Source code for airflow.contrib.hooks.azure_cosmos_hook

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import azure.cosmos.cosmos_client as cosmos_client
from azure.cosmos.errors import HTTPFailure
import uuid

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowBadRequest
from airflow.hooks.base_hook import BaseHook

[docs]class AzureCosmosDBHook(BaseHook): """ Interacts with Azure CosmosDB. login should be the endpoint uri, password should be the master key optionally, you can use the following extras to default these values {"database_name": "<DATABASE_NAME>", "collection_name": "COLLECTION_NAME"}. :param azure_cosmos_conn_id: Reference to the Azure CosmosDB connection. :type azure_cosmos_conn_id: str """ def __init__(self, azure_cosmos_conn_id='azure_cosmos_default'): self.conn_id = azure_cosmos_conn_id self.connection = self.get_connection(self.conn_id) self.extras = self.connection.extra_dejson self.endpoint_uri = self.connection.login self.master_key = self.connection.password self.default_database_name = self.extras.get('database_name') self.default_collection_name = self.extras.get('collection_name') self.cosmos_client = None
[docs] def get_conn(self): """ Return a cosmos db client. """ if self.cosmos_client is not None: return self.cosmos_client # Initialize the Python Azure Cosmos DB client self.cosmos_client = cosmos_client.CosmosClient(self.endpoint_uri, {'masterKey': self.master_key}) return self.cosmos_client
[docs] def __get_database_name(self, database_name=None): db_name = database_name if db_name is None: db_name = self.default_database_name if db_name is None: raise AirflowBadRequest("Database name must be specified") return db_name
[docs] def __get_collection_name(self, collection_name=None): coll_name = collection_name if coll_name is None: coll_name = self.default_collection_name if coll_name is None: raise AirflowBadRequest("Collection name must be specified") return coll_name
[docs] def does_collection_exist(self, collection_name, database_name=None): """ Checks if a collection exists in CosmosDB. """ if collection_name is None: raise AirflowBadRequest("Collection name cannot be None.") existing_container = list(self.get_conn().QueryContainers( get_database_link(self.__get_database_name(database_name)), { "query": "SELECT * FROM r WHERE", "parameters": [ {"name": "@id", "value": collection_name} ] })) if len(existing_container) == 0: return False return True
[docs] def create_collection(self, collection_name, database_name=None): """ Creates a new collection in the CosmosDB database. """ if collection_name is None: raise AirflowBadRequest("Collection name cannot be None.") # We need to check to see if this container already exists so we don't try # to create it twice existing_container = list(self.get_conn().QueryContainers( get_database_link(self.__get_database_name(database_name)), { "query": "SELECT * FROM r WHERE", "parameters": [ {"name": "@id", "value": collection_name} ] })) # Only create if we did not find it already existing if len(existing_container) == 0: self.get_conn().CreateContainer( get_database_link(self.__get_database_name(database_name)), {"id": collection_name})
[docs] def does_database_exist(self, database_name): """ Checks if a database exists in CosmosDB. """ if database_name is None: raise AirflowBadRequest("Database name cannot be None.") existing_database = list(self.get_conn().QueryDatabases({ "query": "SELECT * FROM r WHERE", "parameters": [ {"name": "@id", "value": database_name} ] })) if len(existing_database) == 0: return False return True
[docs] def create_database(self, database_name): """ Creates a new database in CosmosDB. """ if database_name is None: raise AirflowBadRequest("Database name cannot be None.") # We need to check to see if this database already exists so we don't try # to create it twice existing_database = list(self.get_conn().QueryDatabases({ "query": "SELECT * FROM r WHERE", "parameters": [ {"name": "@id", "value": database_name} ] })) # Only create if we did not find it already existing if len(existing_database) == 0: self.get_conn().CreateDatabase({"id": database_name})
[docs] def delete_database(self, database_name): """ Deletes an existing database in CosmosDB. """ if database_name is None: raise AirflowBadRequest("Database name cannot be None.") self.get_conn().DeleteDatabase(get_database_link(database_name))
[docs] def delete_collection(self, collection_name, database_name=None): """ Deletes an existing collection in the CosmosDB database. """ if collection_name is None: raise AirflowBadRequest("Collection name cannot be None.") self.get_conn().DeleteContainer( get_collection_link(self.__get_database_name(database_name), collection_name))
[docs] def upsert_document(self, document, database_name=None, collection_name=None, document_id=None): """ Inserts a new document (or updates an existing one) into an existing collection in the CosmosDB database. """ # Assign unique ID if one isn't provided if document_id is None: document_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) if document is None: raise AirflowBadRequest("You cannot insert a None document") # Add document id if isn't found if 'id' in document: if document['id'] is None: document['id'] = document_id else: document['id'] = document_id created_document = self.get_conn().CreateItem( get_collection_link( self.__get_database_name(database_name), self.__get_collection_name(collection_name)), document) return created_document
[docs] def insert_documents(self, documents, database_name=None, collection_name=None): """ Insert a list of new documents into an existing collection in the CosmosDB database. """ if documents is None: raise AirflowBadRequest("You cannot insert empty documents") created_documents = [] for single_document in documents: created_documents.append( self.get_conn().CreateItem( get_collection_link( self.__get_database_name(database_name), self.__get_collection_name(collection_name)), single_document)) return created_documents
[docs] def delete_document(self, document_id, database_name=None, collection_name=None): """ Delete an existing document out of a collection in the CosmosDB database. """ if document_id is None: raise AirflowBadRequest("Cannot delete a document without an id") self.get_conn().DeleteItem( get_document_link( self.__get_database_name(database_name), self.__get_collection_name(collection_name), document_id))
[docs] def get_document(self, document_id, database_name=None, collection_name=None): """ Get a document from an existing collection in the CosmosDB database. """ if document_id is None: raise AirflowBadRequest("Cannot get a document without an id") try: return self.get_conn().ReadItem( get_document_link( self.__get_database_name(database_name), self.__get_collection_name(collection_name), document_id)) except HTTPFailure: return None
[docs] def get_documents(self, sql_string, database_name=None, collection_name=None, partition_key=None): """ Get a list of documents from an existing collection in the CosmosDB database via SQL query. """ if sql_string is None: raise AirflowBadRequest("SQL query string cannot be None") # Query them in SQL query = {'query': sql_string} try: result_iterable = self.get_conn().QueryItems( get_collection_link( self.__get_database_name(database_name), self.__get_collection_name(collection_name)), query, partition_key) return list(result_iterable) except HTTPFailure: return None
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