:mod:`airflow.hooks.zendesk_hook` ================================= .. py:module:: airflow.hooks.zendesk_hook Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: ZendeskHook(zendesk_conn_id) Bases: :class:`airflow.hooks.base_hook.BaseHook` A hook to talk to Zendesk .. method:: get_conn(self) .. method:: __handle_rate_limit_exception(self, rate_limit_exception) Sleep for the time specified in the exception. If not specified, wait for 60 seconds. .. method:: call(self, path, query=None, get_all_pages=True, side_loading=False) Call Zendesk API and return results :param path: The Zendesk API to call :param query: Query parameters :param get_all_pages: Accumulate results over all pages before returning. Due to strict rate limiting, this can often timeout. Waits for recommended period between tries after a timeout. :param side_loading: Retrieve related records as part of a single request. In order to enable side-loading, add an 'include' query parameter containing a comma-separated list of resources to load. For more information on side-loading see https://developer.zendesk.com/rest_api/docs/core/side_loading