:mod:`airflow.operators.hive_to_druid` ====================================== .. py:module:: airflow.operators.hive_to_druid Module Contents --------------- .. data:: LOAD_CHECK_INTERVAL :annotation: = 5 .. data:: DEFAULT_TARGET_PARTITION_SIZE :annotation: = 5000000 .. py:class:: HiveToDruidTransfer(sql, druid_datasource, ts_dim, metric_spec=None, hive_cli_conn_id='hive_cli_default', druid_ingest_conn_id='druid_ingest_default', metastore_conn_id='metastore_default', hadoop_dependency_coordinates=None, intervals=None, num_shards=-1, target_partition_size=-1, query_granularity='NONE', segment_granularity='DAY', hive_tblproperties=None, job_properties=None, *args, **kwargs) Bases: :class:`airflow.models.BaseOperator` Moves data from Hive to Druid, [del]note that for now the data is loaded into memory before being pushed to Druid, so this operator should be used for smallish amount of data.[/del] :param sql: SQL query to execute against the Druid database. (templated) :type sql: str :param druid_datasource: the datasource you want to ingest into in druid :type druid_datasource: str :param ts_dim: the timestamp dimension :type ts_dim: str :param metric_spec: the metrics you want to define for your data :type metric_spec: list :param hive_cli_conn_id: the hive connection id :type hive_cli_conn_id: str :param druid_ingest_conn_id: the druid ingest connection id :type druid_ingest_conn_id: str :param metastore_conn_id: the metastore connection id :type metastore_conn_id: str :param hadoop_dependency_coordinates: list of coordinates to squeeze int the ingest json :type hadoop_dependency_coordinates: list[str] :param intervals: list of time intervals that defines segments, this is passed as is to the json object. (templated) :type intervals: list :param hive_tblproperties: additional properties for tblproperties in hive for the staging table :type hive_tblproperties: dict :param job_properties: additional properties for job :type job_properties: dict .. attribute:: template_fields :annotation: = ['sql', 'intervals'] .. attribute:: template_ext :annotation: = ['.sql'] .. method:: execute(self, context) .. method:: construct_ingest_query(self, static_path, columns) Builds an ingest query for an HDFS TSV load. :param static_path: The path on hdfs where the data is :type static_path: str :param columns: List of all the columns that are available :type columns: list