Source code for airflow.contrib.hooks.qubole_hook

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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import os
import time
import datetime
import six

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.hooks.base_hook import BaseHook
from airflow import configuration
from airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin import LoggingMixin
from airflow.utils.state import State

from qds_sdk.qubole import Qubole
from qds_sdk.commands import Command, HiveCommand, PrestoCommand, HadoopCommand, \
    PigCommand, ShellCommand, SparkCommand, DbTapQueryCommand, DbExportCommand, \

    "hivecmd": HiveCommand,
    "prestocmd": PrestoCommand,
    "hadoopcmd": HadoopCommand,
    "shellcmd": ShellCommand,
    "pigcmd": PigCommand,
    "sparkcmd": SparkCommand,
    "dbtapquerycmd": DbTapQueryCommand,
    "dbexportcmd": DbExportCommand,
    "dbimportcmd": DbImportCommand

HYPHEN_ARGS = ['cluster_label', 'app_id', 'note_id']

POSITIONAL_ARGS = ['sub_command', 'parameters']

    "hivecmd": ['query', 'script_location', 'macros', 'tags', 'sample_size',
                'cluster_label', 'name'],
    'prestocmd': ['query', 'script_location', 'macros', 'tags', 'cluster_label', 'name'],
    'hadoopcmd': ['sub_command', 'tags', 'cluster_label', 'name'],
    'shellcmd': ['script', 'script_location', 'files', 'archives', 'parameters', 'tags',
                 'cluster_label', 'name'],
    'pigcmd': ['script', 'script_location', 'parameters', 'tags', 'cluster_label',
    'dbtapquerycmd': ['db_tap_id', 'query', 'macros', 'tags', 'name'],
    'sparkcmd': ['program', 'cmdline', 'sql', 'script_location', 'macros', 'tags',
                 'cluster_label', 'language', 'app_id', 'name', 'arguments', 'note_id',
    'dbexportcmd': ['mode', 'hive_table', 'partition_spec', 'dbtap_id', 'db_table',
                    'db_update_mode', 'db_update_keys', 'export_dir',
                    'fields_terminated_by', 'tags', 'name'],
    'dbimportcmd': ['mode', 'hive_table', 'dbtap_id', 'db_table', 'where_clause',
                    'parallelism', 'extract_query', 'boundary_query', 'split_column',
                    'tags', 'name']

[docs]class QuboleHook(BaseHook, LoggingMixin): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): conn = self.get_connection(kwargs['qubole_conn_id']) Qubole.configure(api_token=conn.password, self.task_id = kwargs['task_id'] self.dag_id = kwargs['dag'].dag_id self.kwargs = kwargs self.cls = COMMAND_CLASSES[self.kwargs['command_type']] self.cmd = None @staticmethod def handle_failure_retry(context): ti = context['ti'] cmd_id = ti.xcom_pull(key='qbol_cmd_id', task_ids=ti.task_id) if cmd_id is not None: cmd = Command.find(cmd_id) if cmd is not None: log = LoggingMixin().log if cmd.status == 'done':'Command ID: %s has been succeeded, hence marking this ' 'TI as Success.', cmd_id) ti.state = State.SUCCESS elif cmd.status == 'running':'Cancelling the Qubole Command Id: %s', cmd_id) cmd.cancel() def execute(self, context): args = self.cls.parse(self.create_cmd_args(context)) self.cmd = self.cls.create(**args) context['task_instance'].xcom_push(key='qbol_cmd_id', "Qubole command created with Id: %s and Status: %s",, self.cmd.status ) while not Command.is_done(self.cmd.status): time.sleep(Qubole.poll_interval) self.cmd = self.cls.find("Command Id: %s and Status: %s",, self.cmd.status) if 'fetch_logs' in self.kwargs and self.kwargs['fetch_logs'] is True:"Logs for Command Id: %s \n%s",, self.cmd.get_log()) if self.cmd.status != 'done': raise AirflowException('Command Id: {0} failed with Status: {1}'.format(, self.cmd.status))
[docs] def kill(self, ti): """ Kill (cancel) a Qubole command :param ti: Task Instance of the dag, used to determine the Quboles command id :return: response from Qubole """ if self.cmd is None: cmd_id = ti.xcom_pull(key="qbol_cmd_id", task_ids=ti.task_id) self.cmd = self.cls.find(cmd_id) if self.cls and self.cmd:'Sending KILL signal to Qubole Command Id: %s', self.cmd.cancel()
[docs] def get_results(self, ti=None, fp=None, inline=True, delim=None, fetch=True): """ Get results (or just s3 locations) of a command from Qubole and save into a file :param ti: Task Instance of the dag, used to determine the Quboles command id :param fp: Optional file pointer, will create one and return if None passed :param inline: True to download actual results, False to get s3 locations only :param delim: Replaces the CTL-A chars with the given delim, defaults to ',' :param fetch: when inline is True, get results directly from s3 (if large) :return: file location containing actual results or s3 locations of results """ if fp is None: iso = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() logpath = os.path.expanduser( configuration.conf.get('core', 'BASE_LOG_FOLDER') ) resultpath = logpath + '/' + self.dag_id + '/' + self.task_id + '/results' configuration.mkdir_p(resultpath) fp = open(resultpath + '/' + iso, 'wb') if self.cmd is None: cmd_id = ti.xcom_pull(key="qbol_cmd_id", task_ids=self.task_id) self.cmd = self.cls.find(cmd_id) self.cmd.get_results(fp, inline, delim, fetch) fp.flush() fp.close() return
[docs] def get_log(self, ti): """ Get Logs of a command from Qubole :param ti: Task Instance of the dag, used to determine the Quboles command id :return: command log as text """ if self.cmd is None: cmd_id = ti.xcom_pull(key="qbol_cmd_id", task_ids=self.task_id) Command.get_log_id(self.cls, cmd_id)
[docs] def get_jobs_id(self, ti): """ Get jobs associated with a Qubole commands :param ti: Task Instance of the dag, used to determine the Quboles command id :return: Job informations assoiciated with command """ if self.cmd is None: cmd_id = ti.xcom_pull(key="qbol_cmd_id", task_ids=self.task_id) Command.get_jobs_id(self.cls, cmd_id)
def create_cmd_args(self, context): args = [] cmd_type = self.kwargs['command_type'] inplace_args = None tags = set([self.dag_id, self.task_id, context['run_id']]) for k, v in self.kwargs.items(): if k in COMMAND_ARGS[cmd_type]: if k in HYPHEN_ARGS: args.append("--{0}={1}".format(k.replace('_', '-'), v)) elif k in POSITIONAL_ARGS: inplace_args = v elif k == 'tags': if isinstance(v, six.string_types): tags.add(v) elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): for val in v: tags.add(val) else: args.append("--{0}={1}".format(k, v)) if k == 'notify' and v is True: args.append("--notify") args.append("--tags={0}".format(','.join(filter(None, tags)))) if inplace_args is not None: args += inplace_args.split(' ') return args