Source code for airflow.contrib.operators.hipchat_operator

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from builtins import str

from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults
from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
import requests
import json

[docs]class HipChatAPIOperator(BaseOperator): """ Base HipChat Operator. All derived HipChat operators reference from HipChat's official REST API documentation at Before using any HipChat API operators you need to get an authentication token at In the future additional HipChat operators will be derived from this class as well. :param token: HipChat REST API authentication token :type token: str :param base_url: HipChat REST API base url. :type base_url: str """ @apply_defaults def __init__(self, token, base_url='', *args, **kwargs): super(HipChatAPIOperator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.token = token self.base_url = base_url self.method = None self.url = None self.body = None
[docs] def prepare_request(self):
""" Used by the execute function. Set the request method, url, and body of HipChat's REST API call. Override in child class. Each HipChatAPI child operator is responsible for having a prepare_request method call which sets self.method, self.url, and self.body. """
[docs] def execute(self, context): self.prepare_request() response = requests.request(self.method, self.url, headers={ 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % self.token}, data=self.body) if response.status_code >= 400: self.log.error('HipChat API call failed: %s %s', response.status_code, response.reason) raise AirflowException('HipChat API call failed: %s %s' % (response.status_code, response.reason))
[docs]class HipChatAPISendRoomNotificationOperator(HipChatAPIOperator): """ Send notification to a specific HipChat room. More info: :param room_id: Room in which to send notification on HipChat. (templated) :type room_id: str :param message: The message body. (templated) :type message: str :param frm: Label to be shown in addition to sender's name :type frm: str :param message_format: How the notification is rendered: html or text :type message_format: str :param color: Background color of the msg: yellow, green, red, purple, gray, or random :type color: str :param attach_to: The message id to attach this notification to :type attach_to: str :param notify: Whether this message should trigger a user notification :type notify: bool :param card: HipChat-defined card object :type card: dict """
[docs] template_fields = ('token', 'room_id', 'message')
[docs] ui_color = '#2980b9'
@apply_defaults def __init__(self, room_id, message, *args, **kwargs): super(HipChatAPISendRoomNotificationOperator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.room_id = room_id self.message = message default_options = { 'message_format': 'html', 'color': 'yellow', 'frm': 'airflow', 'attach_to': None, 'notify': False, 'card': None } for (prop, default) in default_options.items(): setattr(self, prop, kwargs.get(prop, default))
[docs] def prepare_request(self): params = { 'message': self.message, 'message_format': self.message_format, 'color': self.color, 'from': self.frm, 'attach_to': self.attach_to, 'notify': self.notify, 'card': self.card } self.method = 'POST' self.url = '%s/room/%s/notification' % (self.base_url, self.room_id) self.body = json.dumps(dict( (str(k), str(v)) for k, v in params.items() if v))
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