Source code for airflow.contrib.operators.gcp_container_operator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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import os
import subprocess
import tempfile

from google.auth.environment_vars import CREDENTIALS

from airflow import AirflowException
from airflow.contrib.hooks.gcp_container_hook import GKEClusterHook
from airflow.contrib.operators.kubernetes_pod_operator import KubernetesPodOperator
from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults

[docs]class GKEClusterDeleteOperator(BaseOperator): """ Deletes the cluster, including the Kubernetes endpoint and all worker nodes. To delete a certain cluster, you must specify the ``project_id``, the ``name`` of the cluster, the ``location`` that the cluster is in, and the ``task_id``. **Operator Creation**: :: operator = GKEClusterDeleteOperator( task_id='cluster_delete', project_id='my-project', location='cluster-location' name='cluster-name') .. seealso:: For more detail about deleting clusters have a look at the reference: :param project_id: The Google Developers Console [project ID or project number] :type project_id: str :param name: The name of the resource to delete, in this case cluster name :type name: str :param location: The name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides. :type location: str :param gcp_conn_id: The connection ID to use connecting to Google Cloud Platform. :type gcp_conn_id: str :param api_version: The api version to use :type api_version: str """
[docs] template_fields = ['project_id', 'gcp_conn_id', 'name', 'location', 'api_version']
@apply_defaults def __init__(self, project_id, name, location, gcp_conn_id='google_cloud_default', api_version='v2', *args, **kwargs): super(GKEClusterDeleteOperator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.project_id = project_id self.gcp_conn_id = gcp_conn_id self.location = location self.api_version = api_version = name
[docs] def _check_input(self): if not all([self.project_id,, self.location]): self.log.error( 'One of (project_id, name, location) is missing or incorrect') raise AirflowException('Operator has incorrect or missing input.')
[docs] def execute(self, context): self._check_input() hook = GKEClusterHook(gcp_conn_id=self.gcp_conn_id, location=self.location) delete_result = hook.delete_cluster(, project_id=self.project_id) return delete_result
[docs]class GKEClusterCreateOperator(BaseOperator): """ Create a Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster of specified dimensions The operator will wait until the cluster is created. The **minimum** required to define a cluster to create is: ``dict()`` :: cluster_def = {'name': 'my-cluster-name', 'initial_node_count': 1} or ``Cluster`` proto :: from import Cluster cluster_def = Cluster(name='my-cluster-name', initial_node_count=1) **Operator Creation**: :: operator = GKEClusterCreateOperator( task_id='cluster_create', project_id='my-project', location='my-location' body=cluster_def) .. seealso:: For more detail on about creating clusters have a look at the reference: :class:`` :param project_id: The Google Developers Console [project ID or project number] :type project_id: str :param location: The name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides. :type location: str :param body: The Cluster definition to create, can be protobuf or python dict, if dict it must match protobuf message Cluster :type body: dict or :param gcp_conn_id: The connection ID to use connecting to Google Cloud Platform. :type gcp_conn_id: str :param api_version: The api version to use :type api_version: str """
[docs] template_fields = ['project_id', 'gcp_conn_id', 'location', 'api_version', 'body']
@apply_defaults def __init__(self, project_id, location, body=None, gcp_conn_id='google_cloud_default', api_version='v2', *args, **kwargs): super(GKEClusterCreateOperator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if body is None: body = {} self.project_id = project_id self.gcp_conn_id = gcp_conn_id self.location = location self.api_version = api_version self.body = body
[docs] def _check_input(self): if all([self.project_id, self.location, self.body]): if isinstance(self.body, dict) \ and 'name' in self.body \ and 'initial_node_count' in self.body: # Don't throw error return # If not dict, then must elif and self.body.initial_node_count: return self.log.error( 'One of (project_id, location, body, body[\'name\'], ' 'body[\'initial_node_count\']) is missing or incorrect') raise AirflowException('Operator has incorrect or missing input.')
[docs] def execute(self, context): self._check_input() hook = GKEClusterHook(gcp_conn_id=self.gcp_conn_id, location=self.location) create_op = hook.create_cluster(cluster=self.body, project_id=self.project_id) return create_op
[docs]class GKEPodOperator(KubernetesPodOperator): """ Executes a task in a Kubernetes pod in the specified Google Kubernetes Engine cluster This Operator assumes that the system has gcloud installed and either has working default application credentials or has configured a connection id with a service account. The **minimum** required to define a cluster to create are the variables ``task_id``, ``project_id``, ``location``, ``cluster_name``, ``name``, ``namespace``, and ``image`` **Operator Creation**: :: operator = GKEPodOperator(task_id='pod_op', project_id='my-project', location='us-central1-a', cluster_name='my-cluster-name', name='task-name', namespace='default', image='perl') .. seealso:: For more detail about application authentication have a look at the reference: :param project_id: The Google Developers Console project id :type project_id: str :param location: The name of the Google Kubernetes Engine zone in which the cluster resides, e.g. 'us-central1-a' :type location: str :param cluster_name: The name of the Google Kubernetes Engine cluster the pod should be spawned in :type cluster_name: str :param gcp_conn_id: The google cloud connection id to use. This allows for users to specify a service account. :type gcp_conn_id: str """
[docs] template_fields = ('project_id', 'location', 'cluster_name') + KubernetesPodOperator.template_fields
@apply_defaults def __init__(self, project_id, location, cluster_name, gcp_conn_id='google_cloud_default', *args, **kwargs): super(GKEPodOperator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.project_id = project_id self.location = location self.cluster_name = cluster_name self.gcp_conn_id = gcp_conn_id
[docs] def execute(self, context): # Specifying a service account file allows the user to using non default # authentication for creating a Kubernetes Pod. This is done by setting the # environment variable `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` that gcloud looks at. key_file = None # If gcp_conn_id is not specified gcloud will use the default # service account credentials. if self.gcp_conn_id: from airflow.hooks.base_hook import BaseHook # extras is a deserialized json object extras = BaseHook.get_connection(self.gcp_conn_id).extra_dejson # key_file only gets set if a json file is created from a JSON string in # the web ui, else none key_file = self._set_env_from_extras(extras=extras) # Write config to a temp file and set the environment variable to point to it. # This is to avoid race conditions of reading/writing a single file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as conf_file: os.environ[KUBE_CONFIG_ENV_VAR] = # Attempt to get/update credentials # We call gcloud directly instead of using google-cloud-python api # because there is no way to write kubernetes config to a file, which is # required by KubernetesPodOperator. # The gcloud command looks at the env variable `KUBECONFIG` for where to save # the kubernetes config file. subprocess.check_call( ["gcloud", "container", "clusters", "get-credentials", self.cluster_name, "--zone", self.location, "--project", self.project_id]) # Since the key file is of type mkstemp() closing the file will delete it from # the file system so it cannot be accessed after we don't need it anymore if key_file: key_file.close() # Tell `KubernetesPodOperator` where the config file is located self.config_file = os.environ[KUBE_CONFIG_ENV_VAR] super(GKEPodOperator, self).execute(context)
[docs] def _set_env_from_extras(self, extras): """ Sets the environment variable `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` with either: - The path to the keyfile from the specified connection id - A generated file's path if the user specified JSON in the connection id. The file is assumed to be deleted after the process dies due to how mkstemp() works. The environment variable is used inside the gcloud command to determine correct service account to use. """ key_path = self._get_field(extras, 'key_path', False) keyfile_json_str = self._get_field(extras, 'keyfile_dict', False) if not key_path and not keyfile_json_str:'Using gcloud with application default credentials.') elif key_path: os.environ[CREDENTIALS] = key_path return None else: # Write service account JSON to secure file for gcloud to reference service_key = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) service_key.write(keyfile_json_str.encode('utf-8')) os.environ[CREDENTIALS] = # Return file object to have a pointer to close after use, # thus deleting from file system. return service_key
[docs] def _get_field(self, extras, field, default=None): """ Fetches a field from extras, and returns it. This is some Airflow magic. The google_cloud_platform hook type adds custom UI elements to the hook page, which allow admins to specify service_account, key_path, etc. They get formatted as shown below. """ long_f = 'extra__google_cloud_platform__{}'.format(field) if long_f in extras: return extras[long_f] else:'Field %s not found in extras.', field) return default
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