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import base64
from airflow.contrib.hooks.gcp_api_base_hook import GoogleCloudBaseHook
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
[docs]def _b64encode(s):
""" Base 64 encodes a bytes object to a string """
return base64.b64encode(s).decode('ascii')
[docs]def _b64decode(s):
""" Base 64 decodes a string to bytes. """
return base64.b64decode(s.encode('utf-8'))
[docs]class GoogleCloudKMSHook(GoogleCloudBaseHook):
Interact with Google Cloud KMS. This hook uses the Google Cloud Platform
def __init__(self, gcp_conn_id='google_cloud_default', delegate_to=None):
super(GoogleCloudKMSHook, self).__init__(gcp_conn_id, delegate_to=delegate_to)
[docs] def get_conn(self):
Returns a KMS service object.
:rtype: googleapiclient.discovery.Resource
http_authorized = self._authorize()
return build(
'cloudkms', 'v1', http=http_authorized, cache_discovery=False)
[docs] def encrypt(self, key_name, plaintext, authenticated_data=None):
Encrypts a plaintext message using Google Cloud KMS.
:param key_name: The Resource Name for the key (or key version)
to be used for encyption. Of the form
:type key_name: str
:param plaintext: The message to be encrypted.
:type plaintext: bytes
:param authenticated_data: Optional additional authenticated data that
must also be provided to decrypt the message.
:type authenticated_data: bytes
:return: The base 64 encoded ciphertext of the original message.
:rtype: str
keys = self.get_conn().projects().locations().keyRings().cryptoKeys()
body = {'plaintext': _b64encode(plaintext)}
if authenticated_data:
body['additionalAuthenticatedData'] = _b64encode(authenticated_data)
request = keys.encrypt(name=key_name, body=body)
response = request.execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)
ciphertext = response['ciphertext']
return ciphertext
[docs] def decrypt(self, key_name, ciphertext, authenticated_data=None):
Decrypts a ciphertext message using Google Cloud KMS.
:param key_name: The Resource Name for the key to be used for decyption.
Of the form ``projects/*/locations/*/keyRings/*/cryptoKeys/**``
:type key_name: str
:param ciphertext: The message to be decrypted.
:type ciphertext: str
:param authenticated_data: Any additional authenticated data that was
provided when encrypting the message.
:type authenticated_data: bytes
:return: The original message.
:rtype: bytes
keys = self.get_conn().projects().locations().keyRings().cryptoKeys()
body = {'ciphertext': ciphertext}
if authenticated_data:
body['additionalAuthenticatedData'] = _b64encode(authenticated_data)
request = keys.decrypt(name=key_name, body=body)
response = request.execute(num_retries=self.num_retries)
plaintext = _b64decode(response['plaintext'])
return plaintext