:mod:`airflow.operators.subdag_operator` ======================================== .. py:module:: airflow.operators.subdag_operator Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: SubDagOperator(subdag, executor=SequentialExecutor(), *args, **kwargs) Bases: :class:`airflow.models.BaseOperator` This runs a sub dag. By convention, a sub dag's dag_id should be prefixed by its parent and a dot. As in `parent.child`. :param subdag: the DAG object to run as a subdag of the current DAG. :type subdag: airflow.models.DAG :param dag: the parent DAG for the subdag. :type dag: airflow.models.DAG :param executor: the executor for this subdag. Default to use SequentialExecutor. Please find AIRFLOW-74 for more details. :type executor: airflow.executors.base_executor.BaseExecutor .. attribute:: ui_color :annotation: = #555 .. attribute:: ui_fgcolor :annotation: = #fff .. method:: execute(self, context)