Source code for airflow.contrib.hooks.sftp_hook

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import stat
import pysftp
import datetime
from airflow.contrib.hooks.ssh_hook import SSHHook

[docs]class SFTPHook(SSHHook): """ This hook is inherited from SSH hook. Please refer to SSH hook for the input arguments. Interact with SFTP. Aims to be interchangeable with FTPHook. :Pitfalls:: - In contrast with FTPHook describe_directory only returns size, type and modify. It doesn't return unix.owner, unix.mode, perm, and unique. - retrieve_file and store_file only take a local full path and not a buffer. - If no mode is passed to create_directory it will be created with 777 permissions. Errors that may occur throughout but should be handled downstream. """ def __init__(self, ftp_conn_id='sftp_default', *args, **kwargs): kwargs['ssh_conn_id'] = ftp_conn_id super(SFTPHook, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.conn = None self.private_key_pass = None # Fail for unverified hosts, unless this is explicitly allowed self.no_host_key_check = False if self.ssh_conn_id is not None: conn = self.get_connection(self.ssh_conn_id) if conn.extra is not None: extra_options = conn.extra_dejson if 'private_key_pass' in extra_options: self.private_key_pass = extra_options.get('private_key_pass', None) # For backward compatibility # TODO: remove in Airflow 2.1 import warnings if 'ignore_hostkey_verification' in extra_options: warnings.warn( 'Extra option `ignore_hostkey_verification` is deprecated.' 'Please use `no_host_key_check` instead.' 'This option will be removed in Airflow 2.1', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.no_host_key_check = str( extra_options['ignore_hostkey_verification'] ).lower() == 'true' if 'no_host_key_check' in extra_options: self.no_host_key_check = str( extra_options['no_host_key_check']).lower() == 'true' if 'private_key' in extra_options: warnings.warn( 'Extra option `private_key` is deprecated.' 'Please use `key_file` instead.' 'This option will be removed in Airflow 2.1', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.key_file = extra_options.get('private_key')
[docs] def get_conn(self): """ Returns an SFTP connection object """ if self.conn is None: cnopts = pysftp.CnOpts() if self.no_host_key_check: cnopts.hostkeys = None cnopts.compression = self.compress conn_params = { 'host': self.remote_host, 'port': self.port, 'username': self.username, 'cnopts': cnopts } if self.password and self.password.strip(): conn_params['password'] = self.password if self.key_file: conn_params['private_key'] = self.key_file if self.private_key_pass: conn_params['private_key_pass'] = self.private_key_pass self.conn = pysftp.Connection(**conn_params) return self.conn
[docs] def close_conn(self): """ Closes the connection. An error will occur if the connection wasnt ever opened. """ conn = self.conn conn.close() self.conn = None
[docs] def describe_directory(self, path): """ Returns a dictionary of {filename: {attributes}} for all files on the remote system (where the MLSD command is supported). :param path: full path to the remote directory :type path: str """ conn = self.get_conn() flist = conn.listdir_attr(path) files = {} for f in flist: modify = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( f.st_mtime).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') files[f.filename] = { 'size': f.st_size, 'type': 'dir' if stat.S_ISDIR(f.st_mode) else 'file', 'modify': modify} return files
[docs] def list_directory(self, path): """ Returns a list of files on the remote system. :param path: full path to the remote directory to list :type path: str """ conn = self.get_conn() files = conn.listdir(path) return files
[docs] def create_directory(self, path, mode=777): """ Creates a directory on the remote system. :param path: full path to the remote directory to create :type path: str :param mode: int representation of octal mode for directory """ conn = self.get_conn() conn.mkdir(path, mode)
[docs] def delete_directory(self, path): """ Deletes a directory on the remote system. :param path: full path to the remote directory to delete :type path: str """ conn = self.get_conn() conn.rmdir(path)
[docs] def retrieve_file(self, remote_full_path, local_full_path): """ Transfers the remote file to a local location. If local_full_path is a string path, the file will be put at that location :param remote_full_path: full path to the remote file :type remote_full_path: str :param local_full_path: full path to the local file :type local_full_path: str """ conn = self.get_conn()'Retrieving file from FTP: %s', remote_full_path) conn.get(remote_full_path, local_full_path)'Finished retrieving file from FTP: %s', remote_full_path)
[docs] def store_file(self, remote_full_path, local_full_path): """ Transfers a local file to the remote location. If local_full_path_or_buffer is a string path, the file will be read from that location :param remote_full_path: full path to the remote file :type remote_full_path: str :param local_full_path: full path to the local file :type local_full_path: str """ conn = self.get_conn() conn.put(local_full_path, remote_full_path)
[docs] def delete_file(self, path): """ Removes a file on the FTP Server :param path: full path to the remote file :type path: str """ conn = self.get_conn() conn.remove(path)
[docs] def get_mod_time(self, path): conn = self.get_conn() ftp_mdtm = conn.stat(path).st_mtime return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ftp_mdtm).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
[docs] def path_exists(self, path): """ Returns True if a remote entity exists :param path: full path to the remote file or directory :type path: str """ conn = self.get_conn() return conn.exists(path)
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