:mod:`airflow.contrib.sensors.weekday_sensor` ============================================= .. py:module:: airflow.contrib.sensors.weekday_sensor Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: DayOfWeekSensor(week_day, use_task_execution_day=False, *args, **kwargs) Bases: :class:`airflow.sensors.base_sensor_operator.BaseSensorOperator` Waits until the first specified day of the week. For example, if the execution day of the task is '2018-12-22' (Saturday) and you pass 'FRIDAY', the task will wait until next Friday. **Example** (with single day): :: weekend_check = DayOfWeekSensor( task_id='weekend_check', week_day='Saturday', use_task_execution_day=True, dag=dag) **Example** (with multiple day using set): :: weekend_check = DayOfWeekSensor( task_id='weekend_check', week_day={'Saturday', 'Sunday'}, use_task_execution_day=True, dag=dag) **Example** (with :class:`~airflow.contrib.utils.weekday.WeekDay` enum): :: # import WeekDay Enum from airflow.contrib.utils.weekday import WeekDay weekend_check = DayOfWeekSensor( task_id='weekend_check', week_day={WeekDay.SATURDAY, WeekDay.SUNDAY}, use_task_execution_day=True, dag=dag) :param week_day: Day of the week to check (full name). Optionally, a set of days can also be provided using a set. Example values: * ``"MONDAY"``, * ``{"Saturday", "Sunday"}`` * ``{WeekDay.TUESDAY}`` * ``{WeekDay.SATURDAY, WeekDay.SUNDAY}`` :type week_day: set or str or airflow.contrib.utils.weekday.WeekDay :param use_task_execution_day: If ``True``, uses task's execution day to compare with week_day. Execution Date is Useful for backfilling. If ``False``, uses system's day of the week. Useful when you don't want to run anything on weekdays on the system. :type use_task_execution_day: bool .. method:: poke(self, context)