Alibaba Cloud Connection

Authenticating to Alibaba Cloud

Authentication may be performed using Security Token Service (STS) or a signed URL .

Default Connection IDs

The default connection ID is oss_default.

Configuring the Connection

Schema (optional)

Specify the default bucket name used for OSS hook.

Extra (optional)

Specify the extra parameters (as json dictionary) that can be used in Alibaba Cloud connection. The following parameters are all optional:

  • auth_type: Auth type used to access Alibaba Cloud resource. Only support 'AK' now.

  • access_key_id: Access key ID for Alibaba Cloud user.

  • access_key_secret: Access key secret for Alibaba Cloud user.

Examples for the Extra field

  "auth_type": "AK",
  "access_key_id": "",
  "access_key_secret": ""

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