:mod:`airflow.contrib.hooks.dingding_hook` ========================================== .. py:module:: airflow.contrib.hooks.dingding_hook Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: DingdingHook(dingding_conn_id='dingding_default', message_type='text', message=None, at_mobiles=None, at_all=False, *args, **kwargs) Bases: :class:`airflow.hooks.http_hook.HttpHook` This hook allows you send Dingding message using Dingding custom bot. Get Dingding token from conn_id.password. And prefer set domain to conn_id.host, if not will use default ``https://oapi.dingtalk.com``. For more detail message in `Dingding custom bot `_ :param dingding_conn_id: The name of the Dingding connection to use :type dingding_conn_id: str :param message_type: Message type you want to send to Dingding, support five type so far including text, link, markdown, actionCard, feedCard :type message_type: str :param message: The message send to Dingding chat group :type message: str or dict :param at_mobiles: Remind specific users with this message :type at_mobiles: list[str] :param at_all: Remind all people in group or not. If True, will overwrite ``at_mobiles`` :type at_all: bool .. method:: _get_endpoint(self) Get Dingding endpoint for sending message. .. method:: _build_message(self) Build different type of Dingding message As most commonly used type, text message just need post message content rather than a dict like ``{'content': 'message'}`` .. method:: get_conn(self, headers=None) Overwrite HttpHook get_conn because just need base_url and headers and not don't need generic params :param headers: additional headers to be passed through as a dictionary :type headers: dict .. method:: send(self) Send Dingding message