Source code for airflow.contrib.operators.gcs_operator

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from airflow.contrib.hooks.gcs_hook import GoogleCloudStorageHook
from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults
from airflow.version import version

[docs]class GoogleCloudStorageCreateBucketOperator(BaseOperator): """ Creates a new bucket. Google Cloud Storage uses a flat namespace, so you can't create a bucket with a name that is already in use. .. seealso:: For more information, see Bucket Naming Guidelines: :param bucket_name: The name of the bucket. (templated) :type bucket_name: str :param resource: An optional dict with parameters for creating the bucket. For information on available parameters, see Cloud Storage API doc: :type resource: dict :param storage_class: This defines how objects in the bucket are stored and determines the SLA and the cost of storage (templated). Values include - ``MULTI_REGIONAL`` - ``REGIONAL`` - ``STANDARD`` - ``NEARLINE`` - ``COLDLINE``. If this value is not specified when the bucket is created, it will default to STANDARD. :type storage_class: str :param location: The location of the bucket. (templated) Object data for objects in the bucket resides in physical storage within this region. Defaults to US. .. seealso:: :type location: str :param project_id: The ID of the GCP Project. (templated) :type project_id: str :param labels: User-provided labels, in key/value pairs. :type labels: dict :param google_cloud_storage_conn_id: The connection ID to use when connecting to Google cloud storage. :type google_cloud_storage_conn_id: str :param delegate_to: The account to impersonate, if any. For this to work, the service account making the request must have domain-wide delegation enabled. :type delegate_to: str The following Operator would create a new bucket ``test-bucket`` with ``MULTI_REGIONAL`` storage class in ``EU`` region .. code-block:: python CreateBucket = GoogleCloudStorageCreateBucketOperator( task_id='CreateNewBucket', bucket_name='test-bucket', storage_class='MULTI_REGIONAL', location='EU', labels={'env': 'dev', 'team': 'airflow'}, google_cloud_storage_conn_id='airflow-service-account' ) """
[docs] template_fields = ('bucket_name', 'storage_class', 'location', 'project_id')
[docs] ui_color = '#f0eee4'
@apply_defaults def __init__(self, bucket_name, resource=None, storage_class='MULTI_REGIONAL', location='US', project_id=None, labels=None, google_cloud_storage_conn_id='google_cloud_default', delegate_to=None, *args, **kwargs): super(GoogleCloudStorageCreateBucketOperator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.bucket_name = bucket_name self.resource = resource self.storage_class = storage_class self.location = location self.project_id = project_id self.labels = labels self.google_cloud_storage_conn_id = google_cloud_storage_conn_id self.delegate_to = delegate_to
[docs] def execute(self, context): if self.labels is not None: self.labels.update( {'airflow-version': 'v' + version.replace('.', '-').replace('+', '-')} ) hook = GoogleCloudStorageHook( google_cloud_storage_conn_id=self.google_cloud_storage_conn_id, delegate_to=self.delegate_to ) hook.create_bucket(bucket_name=self.bucket_name, resource=self.resource, storage_class=self.storage_class, location=self.location, project_id=self.project_id, labels=self.labels)
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