# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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import MySQLdb
import MySQLdb.cursors
import json
import six
from airflow.hooks.dbapi_hook import DbApiHook
[docs]class MySqlHook(DbApiHook):
Interact with MySQL.
You can specify charset in the extra field of your connection
as ``{"charset": "utf8"}``. Also you can choose cursor as
``{"cursor": "SSCursor"}``. Refer to the MySQLdb.cursors for more details.
conn_name_attr = 'mysql_conn_id'
default_conn_name = 'mysql_default'
supports_autocommit = True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MySqlHook, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.schema = kwargs.pop("schema", None)
[docs] def set_autocommit(self, conn, autocommit):
MySql connection sets autocommit in a different way.
[docs] def get_autocommit(self, conn):
MySql connection gets autocommit in a different way.
:param conn: connection to get autocommit setting from.
:type conn: connection object.
:return: connection autocommit setting
:rtype bool
return conn.get_autocommit()
[docs] def get_conn(self):
Returns a mysql connection object
conn = self.get_connection(self.mysql_conn_id)
conn_config = {
"user": conn.login,
"passwd": conn.password or '',
"host": conn.host or 'localhost',
"db": self.schema or conn.schema or ''
if not conn.port:
conn_config["port"] = 3306
conn_config["port"] = int(conn.port)
if conn.extra_dejson.get('charset', False):
conn_config["charset"] = conn.extra_dejson["charset"]
if (conn_config["charset"]).lower() == 'utf8' or\
(conn_config["charset"]).lower() == 'utf-8':
conn_config["use_unicode"] = True
if conn.extra_dejson.get('cursor', False):
if (conn.extra_dejson["cursor"]).lower() == 'sscursor':
conn_config["cursorclass"] = MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor
elif (conn.extra_dejson["cursor"]).lower() == 'dictcursor':
conn_config["cursorclass"] = MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor
elif (conn.extra_dejson["cursor"]).lower() == 'ssdictcursor':
conn_config["cursorclass"] = MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor
local_infile = conn.extra_dejson.get('local_infile', False)
if conn.extra_dejson.get('ssl', False):
# SSL parameter for MySQL has to be a dictionary and in case
# of extra/dejson we can get string if extra is passed via
# URL parameters
dejson_ssl = conn.extra_dejson['ssl']
if isinstance(dejson_ssl, six.string_types):
dejson_ssl = json.loads(dejson_ssl)
conn_config['ssl'] = dejson_ssl
if conn.extra_dejson.get('unix_socket'):
conn_config['unix_socket'] = conn.extra_dejson['unix_socket']
if local_infile:
conn_config["local_infile"] = 1
conn = MySQLdb.connect(**conn_config)
return conn
[docs] def bulk_load(self, table, tmp_file):
Loads a tab-delimited file into a database table
conn = self.get_conn()
cur = conn.cursor()
INTO TABLE {table}
[docs] def bulk_dump(self, table, tmp_file):
Dumps a database table into a tab-delimited file
conn = self.get_conn()
cur = conn.cursor()
SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '{tmp_file}'
FROM {table}
def _serialize_cell(cell, conn):
MySQLdb converts an argument to a literal
when passing those separately to execute. Hence, this method does nothing.
:param cell: The cell to insert into the table
:type cell: object
:param conn: The database connection
:type conn: connection object
:return: The same cell
:rtype: object
return cell