Source code for airflow.contrib.hooks.gcp_cloud_build_hook

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"""Hook for Google Cloud Build service"""

import time

from googleapiclient.discovery import build

from airflow import AirflowException
from airflow.contrib.hooks.gcp_api_base_hook import GoogleCloudBaseHook

# Time to sleep between active checks of the operation results
# noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs]class CloudBuildHook(GoogleCloudBaseHook): """ Hook for the Google Cloud Build APIs. All the methods in the hook where project_id is used must be called with keyword arguments rather than positional. :param api_version: API version used (for example v1 or v1beta1). :type api_version: str :param gcp_conn_id: The connection ID to use when fetching connection info. :type gcp_conn_id: str :param delegate_to: The account to impersonate, if any. For this to work, the service account making the request must have domain-wide delegation enabled. :type delegate_to: str """
[docs] _conn = None
def __init__(self, api_version="v1", gcp_conn_id="google_cloud_default", delegate_to=None): super(CloudBuildHook, self).__init__(gcp_conn_id, delegate_to) self.api_version = api_version
[docs] def get_conn(self): """ Retrieves the connection to Cloud Functions. :return: Google Cloud Build services object. """ if not self._conn: http_authorized = self._authorize() self._conn = build("cloudbuild", self.api_version, http=http_authorized, cache_discovery=False) return self._conn
[docs] def create_build(self, body, project_id=None): """ Starts a build with the specified configuration. :param body: The request body. See: :type body: dict :param project_id: Optional, Google Cloud Project project_id where the function belongs. If set to None or missing, the default project_id from the GCP connection is used. :type project_id: str :return: None """ service = self.get_conn() # Create build response = ( service.projects() # pylint: disable=no-member .builds() .create(projectId=project_id, body=body) .execute(num_retries=self.num_retries) ) # Wait operation_name = response["name"] self._wait_for_operation_to_complete(operation_name=operation_name) # Get result build_id = response["metadata"]["build"]["id"] result = ( service.projects() # pylint: disable=no-member .builds() .get(projectId=project_id, id=build_id) .execute(num_retries=self.num_retries) ) return result
[docs] def _wait_for_operation_to_complete(self, operation_name): """ Waits for the named operation to complete - checks status of the asynchronous call. :param operation_name: The name of the operation. :type operation_name: str :return: The response returned by the operation. :rtype: dict :exception: AirflowException in case error is returned. """ service = self.get_conn() while True: operation_response = ( # pylint: disable=no-member service.operations().get(name=operation_name).execute(num_retries=self.num_retries) ) if operation_response.get("done"): response = operation_response.get("response") error = operation_response.get("error") # Note, according to documentation always either response or error is # set when "done" == True if error: raise AirflowException(str(error)) return response time.sleep(TIME_TO_SLEEP_IN_SECONDS)
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