Module Contents¶
[source]¶ Enum-style class holding all possible states of CloudWatch log streams.
(arr, f: Callable) → Optional[int][source]¶ -
Return the index, i, in arr that minimizes f(arr[i])
(current_job_description: dict, prev_job_description: dict) → bool[source]¶ -
Returns true if training job's secondary status message has changed.
(job_description: Dict[str, List[dict]], prev_description: Optional[dict]) → str[source]¶ -
Returns a string contains start time and the secondary training job status message.
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Interact with Amazon SageMaker.
Additional arguments (such as
) may be specified and are passed down to the underlying AwsBaseHook.See also
(self, path: str, key: str, bucket: str)[source]¶ Tar the local file or directory and upload to s3
(self, config: dict)[source]¶ Extract the S3 operations from the configuration and execute them.
(self, training_config: dict)[source]¶ Check if a training configuration is valid
- Parameters
training_config (dict) -- training_config
- Returns
(self, tuning_config: dict)[source]¶ Check if a tuning configuration is valid
- Parameters
tuning_config (dict) -- tuning_config
- Returns
(self)[source]¶ This method is deprecated. Please use
(self, log_group, stream_name, start_time=0, skip=0)[source]¶ This method is deprecated. Please use
(self, log_group: str, streams: list, positions=None)[source]¶ Iterate over the available events coming from a set of log streams in a single log group interleaving the events from each stream so they're yielded in timestamp order.
- Parameters
- Returns
A tuple of (stream number, cloudwatch log event).
(self, config: dict, wait_for_completion: bool = True, print_log: bool = True, check_interval: int = 30, max_ingestion_time: Optional[int] = None)[source]¶ Create a training job
- Parameters
config (dict) -- the config for training
wait_for_completion (bool) -- if the program should keep running until job finishes
check_interval (int) -- the time interval in seconds which the operator will check the status of any SageMaker job
max_ingestion_time (int) -- the maximum ingestion time in seconds. Any SageMaker jobs that run longer than this will fail. Setting this to None implies no timeout for any SageMaker job.
- Returns
A response to training job creation
(self, config: dict, wait_for_completion: bool = True, check_interval: int = 30, max_ingestion_time: Optional[int] = None)[source]¶ Create a tuning job
- Parameters
config (dict) -- the config for tuning
wait_for_completion (bool) -- if the program should keep running until job finishes
check_interval (int) -- the time interval in seconds which the operator will check the status of any SageMaker job
max_ingestion_time (int) -- the maximum ingestion time in seconds. Any SageMaker jobs that run longer than this will fail. Setting this to None implies no timeout for any SageMaker job.
- Returns
A response to tuning job creation
(self, config: dict, wait_for_completion: bool = True, check_interval: int = 30, max_ingestion_time: Optional[int] = None)[source]¶ Create a transform job
- Parameters
config (dict) -- the config for transform job
wait_for_completion (bool) -- if the program should keep running until job finishes
check_interval (int) -- the time interval in seconds which the operator will check the status of any SageMaker job
max_ingestion_time (int) -- the maximum ingestion time in seconds. Any SageMaker jobs that run longer than this will fail. Setting this to None implies no timeout for any SageMaker job.
- Returns
A response to transform job creation
(self, config: dict, wait_for_completion: bool = True, check_interval: int = 30, max_ingestion_time: Optional[int] = None)[source]¶ Create a processing job
- Parameters
config (dict) -- the config for processing job
wait_for_completion (bool) -- if the program should keep running until job finishes
check_interval (int) -- the time interval in seconds which the operator will check the status of any SageMaker job
max_ingestion_time (int) -- the maximum ingestion time in seconds. Any SageMaker jobs that run longer than this will fail. Setting this to None implies no timeout for any SageMaker job.
- Returns
A response to transform job creation
(self, config: dict)[source]¶ Create a model job
- Parameters
config (dict) -- the config for model
- Returns
A response to model creation
(self, config: dict)[source]¶ Create an endpoint config
- Parameters
config (dict) -- the config for endpoint-config
- Returns
A response to endpoint config creation
(self, config: dict, wait_for_completion: bool = True, check_interval: int = 30, max_ingestion_time: Optional[int] = None)[source]¶ Create an endpoint
- Parameters
config (dict) -- the config for endpoint
wait_for_completion (bool) -- if the program should keep running until job finishes
check_interval (int) -- the time interval in seconds which the operator will check the status of any SageMaker job
max_ingestion_time (int) -- the maximum ingestion time in seconds. Any SageMaker jobs that run longer than this will fail. Setting this to None implies no timeout for any SageMaker job.
- Returns
A response to endpoint creation
(self, config: dict, wait_for_completion: bool = True, check_interval: int = 30, max_ingestion_time: Optional[int] = None)[source]¶ Update an endpoint
- Parameters
config (dict) -- the config for endpoint
wait_for_completion (bool) -- if the program should keep running until job finishes
check_interval (int) -- the time interval in seconds which the operator will check the status of any SageMaker job
max_ingestion_time (int) -- the maximum ingestion time in seconds. Any SageMaker jobs that run longer than this will fail. Setting this to None implies no timeout for any SageMaker job.
- Returns
A response to endpoint update
(self, name: str)[source]¶ Return the training job info associated with the name
- Parameters
name (str) -- the name of the training job
- Returns
A dict contains all the training job info
(self, job_name: str, positions, stream_names: list, instance_count: int, state: int, last_description: dict, last_describe_job_call: float)[source]¶ Return the training job info associated with job_name and print CloudWatch logs
(self, name: str)[source]¶ Return the tuning job info associated with the name
- Parameters
name (str) -- the name of the tuning job
- Returns
A dict contains all the tuning job info
(self, name: str)[source]¶ Return the SageMaker model info associated with the name
- Parameters
name (str) -- the name of the SageMaker model
- Returns
A dict contains all the model info
(self, name: str)[source]¶ Return the transform job info associated with the name
- Parameters
name (str) -- the name of the transform job
- Returns
A dict contains all the transform job info
(self, name: str)[source]¶ Return the processing job info associated with the name
- Parameters
name (str) -- the name of the processing job
- Returns
A dict contains all the processing job info
(self, name: str)[source]¶ Return the endpoint config info associated with the name
- Parameters
name (str) -- the name of the endpoint config
- Returns
A dict contains all the endpoint config info
(self, name: str)[source]¶ - Parameters
name (str) -- the name of the endpoint
- Returns
A dict contains all the endpoint info
(self, job_name: str, key: str, describe_function: Callable, check_interval: int, max_ingestion_time: Optional[int] = None, non_terminal_states: Optional[Set] = None)[source]¶ Check status of a SageMaker job
- Parameters
job_name (str) -- name of the job to check status
key (str) -- the key of the response dict that points to the state
describe_function (python callable) -- the function used to retrieve the status
args -- the arguments for the function
check_interval (int) -- the time interval in seconds which the operator will check the status of any SageMaker job
max_ingestion_time (int) -- the maximum ingestion time in seconds. Any SageMaker jobs that run longer than this will fail. Setting this to None implies no timeout for any SageMaker job.
non_terminal_states (set) -- the set of nonterminal states
- Returns
response of describe call after job is done
(self, job_name: str, non_terminal_states: set, failed_states: set, wait_for_completion: bool, check_interval: int, max_ingestion_time: Optional[int] = None)[source]¶ Display the logs for a given training job, optionally tailing them until the job is complete.
- Parameters
job_name (str) -- name of the training job to check status and display logs for
non_terminal_states (set) -- the set of non_terminal states
failed_states (set) -- the set of failed states
wait_for_completion (bool) -- Whether to keep looking for new log entries until the job completes
check_interval (int) -- The interval in seconds between polling for new log entries and job completion
max_ingestion_time (int) -- the maximum ingestion time in seconds. Any SageMaker jobs that run longer than this will fail. Setting this to None implies no timeout for any SageMaker job.
- Returns
(self, name_contains: Optional[str] = None, max_results: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)[source]¶ This method wraps boto3's list_training_jobs(). The training job name and max results are configurable via arguments. Other arguments are not, and should be provided via kwargs. Note boto3 expects these in CamelCase format, for example:
- Parameters
name_contains -- (optional) partial name to match
max_results -- (optional) maximum number of results to return. None returns infinite results
kwargs -- (optional) kwargs to boto3's list_training_jobs method
- Returns
results of the list_training_jobs request
(self, **kwargs)[source]¶ This method wraps boto3's list_processing_jobs(). All arguments should be provided via kwargs. Note boto3 expects these in CamelCase format, for example:
- Parameters
kwargs -- (optional) kwargs to boto3's list_training_jobs method
- Returns
results of the list_processing_jobs request
(self, partial_func: Callable, result_key: str, max_results: Optional[int] = None)[source]¶ All AWS boto3 list_* requests return results in batches (if the key "NextToken" is contained in the result, there are more results to fetch). The default AWS batch size is 10, and configurable up to 100. This function iteratively loads all results (or up to a given maximum).
Each boto3 list_* function returns the results in a list with a different name. The key of this structure must be given to iterate over the results, e.g. "TransformJobSummaries" for list_transform_jobs().
- Parameters
partial_func -- boto3 function with arguments
result_key -- the result key to iterate over
max_results -- maximum number of results to return (None = infinite)
- Returns
Results of the list_* request