waiter_name, self.waiter_model, self.client)
[docs] def list_waiters(self) -> List[str]: """ List the waiters in a waiter configuration for AWS Batch services. :return: waiter names for AWS batch services :rtype: List[str] """ return self.waiter_model.waiter_names
[docs] def wait_for_job(self, job_id: str, delay: Union[int, float, None] = None) -> None: """ Wait for batch job to complete. This assumes that the ``.waiter_model`` is configured using some variation of the ``.default_config`` so that it can generate waiters with the following names: "JobExists", "JobRunning" and "JobComplete". :param job_id: a batch job ID :type job_id: str :param delay: A delay before polling for job status :type delay: Union[int, float, None] :raises: AirflowException .. note:: This method adds a small random jitter to the ``delay`` (+/- 2 sec, >= 1 sec). Using a random interval helps to avoid AWS API throttle limits when many concurrent tasks request job-descriptions. It also modifies the ``max_attempts`` to use the ``sys.maxsize``, which allows Airflow to manage the timeout on waiting. """ self.delay(delay) try: waiter = self.get_waiter("JobExists") waiter.config.delay = self.add_jitter(waiter.config.delay, width=2, minima=1) waiter.config.max_attempts = sys.maxsize # timeout is managed by Airflow waiter.wait(jobs=[job_id]) waiter = self.get_waiter("JobRunning") waiter.config.delay = self.add_jitter(waiter.config.delay, width=2, minima=1) waiter.config.max_attempts = sys.maxsize # timeout is managed by Airflow waiter.wait(jobs=[job_id]) waiter = self.get_waiter("JobComplete") waiter.config.delay = self.add_jitter(waiter.config.delay, width=2, minima=1) waiter.config.max_attempts = sys.maxsize # timeout is managed by Airflow waiter.wait(jobs=[job_id]) except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.WaiterError) as err: raise AirflowException(err)
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