# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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import sys
import re
from datetime import datetime
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from airflow.utils import apply_defaults
from airflow.contrib.hooks.aws_hook import AwsHook
from airflow.contrib.hooks.aws_logs_hook import AwsLogsHook
[docs]class ECSOperator(BaseOperator):
Execute a task on AWS EC2 Container Service
:param task_definition: the task definition name on EC2 Container Service
:type task_definition: str
:param cluster: the cluster name on EC2 Container Service
:type cluster: str
:param overrides: the same parameter that boto3 will receive (templated):
:type overrides: dict
:param aws_conn_id: connection id of AWS credentials / region name. If None,
credential boto3 strategy will be used
:type aws_conn_id: str
:param region_name: region name to use in AWS Hook.
Override the region_name in connection (if provided)
:type region_name: str
:param launch_type: the launch type on which to run your task ('EC2' or 'FARGATE')
:type launch_type: str
:param group: the name of the task group associated with the task
:type group: str
:param placement_constraints: an array of placement constraint objects to use for
the task
:type placement_constraints: list
:param platform_version: the platform version on which your task is running
:type platform_version: str
:param network_configuration: the network configuration for the task
:type network_configuration: dict
:param awslogs_group: the CloudWatch group where your ECS container logs are stored.
Only required if you want logs to be shown in the Airflow UI after your job has
:type awslogs_group: str
:param awslogs_region: the region in which your CloudWatch logs are stored.
If None, this is the same as the `region_name` parameter. If that is also None,
this is the default AWS region based on your connection settings.
:type awslogs_region: str
:param awslogs_stream_prefix: the stream prefix that is used for the CloudWatch logs.
This is usually based on some custom name combined with the name of the container.
Only required if you want logs to be shown in the Airflow UI after your job has
:type awslogs_stream_prefix: str
[docs] template_fields = ('overrides',)
def __init__(self, task_definition, cluster, overrides,
aws_conn_id=None, region_name=None, launch_type='EC2',
group=None, placement_constraints=None, platform_version='LATEST',
network_configuration=None, awslogs_group=None,
awslogs_region=None, awslogs_stream_prefix=None, **kwargs):
super(ECSOperator, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.aws_conn_id = aws_conn_id
self.region_name = region_name
self.task_definition = task_definition
self.cluster = cluster
self.overrides = overrides
self.launch_type = launch_type
self.group = group
self.placement_constraints = placement_constraints
self.platform_version = platform_version
self.network_configuration = network_configuration
self.awslogs_group = awslogs_group
self.awslogs_stream_prefix = awslogs_stream_prefix
self.awslogs_region = awslogs_region
if self.awslogs_region is None:
self.awslogs_region = region_name
self.hook = self.get_hook()
[docs] def execute(self, context):
'Running ECS Task - Task definition: %s - on cluster %s',
self.task_definition, self.cluster
self.log.info('ECSOperator overrides: %s', self.overrides)
self.client = self.hook.get_client_type(
run_opts = {
'cluster': self.cluster,
'taskDefinition': self.task_definition,
'overrides': self.overrides,
'startedBy': self.owner,
'launchType': self.launch_type,
if self.launch_type == 'FARGATE':
run_opts['platformVersion'] = self.platform_version
if self.group is not None:
run_opts['group'] = self.group
if self.placement_constraints is not None:
run_opts['placementConstraints'] = self.placement_constraints
if self.network_configuration is not None:
run_opts['networkConfiguration'] = self.network_configuration
response = self.client.run_task(**run_opts)
failures = response['failures']
if len(failures) > 0:
raise AirflowException(response)
self.log.info('ECS Task started: %s', response)
self.arn = response['tasks'][0]['taskArn']
self.log.info('ECS Task has been successfully executed: %s', response)
[docs] def _wait_for_task_ended(self):
waiter = self.client.get_waiter('tasks_stopped')
waiter.config.max_attempts = sys.maxsize # timeout is managed by airflow
[docs] def _check_success_task(self):
response = self.client.describe_tasks(
self.log.info('ECS Task stopped, check status: %s', response)
# Get logs from CloudWatch if the awslogs log driver was used
if self.awslogs_group and self.awslogs_stream_prefix:
self.log.info('ECS Task logs output:')
task_id = self.arn.split("/")[-1]
stream_name = "{}/{}".format(self.awslogs_stream_prefix, task_id)
for event in self.get_logs_hook().get_log_events(self.awslogs_group, stream_name):
dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(event['timestamp'] / 1000.0)
self.log.info("[{}] {}".format(dt.isoformat(), event['message']))
if len(response.get('failures', [])) > 0:
raise AirflowException(response)
for task in response['tasks']:
# This is a `stoppedReason` that indicates a task has not
# successfully finished, but there is no other indication of failure
# in the response.
# See, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/stopped-task-errors.html # noqa E501
if re.match(r'Host EC2 \(instance .+?\) (stopped|terminated)\.',
task.get('stoppedReason', '')):
raise AirflowException(
'The task was stopped because the host instance terminated: {}'.
format(task.get('stoppedReason', '')))
containers = task['containers']
for container in containers:
if container.get('lastStatus') == 'STOPPED' and \
container['exitCode'] != 0:
raise AirflowException(
'This task is not in success state {}'.format(task))
elif container.get('lastStatus') == 'PENDING':
raise AirflowException('This task is still pending {}'.format(task))
elif 'error' in container.get('reason', '').lower():
raise AirflowException(
'This containers encounter an error during launching : {}'.
format(container.get('reason', '').lower()))
[docs] def get_hook(self):
return AwsHook(
[docs] def get_logs_hook(self):
return AwsLogsHook(
[docs] def on_kill(self):
response = self.client.stop_task(
reason='Task killed by the user')