Source code for airflow.contrib.hooks.ssh_hook

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import getpass
import os
import warnings
from io import StringIO

import paramiko
from paramiko.config import SSH_PORT
from sshtunnel import SSHTunnelForwarder

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.hooks.base_hook import BaseHook

[docs]class SSHHook(BaseHook): """ Hook for ssh remote execution using Paramiko. ref: This hook also lets you create ssh tunnel and serve as basis for SFTP file transfer :param ssh_conn_id: connection id from airflow Connections from where all the required parameters can be fetched like username, password or key_file. Thought the priority is given to the param passed during init :type ssh_conn_id: str :param remote_host: remote host to connect :type remote_host: str :param username: username to connect to the remote_host :type username: str :param password: password of the username to connect to the remote_host :type password: str :param key_file: path to key file to use to connect to the remote_host :type key_file: str :param port: port of remote host to connect (Default is paramiko SSH_PORT) :type port: int :param timeout: timeout for the attempt to connect to the remote_host. :type timeout: int :param keepalive_interval: send a keepalive packet to remote host every keepalive_interval seconds :type keepalive_interval: int """ def __init__(self, ssh_conn_id=None, remote_host=None, username=None, password=None, key_file=None, port=None, timeout=10, keepalive_interval=30 ): super(SSHHook, self).__init__(ssh_conn_id) self.ssh_conn_id = ssh_conn_id self.remote_host = remote_host self.username = username self.password = password self.key_file = key_file self.pkey = None self.port = port self.timeout = timeout self.keepalive_interval = keepalive_interval # Default values, overridable from Connection self.compress = True self.no_host_key_check = True self.allow_host_key_change = False self.host_proxy = None # Placeholder for deprecated __enter__ self.client = None # Use connection to override defaults if self.ssh_conn_id is not None: conn = self.get_connection(self.ssh_conn_id) if self.username is None: self.username = conn.login if self.password is None: self.password = conn.password if self.remote_host is None: self.remote_host = if self.port is None: self.port = conn.port if conn.extra is not None: extra_options = conn.extra_dejson if "key_file" in extra_options and self.key_file is None: self.key_file = extra_options.get("key_file") private_key = extra_options.get('private_key') if private_key: self.pkey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key(StringIO(private_key)) if "timeout" in extra_options: self.timeout = int(extra_options["timeout"], 10) if "compress" in extra_options\ and str(extra_options["compress"]).lower() == 'false': self.compress = False if "no_host_key_check" in extra_options\ and\ str(extra_options["no_host_key_check"]).lower() == 'false': self.no_host_key_check = False if "allow_host_key_change" in extra_options\ and\ str(extra_options["allow_host_key_change"]).lower() == 'true': self.allow_host_key_change = True if self.pkey and self.key_file: raise AirflowException( "Params key_file and private_key both provided. Must provide no more than one.") if not self.remote_host: raise AirflowException("Missing required param: remote_host") # Auto detecting username values from system if not self.username: self.log.debug( "username to ssh to host: %s is not specified for connection id" " %s. Using system's default provided by getpass.getuser()", self.remote_host, self.ssh_conn_id ) self.username = getpass.getuser() user_ssh_config_filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/config') if os.path.isfile(user_ssh_config_filename): ssh_conf = paramiko.SSHConfig() with open(user_ssh_config_filename) as config_fd: ssh_conf.parse(config_fd) host_info = ssh_conf.lookup(self.remote_host) if host_info and host_info.get('proxycommand'): self.host_proxy = paramiko.ProxyCommand(host_info.get('proxycommand')) if not (self.password or self.key_file): if host_info and host_info.get('identityfile'): self.key_file = host_info.get('identityfile')[0] self.port = self.port or SSH_PORT
[docs] def get_conn(self): """ Opens a ssh connection to the remote host. :rtype: paramiko.client.SSHClient """ self.log.debug('Creating SSH client for conn_id: %s', self.ssh_conn_id) client = paramiko.SSHClient() if not self.allow_host_key_change: self.log.warning('Remote Identification Change is not verified. ' 'This wont protect against Man-In-The-Middle attacks') client.load_system_host_keys() if self.no_host_key_check: self.log.warning('No Host Key Verification. This wont protect ' 'against Man-In-The-Middle attacks') # Default is RejectPolicy client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) connect_kwargs = dict( hostname=self.remote_host, username=self.username, timeout=self.timeout, compress=self.compress, port=self.port, sock=self.host_proxy ) if self.password: password = self.password.strip() connect_kwargs.update(password=password) if self.pkey: connect_kwargs.update(pkey=self.pkey) if self.key_file: connect_kwargs.update(key_filename=self.key_file) client.connect(**connect_kwargs) if self.keepalive_interval: client.get_transport().set_keepalive(self.keepalive_interval) self.client = client return client
[docs] def __enter__(self): warnings.warn('The contextmanager of SSHHook is deprecated.' 'Please use get_conn() as a contextmanager instead.' 'This method will be removed in Airflow 2.0', category=DeprecationWarning) return self
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self.client is not None: self.client.close() self.client = None
[docs] def get_tunnel(self, remote_port, remote_host="localhost", local_port=None): """ Creates a tunnel between two hosts. Like ssh -L <LOCAL_PORT>:host:<REMOTE_PORT>. :param remote_port: The remote port to create a tunnel to :type remote_port: int :param remote_host: The remote host to create a tunnel to (default localhost) :type remote_host: str :param local_port: The local port to attach the tunnel to :type local_port: int :return: sshtunnel.SSHTunnelForwarder object """ if local_port: local_bind_address = ('localhost', local_port) else: local_bind_address = ('localhost',) tunnel_kwargs = dict( ssh_port=self.port, ssh_username=self.username, ssh_pkey=self.key_file or self.pkey, ssh_proxy=self.host_proxy, local_bind_address=local_bind_address, remote_bind_address=(remote_host, remote_port), logger=self.log ) if self.password: password = self.password.strip() tunnel_kwargs.update( ssh_password=password, ) else: tunnel_kwargs.update( host_pkey_directories=[], ) client = SSHTunnelForwarder(self.remote_host, **tunnel_kwargs) return client
[docs] def create_tunnel(self, local_port, remote_port=None, remote_host="localhost"): warnings.warn('SSHHook.create_tunnel is deprecated, Please' 'use get_tunnel() instead. But please note that the' 'order of the parameters have changed' 'This method will be removed in Airflow 2.0', category=DeprecationWarning) return self.get_tunnel(remote_port, remote_host, local_port)
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