:mod:`airflow.contrib.operators.kubernetes_pod_operator` ======================================================== .. py:module:: airflow.contrib.operators.kubernetes_pod_operator Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: KubernetesPodOperator(namespace, image, name, cmds=None, arguments=None, ports=None, volume_mounts=None, volumes=None, env_vars=None, secrets=None, in_cluster=False, cluster_context=None, labels=None, startup_timeout_seconds=120, get_logs=True, image_pull_policy='IfNotPresent', annotations=None, resources=None, affinity=None, config_file=None, xcom_push=False, node_selectors=None, image_pull_secrets=None, service_account_name='default', is_delete_operator_pod=False, hostnetwork=False, tolerations=None, configmaps=None, security_context=None, pod_runtime_info_envs=None, dnspolicy=None, *args, **kwargs) Bases: :class:`airflow.models.BaseOperator` Execute a task in a Kubernetes Pod :param image: Docker image you wish to launch. Defaults to dockerhub.io, but fully qualified URLS will point to custom repositories :type image: str :param namespace: the namespace to run within kubernetes :type namespace: str :param cmds: entrypoint of the container. (templated) The docker images's entrypoint is used if this is not provide. :type cmds: list[str] :param arguments: arguments of the entrypoint. (templated) The docker image's CMD is used if this is not provided. :type arguments: list[str] :param image_pull_policy: Specify a policy to cache or always pull an image :type image_pull_policy: str :param image_pull_secrets: Any image pull secrets to be given to the pod. If more than one secret is required, provide a comma separated list: secret_a,secret_b :type image_pull_secrets: str :param ports: ports for launched pod :type ports: list[airflow.contrib.kubernetes.pod.Port] :param volume_mounts: volumeMounts for launched pod :type volume_mounts: list[airflow.contrib.kubernetes.volume_mount.VolumeMount] :param volumes: volumes for launched pod. Includes ConfigMaps and PersistentVolumes :type volumes: list[airflow.contrib.kubernetes.volume.Volume] :param labels: labels to apply to the Pod :type labels: dict :param startup_timeout_seconds: timeout in seconds to startup the pod :type startup_timeout_seconds: int :param name: name of the task you want to run, will be used to generate a pod id :type name: str :param env_vars: Environment variables initialized in the container. (templated) :type env_vars: dict :param secrets: Kubernetes secrets to inject in the container, They can be exposed as environment vars or files in a volume. :type secrets: list[airflow.contrib.kubernetes.secret.Secret] :param in_cluster: run kubernetes client with in_cluster configuration :type in_cluster: bool :param cluster_context: context that points to kubernetes cluster. Ignored when in_cluster is True. If None, current-context is used. :type cluster_context: str :param get_logs: get the stdout of the container as logs of the tasks :type get_logs: bool :param annotations: non-identifying metadata you can attach to the Pod. Can be a large range of data, and can include characters that are not permitted by labels. :type annotations: dict :param resources: A dict containing a group of resources requests and limits :type resources: dict :param affinity: A dict containing a group of affinity scheduling rules :type affinity: dict :param node_selectors: A dict containing a group of scheduling rules :type node_selectors: dict :param config_file: The path to the Kubernetes config file :type config_file: str :param xcom_push: If xcom_push is True, the content of the file /airflow/xcom/return.json in the container will also be pushed to an XCom when the container completes. :type xcom_push: bool :param is_delete_operator_pod: What to do when the pod reaches its final state, or the execution is interrupted. If False (default): do nothing, If True: delete the pod :type is_delete_operator_pod: bool :param hostnetwork: If True enable host networking on the pod :type hostnetwork: bool :param tolerations: A list of kubernetes tolerations :type tolerations: list tolerations :param configmaps: A list of configmap names objects that we want mount as env variables :type configmaps: list[str] :param pod_runtime_info_envs: environment variables about pod runtime information (ip, namespace, nodeName, podName) :type pod_runtime_info_envs: list[PodRuntimeEnv] :param dnspolicy: Specify a dnspolicy for the pod :type dnspolicy: str .. attribute:: template_fields :annotation: = ['cmds', 'arguments', 'env_vars', 'config_file'] .. method:: execute(self, context) .. method:: _set_resources(self, resources)