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This module contains Base AWS Hook.

.. seealso::
    For more information on how to use this hook, take a look at the guide:

import configparser
import datetime
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

import boto3
import botocore
import botocore.session
from botocore.config import Config
from botocore.credentials import ReadOnlyCredentials
from cached_property import cached_property
from import tzlocal

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.hooks.base import BaseHook
from airflow.models.connection import Connection
from airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin import LoggingMixin

[docs]class _SessionFactory(LoggingMixin): def __init__(self, conn: Connection, region_name: Optional[str], config: Config) -> None: super().__init__() self.conn = conn self.region_name = region_name self.config = config self.extra_config = self.conn.extra_dejson
[docs] def create_session(self) -> boto3.session.Session: """Create AWS session.""" session_kwargs = {} if "session_kwargs" in self.extra_config: "Retrieving session_kwargs from Connection.extra_config['session_kwargs']: %s", self.extra_config["session_kwargs"], ) session_kwargs = self.extra_config["session_kwargs"] session = self._create_basic_session(session_kwargs=session_kwargs) role_arn = self._read_role_arn_from_extra_config() # If role_arn was specified then STS + assume_role if role_arn is None: return session return self._impersonate_to_role(role_arn=role_arn, session=session, session_kwargs=session_kwargs)
[docs] def _create_basic_session(self, session_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> boto3.session.Session: aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key = self._read_credentials_from_connection() aws_session_token = self.extra_config.get("aws_session_token") region_name = self.region_name if self.region_name is None and 'region_name' in self.extra_config:"Retrieving region_name from Connection.extra_config['region_name']") region_name = self.extra_config["region_name"] "Creating session with aws_access_key_id=%s region_name=%s", aws_access_key_id, region_name, ) return boto3.session.Session( aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key, region_name=region_name, aws_session_token=aws_session_token, **session_kwargs,
[docs] def _impersonate_to_role( self, role_arn: str, session: boto3.session.Session, session_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] ) -> boto3.session.Session: assume_role_kwargs = self.extra_config.get("assume_role_kwargs", {}) assume_role_method = self.extra_config.get('assume_role_method')"assume_role_method=%s", assume_role_method) if not assume_role_method or assume_role_method == 'assume_role': sts_client = session.client("sts", config=self.config) sts_response = self._assume_role( sts_client=sts_client, role_arn=role_arn, assume_role_kwargs=assume_role_kwargs ) elif assume_role_method == 'assume_role_with_saml': sts_client = session.client("sts", config=self.config) sts_response = self._assume_role_with_saml( sts_client=sts_client, role_arn=role_arn, assume_role_kwargs=assume_role_kwargs ) elif assume_role_method == 'assume_role_with_web_identity': botocore_session = self._assume_role_with_web_identity( role_arn=role_arn, assume_role_kwargs=assume_role_kwargs, base_session=session._session, # pylint: disable=protected-access ) return boto3.session.Session( region_name=session.region_name, botocore_session=botocore_session, **session_kwargs, ) else: raise NotImplementedError( f'assume_role_method={assume_role_method} in Connection {self.conn.conn_id} Extra.' 'Currently "assume_role" or "assume_role_with_saml" are supported.' '(Exclude this setting will default to "assume_role").' ) # Use credentials retrieved from STS credentials = sts_response["Credentials"] aws_access_key_id = credentials["AccessKeyId"] aws_secret_access_key = credentials["SecretAccessKey"] aws_session_token = credentials["SessionToken"] "Creating session with aws_access_key_id=%s region_name=%s", aws_access_key_id, session.region_name, ) return boto3.session.Session( aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key, region_name=session.region_name, aws_session_token=aws_session_token, **session_kwargs,
[docs] def _read_role_arn_from_extra_config(self) -> Optional[str]: aws_account_id = self.extra_config.get("aws_account_id") aws_iam_role = self.extra_config.get("aws_iam_role") role_arn = self.extra_config.get("role_arn") if role_arn is None and aws_account_id is not None and aws_iam_role is not None:"Constructing role_arn from aws_account_id and aws_iam_role") role_arn = f"arn:aws:iam::{aws_account_id}:role/{aws_iam_role}""role_arn is %s", role_arn) return role_arn
[docs] def _read_credentials_from_connection(self) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: aws_access_key_id = None aws_secret_access_key = None if self.conn.login: aws_access_key_id = self.conn.login aws_secret_access_key = self.conn.password"Credentials retrieved from login") elif "aws_access_key_id" in self.extra_config and "aws_secret_access_key" in self.extra_config: aws_access_key_id = self.extra_config["aws_access_key_id"] aws_secret_access_key = self.extra_config["aws_secret_access_key"]"Credentials retrieved from extra_config") elif "s3_config_file" in self.extra_config: aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key = _parse_s3_config( self.extra_config["s3_config_file"], self.extra_config.get("s3_config_format"), self.extra_config.get("profile"), )"Credentials retrieved from extra_config['s3_config_file']") else:"No credentials retrieved from Connection") return aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key
[docs] def _assume_role( self, sts_client: boto3.client, role_arn: str, assume_role_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Dict: if "external_id" in self.extra_config: # Backwards compatibility assume_role_kwargs["ExternalId"] = self.extra_config.get("external_id") role_session_name = f"Airflow_{self.conn.conn_id}" "Doing sts_client.assume_role to role_arn=%s (role_session_name=%s)", role_arn, role_session_name, ) return sts_client.assume_role( RoleArn=role_arn, RoleSessionName=role_session_name, **assume_role_kwargs
[docs] def _assume_role_with_saml( self, sts_client: boto3.client, role_arn: str, assume_role_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: saml_config = self.extra_config['assume_role_with_saml'] principal_arn = saml_config['principal_arn'] idp_auth_method = saml_config['idp_auth_method'] if idp_auth_method == 'http_spegno_auth': saml_assertion = self._fetch_saml_assertion_using_http_spegno_auth(saml_config) else: raise NotImplementedError( f'idp_auth_method={idp_auth_method} in Connection {self.conn.conn_id} Extra.' 'Currently only "http_spegno_auth" is supported, and must be specified.' )"Doing sts_client.assume_role_with_saml to role_arn=%s", role_arn) return sts_client.assume_role_with_saml( RoleArn=role_arn, PrincipalArn=principal_arn, SAMLAssertion=saml_assertion, **assume_role_kwargs
[docs] def _fetch_saml_assertion_using_http_spegno_auth(self, saml_config: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: import requests # requests_gssapi will need paramiko > 2.6 since you'll need # 'gssapi' not 'python-gssapi' from PyPi. # import requests_gssapi from lxml import etree idp_url = saml_config["idp_url"]"idp_url= %s", idp_url) idp_request_kwargs = saml_config["idp_request_kwargs"] auth = requests_gssapi.HTTPSPNEGOAuth() if 'mutual_authentication' in saml_config: mutual_auth = saml_config['mutual_authentication'] if mutual_auth == 'REQUIRED': auth = requests_gssapi.HTTPSPNEGOAuth(requests_gssapi.REQUIRED) elif mutual_auth == 'OPTIONAL': auth = requests_gssapi.HTTPSPNEGOAuth(requests_gssapi.OPTIONAL) elif mutual_auth == 'DISABLED': auth = requests_gssapi.HTTPSPNEGOAuth(requests_gssapi.DISABLED) else: raise NotImplementedError( f'mutual_authentication={mutual_auth} in Connection {self.conn.conn_id} Extra.' 'Currently "REQUIRED", "OPTIONAL" and "DISABLED" are supported.' '(Exclude this setting will default to HTTPSPNEGOAuth() ).' ) # Query the IDP idp_response = requests.get(idp_url, auth=auth, **idp_request_kwargs) idp_response.raise_for_status() # Assist with debugging. Note: contains sensitive info! xpath = saml_config['saml_response_xpath'] log_idp_response = 'log_idp_response' in saml_config and saml_config['log_idp_response'] if log_idp_response: self.log.warning( 'The IDP response contains sensitive information, but log_idp_response is ON (%s).', log_idp_response, )'idp_response.content= %s', idp_response.content)'xpath= %s', xpath) # Extract SAML Assertion from the returned HTML / XML xml = etree.fromstring(idp_response.content) saml_assertion = xml.xpath(xpath) if isinstance(saml_assertion, list): if len(saml_assertion) == 1: saml_assertion = saml_assertion[0] if not saml_assertion: raise ValueError('Invalid SAML Assertion') return saml_assertion
[docs] def _assume_role_with_web_identity(self, role_arn, assume_role_kwargs, base_session): base_session = base_session or botocore.session.get_session() client_creator = base_session.create_client federation = self.extra_config.get('assume_role_with_web_identity_federation') if federation == 'google': web_identity_token_loader = self._get_google_identity_token_loader() else: raise AirflowException( f'Unsupported federation: {federation}. Currently "google" only are supported.' ) fetcher = botocore.credentials.AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCredentialFetcher( client_creator=client_creator, web_identity_token_loader=web_identity_token_loader, role_arn=role_arn, extra_args=assume_role_kwargs or {}, ) aws_creds = botocore.credentials.DeferredRefreshableCredentials( method='assume-role-with-web-identity', refresh_using=fetcher.fetch_credentials, time_fetcher=lambda:, ) botocore_session = botocore.session.Session() botocore_session._credentials = aws_creds # pylint: disable=protected-access return botocore_session
[docs] def _get_google_identity_token_loader(self): from google.auth.transport import requests as requests_transport from import ( get_default_id_token_credentials, ) audience = self.extra_config.get('assume_role_with_web_identity_federation_audience') google_id_token_credentials = get_default_id_token_credentials(target_audience=audience) def web_identity_token_loader(): if not google_id_token_credentials.valid: request_adapter = requests_transport.Request() google_id_token_credentials.refresh(request=request_adapter) return google_id_token_credentials.token return web_identity_token_loader
[docs]class AwsBaseHook(BaseHook): """ Interact with AWS. This class is a thin wrapper around the boto3 python library. :param aws_conn_id: The Airflow connection used for AWS credentials. If this is None or empty then the default boto3 behaviour is used. If running Airflow in a distributed manner and aws_conn_id is None or empty, then default boto3 configuration would be used (and must be maintained on each worker node). :type aws_conn_id: str :param verify: Whether or not to verify SSL certificates. :type verify: Union[bool, str, None] :param region_name: AWS region_name. If not specified then the default boto3 behaviour is used. :type region_name: Optional[str] :param client_type: boto3.client client_type. Eg 's3', 'emr' etc :type client_type: Optional[str] :param resource_type: boto3.resource resource_type. Eg 'dynamodb' etc :type resource_type: Optional[str] :param config: Configuration for botocore client. ( :type config: Optional[botocore.client.Config] """
[docs] conn_name_attr = 'aws_conn_id'
[docs] default_conn_name = 'aws_default'
[docs] conn_type = 'aws'
[docs] hook_name = 'Amazon Web Services'
def __init__( self, aws_conn_id: Optional[str] = default_conn_name, verify: Union[bool, str, None] = None, region_name: Optional[str] = None, client_type: Optional[str] = None, resource_type: Optional[str] = None, config: Optional[Config] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.aws_conn_id = aws_conn_id self.verify = verify self.client_type = client_type self.resource_type = resource_type self.region_name = region_name self.config = config if not (self.client_type or self.resource_type): raise AirflowException('Either client_type or resource_type must be provided.')
[docs] def _get_credentials(self, region_name: Optional[str]) -> Tuple[boto3.session.Session, Optional[str]]: if not self.aws_conn_id: session = boto3.session.Session(region_name=region_name) return session, None"Airflow Connection: aws_conn_id=%s", self.aws_conn_id) try: # Fetch the Airflow connection object connection_object = self.get_connection(self.aws_conn_id) extra_config = connection_object.extra_dejson endpoint_url = extra_config.get("host") # if "config_kwargs" in extra_config: "Retrieving config_kwargs from Connection.extra_config['config_kwargs']: %s", extra_config["config_kwargs"], ) self.config = Config(**extra_config["config_kwargs"]) session = _SessionFactory( conn=connection_object, region_name=region_name, config=self.config ).create_session() return session, endpoint_url except AirflowException: self.log.warning("Unable to use Airflow Connection for credentials.")"Fallback on boto3 credential strategy") # "Creating session using boto3 credential strategy region_name=%s", region_name, ) session = boto3.session.Session(region_name=region_name) return session, None
[docs] def get_client_type( self, client_type: str, region_name: Optional[str] = None, config: Optional[Config] = None, ) -> boto3.client: """Get the underlying boto3 client using boto3 session""" session, endpoint_url = self._get_credentials(region_name) # No AWS Operators use the config argument to this method. # Keep backward compatibility with other users who might use it if config is None: config = self.config return session.client(client_type, endpoint_url=endpoint_url, config=config, verify=self.verify)
[docs] def get_resource_type( self, resource_type: str, region_name: Optional[str] = None, config: Optional[Config] = None, ) -> boto3.resource: """Get the underlying boto3 resource using boto3 session""" session, endpoint_url = self._get_credentials(region_name) # No AWS Operators use the config argument to this method. # Keep backward compatibility with other users who might use it if config is None: config = self.config return session.resource(resource_type, endpoint_url=endpoint_url, config=config, verify=self.verify)
[docs] def conn(self) -> Union[boto3.client, boto3.resource]: """ Get the underlying boto3 client/resource (cached) :return: boto3.client or boto3.resource :rtype: Union[boto3.client, boto3.resource] """ if self.client_type: return self.get_client_type(self.client_type, region_name=self.region_name) elif self.resource_type: return self.get_resource_type(self.resource_type, region_name=self.region_name) else: # Rare possibility - subclasses have not specified a client_type or resource_type raise NotImplementedError('Could not get boto3 connection!')
[docs] def get_conn(self) -> Union[boto3.client, boto3.resource]: """ Get the underlying boto3 client/resource (cached) Implemented so that caching works as intended. It exists for compatibility with subclasses that rely on a super().get_conn() method. :return: boto3.client or boto3.resource :rtype: Union[boto3.client, boto3.resource] """ # Compat shim return self.conn
[docs] def get_session(self, region_name: Optional[str] = None) -> boto3.session.Session: """Get the underlying boto3.session.""" session, _ = self._get_credentials(region_name) return session
[docs] def get_credentials(self, region_name: Optional[str] = None) -> ReadOnlyCredentials: """ Get the underlying `botocore.Credentials` object. This contains the following authentication attributes: access_key, secret_key and token. """ session, _ = self._get_credentials(region_name) # Credentials are refreshable, so accessing your access key and # secret key separately can lead to a race condition. # See return session.get_credentials().get_frozen_credentials()
[docs] def expand_role(self, role: str) -> str: """ If the IAM role is a role name, get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role. If IAM role is already an IAM role ARN, no change is made. :param role: IAM role name or ARN :return: IAM role ARN """ if "/" in role: return role else: return self.get_client_type("iam").get_role(RoleName=role)["Role"]["Arn"]
[docs]def _parse_s3_config( config_file_name: str, config_format: Optional[str] = "boto", profile: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: """ Parses a config file for s3 credentials. Can currently parse boto, s3cmd.conf and AWS SDK config formats :param config_file_name: path to the config file :type config_file_name: str :param config_format: config type. One of "boto", "s3cmd" or "aws". Defaults to "boto" :type config_format: str :param profile: profile name in AWS type config file :type profile: str """ config = configparser.ConfigParser() if # pragma: no cover sections = config.sections() else: raise AirflowException(f"Couldn't read {config_file_name}") # Setting option names depending on file format if config_format is None: config_format = "boto" conf_format = config_format.lower() if conf_format == "boto": # pragma: no cover if profile is not None and "profile " + profile in sections: cred_section = "profile " + profile else: cred_section = "Credentials" elif conf_format == "aws" and profile is not None: cred_section = profile else: cred_section = "default" # Option names if conf_format in ("boto", "aws"): # pragma: no cover key_id_option = "aws_access_key_id" secret_key_option = "aws_secret_access_key" # security_token_option = 'aws_security_token' else: key_id_option = "access_key" secret_key_option = "secret_key" # Actual Parsing if cred_section not in sections: raise AirflowException("This config file format is not recognized") else: try: access_key = config.get(cred_section, key_id_option) secret_key = config.get(cred_section, secret_key_option) except Exception: logging.warning("Option Error in parsing s3 config file") raise return access_key, secret_key
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