
Module Contents

class airflow.hooks.oracle_hook.OracleHook[source]

Bases: airflow.hooks.dbapi_hook.DbApiHook

Interact with Oracle SQL.

conn_name_attr = oracle_conn_id[source]
default_conn_name = oracle_default[source]
supports_autocommit = False[source]

Returns a oracle connection object Optional parameters for using a custom DSN connection (instead of using a server alias from tnsnames.ora) The dsn (data source name) is the TNS entry (from the Oracle names server or tnsnames.ora file) or is a string like the one returned from makedsn().

  • dsn – the host address for the Oracle server

  • service_name – the db_unique_name of the database that you are connecting to (CONNECT_DATA part of TNS)

You can set these parameters in the extra fields of your connection as in { "dsn":"" , "service_name":"" } see more param detail in cx_Oracle.connect

insert_rows(self, table, rows, target_fields=None, commit_every=1000)[source]

A generic way to insert a set of tuples into a table, the whole set of inserts is treated as one transaction Changes from standard DbApiHook implementation:

  • Oracle SQL queries in cx_Oracle can not be terminated with a semicolon (;)

  • Replace NaN values with NULL using numpy.nan_to_num (not using is_nan() because of input types error for strings)

  • Coerce datetime cells to Oracle DATETIME format during insert

  • table (str) – target Oracle table, use dot notation to target a specific database

  • rows (iterable of tuples) – the rows to insert into the table

  • target_fields (iterable of str) – the names of the columns to fill in the table

  • commit_every (int) – the maximum number of rows to insert in one transaction Default 1000, Set greater than 0. Set 1 to insert each row in each single transaction

bulk_insert_rows(self, table, rows, target_fields=None, commit_every=5000)[source]

A performant bulk insert for cx_Oracle that uses prepared statements via executemany(). For best performance, pass in rows as an iterator.

  • table (str) – target Oracle table, use dot notation to target a specific database

  • rows (iterable of tuples) – the rows to insert into the table

  • target_fields (iterable of str Or None) – the names of the columns to fill in the table, default None. If None, each rows should have some order as table columns name

  • commit_every (int) – the maximum number of rows to insert in one transaction Default 5000. Set greater than 0. Set 1 to insert each row in each transaction